College: Girl who said rape left her "scarred" had sex 10 days later

It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
How do you know what rape is about?
I know because I can think.
It's been awhile since I last had sex. If I raped someone it will be because I'm frustrated and horny. But I worry about consequences of action to myself and to the girl therefore I chose not to rape. If I did it it would not be about power.
You just admitted it was about power. You just dont have enough power to get away with raping someone.
That's some twisted logic.
I agree. Saying something is about sex after spelling it out that its about power is illogical. The problem is that you are afraid of the consequences your limited power cannot protect you from.
I think it kind of inheriently /has/ to be about power, I mean you're /forcing/ someone to do something against their will right?

Except... well those that change their minds after, but I think they call that lying heh
Meh. It is where the pendulum has swung. These days a woman can destroy a man by the mere suggestion that he had sex with her without consent even if the event never occurred. It is insane that the accusation is rarely challenged and nothing happens if it were utterly false. It is also hard to prove though and true rapists tend to commit many rapes before being stopped.

This is now though. Go back 50 years and men used to be able to openly rape a woman and nothing would have happened to the man at all - even legally accepted in marriage until around 60 years ago. Does this suck for men right now? Yes but the reality is that is pretty rare to be falsely accused (most people are never accused and many that are could have avoided it by not fucking crazy people). You have control over who you fuck and can protect yourself by only having sex with those that you trust - this SHOULD go without saying - and it is certainly better than what we had 60 years ago.

It's not that rare. Even Donald Trump's ex-wife Ivana used “rape” to describe an incident between them in 1989.

Ivana Trump later said she felt “violated” by the experience. Her assertion of “rape” came in a deposition—part of the early ’90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump.

Ivana Trump recently recanted assertion of “rape” during their divorce saying her ex-husband would make an “incredible” president.
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