College: Girl who said rape left her "scarred" had sex 10 days later

We dont know if she got those bruises from Kobe or the bell boy 15 minutes later. Insecure little white boys make all kinds of excuses for why white women go after Black men. I think the one you just offered was the funniest. If the Klan was so right they would brave enough to not wear clown suits to hide themselves. Theyre pussies just like you.

"The only thing thats deep is how deep I got into those white girl guts after fake breaking in". -Asslips-

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That must have really hurt your feelings? :laugh:
We dont know if she got those bruises from Kobe or the bell boy 15 minutes later. Insecure little white boys make all kinds of excuses for why white women go after Black men. I think the one you just offered was the funniest. If the Klan was so right they would brave enough to not wear clown suits to hide themselves. Theyre pussies just like you.

Klan wore sheets to mask their identity to the law, not the trash they removed from their community.
We dont know if she got those bruises from Kobe or the bell boy 15 minutes later. Insecure little white boys make all kinds of excuses for why white women go after Black men. I think the one you just offered was the funniest. If the Klan was so right they would brave enough to not wear clown suits to hide themselves. Theyre pussies just like you.

Klan wore sheets to mask their identity to the law, not the trash they removed from their community.
Bullshit. Klan was the law. They were just pussies like you.
That must have really hurt your feelings? :laugh:

Hardly...just showed what you'd do if you thought there was a white girl who wouldn't beat the living shit out of you, boy.
Stop lying white boy. You hate that I banged out all those white girls you never had a chance with.

You're just like those mass murderers that kill people because Black guys get your women.

See the difference is we dont have to rape them. They give it up willingly.
Stop lying white boy. You hate that I banged out all those white girls you never had a chance with.

You're just like those mass murderers that kill people because Black guys get your women.
See the difference is we dont have to rape them. They give it up willingly.

You've never had sex with a woman much less a white woman.
Stop lying white boy. You hate that I banged out all those white girls you never had a chance with.

You're just like those mass murderers that kill people because Black guys get your women.
See the difference is we dont have to rape them. They give it up willingly.

You've never had sex with a woman much less a white woman.
Actually I have had more booty calls with white women than any other race. White women love booty calls.

From a porn site....I'd report ya but I ain't a snitch like you are.
How do you know its from a porn site? Is it one of your favorites since no woman would touch you?

Actually its from tumblr
In a move that's driving liberal radfems nuts, a college is asking a girl who said she was in extreme pain for 30 days after being "raped" by a male student to explain how she had sex 10 days after allegedly losing her virginity and being "scarred". Liberals are flipping out because they argue that if a woman says she is a virgin then she is a virgin, period, and false testimony is not a thing.
See Wesleyan College's request for the girl's sexual history.
You do know that rape isn't about sex, right?
That's a liberal lie. To the Rapist it's all about the sex.
In a move that's driving liberal radfems nuts, a college is asking a girl who said she was in extreme pain for 30 days after being "raped" by a male student to explain how she had sex 10 days after allegedly losing her virginity and being "scarred". Liberals are flipping out because they argue that if a woman says she is a virgin then she is a virgin, period, and false testimony is not a thing.
See Wesleyan College's request for the girl's sexual history.
You do know that rape isn't about sex, right?
That's a liberal lie. To the Rapist it's all about the sex.
Rape is only about sex if you are one of those people that want to keep women in chastity belts and burkas. Rape is about power and control. Thats why prisoners do it to each other.
It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
In a move that's driving liberal radfems nuts, a college is asking a girl who said she was in extreme pain for 30 days after being "raped" by a male student to explain how she had sex 10 days after allegedly losing her virginity and being "scarred". Liberals are flipping out because they argue that if a woman says she is a virgin then she is a virgin, period, and false testimony is not a thing.
See Wesleyan College's request for the girl's sexual history.
You do know that rape isn't about sex, right?
That's a liberal lie. To the Rapist it's all about the sex.
Rape is only about sex if you are one of those people that want to keep women in chastity belts and burkas. Rape is about power and control. Thats why prisoners do it to each other.
No, they do it to get a nut.
In a move that's driving liberal radfems nuts, a college is asking a girl who said she was in extreme pain for 30 days after being "raped" by a male student to explain how she had sex 10 days after allegedly losing her virginity and being "scarred". Liberals are flipping out because they argue that if a woman says she is a virgin then she is a virgin, period, and false testimony is not a thing.
See Wesleyan College's request for the girl's sexual history.
You do know that rape isn't about sex, right?
That's a liberal lie. To the Rapist it's all about the sex.
Rape is only about sex if you are one of those people that want to keep women in chastity belts and burkas. Rape is about power and control. Thats why prisoners do it to each other.
No, they do it to get a nut.
Having that power makes them get a nut.
It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
That's forcible rape. Not all rape is forcible.
Such as? You do realize implied harm is forcible right?
I'm not going to give you a legal education but there are different classifications for rape including forcible and non forcible rape.

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