College: Girl who said rape left her "scarred" had sex 10 days later

It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
That's forcible rape. Not all rape is forcible.
Such as? You do realize implied harm is forcible right?
I'm not going to give you a legal education but there are different classifications for rape including forcible and non forcible rape.
I already knew you couldnt give me an example let alone a legal education. Rape and statutory rape is not the same thing. Dont try to add on words to the original point.
In a move that's driving liberal radfems nuts, a college is asking a girl who said she was in extreme pain for 30 days after being "raped" by a male student to explain how she had sex 10 days after allegedly losing her virginity and being "scarred". Liberals are flipping out because they argue that if a woman says she is a virgin then she is a virgin, period, and false testimony is not a thing.
See Wesleyan College's request for the girl's sexual history.
You do know that rape isn't about sex, right?
That's a liberal lie. To the Rapist it's all about the sex.
Rape is only about sex if you are one of those people that want to keep women in chastity belts and burkas. Rape is about power and control. Thats why prisoners do it to each other.

We can agree on some shit
It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
That's forcible rape. Not all rape is forcible.
Such as? You do realize implied harm is forcible right?
I'm not going to give you a legal education but there are different classifications for rape including forcible and non forcible rape.
I already knew you couldnt give me an example let alone a legal education. Rape and statutory rape is not the same thing. Dont try to add on words to the original point.

You added statutory rape. I didn't. Look it up. Start with the difference between first and second degree rape.
In a move that's driving liberal radfems nuts, a college is asking a girl who said she was in extreme pain for 30 days after being "raped" by a male student to explain how she had sex 10 days after allegedly losing her virginity and being "scarred". Liberals are flipping out because they argue that if a woman says she is a virgin then she is a virgin, period, and false testimony is not a thing.
See Wesleyan College's request for the girl's sexual history.
You do know that rape isn't about sex, right?
That's a liberal lie. To the Rapist it's all about the sex.
Rape is only about sex if you are one of those people that want to keep women in chastity belts and burkas. Rape is about power and control. Thats why prisoners do it to each other.

We can agree on some shit
Pretty much anyone can agree on some shit.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
That's forcible rape. Not all rape is forcible.
Such as? You do realize implied harm is forcible right?
I'm not going to give you a legal education but there are different classifications for rape including forcible and non forcible rape.
I already knew you couldnt give me an example let alone a legal education. Rape and statutory rape is not the same thing. Dont try to add on words to the original point.

You added statutory rape. I didn't. Look it up. Start with the difference between first and second degree rape.
First and second degree is an adjective. Stop adding words.
It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
That's forcible rape. Not all rape is forcible.
Such as? You do realize implied harm is forcible right?
I'm not going to give you a legal education but there are different classifications for rape including forcible and non forcible rape.
Since the subject in the OP claims she was scarred, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was forced
Bullshit. Klan was the law. They were just pussies like you.

Tell that to the coons who got their necks snapped for raping and robbing white folks, shithead.
How can I tell a coon that you are a pussy? BTW what do coons have to do with white women loving Black guys?

In a move that's driving liberal radfems nuts, a college is asking a girl who said she was in extreme pain for 30 days after being "raped" by a male student to explain how she had sex 10 days after allegedly losing her virginity and being "scarred". Liberals are flipping out because they argue that if a woman says she is a virgin then she is a virgin, period, and false testimony is not a thing.
See Wesleyan College's request for the girl's sexual history.
You do know that rape isn't about sex, right?
That's a liberal lie. To the Rapist it's all about the sex.
Rape is only about sex if you are one of those people that want to keep women in chastity belts and burkas. Rape is about power and control. Thats why prisoners do it to each other.
No, they do it because they're fags.
In a move that's driving liberal radfems nuts, a college is asking a girl who said she was in extreme pain for 30 days after being "raped" by a male student to explain how she had sex 10 days after allegedly losing her virginity and being "scarred". Liberals are flipping out because they argue that if a woman says she is a virgin then she is a virgin, period, and false testimony is not a thing.
See Wesleyan College's request for the girl's sexual history.
You do know that rape isn't about sex, right?
That's a liberal lie. To the Rapist it's all about the sex.
Rape is only about sex if you are one of those people that want to keep women in chastity belts and burkas. Rape is about power and control. Thats why prisoners do it to each other.
No, they do it because they're fags.
Are you speaking from experience? Were you the woman or the man?
When I read the case, she states that she had two relationships after where she wasn't able to have sex and the relationships ultimately failed because of that.

I could read that as they /attempted/ to have sex and she was so uncomfortable with it she couldn't continue, or they had sex and she hated it so much that she couldn't do it again. I mean either way though, I'm not seeing it as automatically a lie simply because she had sex after being raped.

I /can/ believe that the guy might not /believe/ he was raping her because she even says herself that she checked out and stopped talking or w/e, but then again if he drugged her then that changes shit, a lot. Even the gal says that she didn't know for sure if she was drugged, or just drunk, she's just saying what her friends said (that her shot was drugged,) she's not pushing that she was drugged so much, just forwarding the [possible] gossip of it.

idk she really doesn't read like someone who's "looking for revenge" to me, he comes off as a bit of a uhm... playboy however. Now it's not that I think that's immoral or preclusive to rape or anything personally, but it does kind of feed into a dynamic of using people for sex. I was kind of one of those types in a way when I was younger, and I didn't always discuss with my... uhm... partners that it was nothing more than one night stand or anything like that, (though in my defense my opening line was oft along the lines of, "You look like a good notch for my bed post." *cough*) I can tell you that I personally could care less how the vast majority of said "notch's" felt emotionally, and I did throw some poor guy out of a room for being... uhm... useless. I know, I know, I was kind of a terrible person to a few people. :/ However, my point is that I mean I do not think I raped anyone in the slightest, I think the closest I ever, ever came was like convincing them their body [clearly] wanted to continue, but I mean by the standards today... I probably did :/

I think folks who are okay with casual sex, quite often, maybe even usually, feel that sex about power and control, conquest and domination... I mean, sex is /still/ about power and control with my husband who I very much love. We've /never/ been about "love" in bed together, ever, "love" was committing to each other exclusively and planning our future together, but sex has always been a battle of wills and a fight for control. I mean honestly that's part of why I was able to give everyone else up for him, why we fell in love, why we got married and shit - because he actually understood the core of what sex was for /me/ personally and he was both okay with "being used" like that, and yet he wasn't like some lost puppy looking for a leash holder, he still, 20 years later, refuses to let me win (and that is very likely why and how he keeps me faithful to him - I don't need a new conquest when I haven't yet beaten this one, kind of deal.)

My own sordid history aside, I'm not sure exactly where I stand on the case in question because there's some key bits that I'm not sure anyone can prove/disprove. My initial reaction is that she's regretting it after the fact for whatever reason and I don't initially think he "intentionally" raped her, just misunderstood that she wanted to stop because he was drunk, because she "checked out and didn't really say anything" or w/e.

The fact, if indeed true [and if he's anything at all like me], that he was having trouble ejaculation kind of says to me that she wasn't reacting, (us power types feed on that reaction so when it's missing we're kind of turned off,) so that's when you gotta pull back and say "are you not enjoying this" and you stop if they are not, but I mean he's a young kid, so idk, they don't teach that shit in school ya know, you just learn it...

However, if he continued into doing the shit she talked about, fisting her and anal and shit (which I'm not entirely sure I buy,) I'm sorry, even /I/ am going to say he raped her. That kind of stuff is not something you just do to someone when they are not showing very, very clear and apparent signs of enjoyment, most certainly it is not something you do with zero discussion about it prior, period.

But again, I mean how much of that stuff is true? We don't really know. It has to come down to character. He's probably a bit of a pig like me, but that doesn't typically involve rape and non-consensual sex, (in fact that'd be an absolute total turn off.) She might be a slut, but that doesn't mean she wasn't drugged, raped, or pushed further than she wanted to go either. This is just one of those tough cases that without clear and irrefutable evidence of lies on one part or another is nearly impossible to determine. But this is exactly why we have the newer "laws" - where it needs to be absolutely clear to both people that they are both are actively into it at all times.
When I read the case, she states that she had two relationships after where she wasn't able to have sex and the relationships ultimately failed because of that.

I could read that as they /attempted/ to have sex and she was so uncomfortable with it she couldn't continue, or they had sex and she hated it so much that she couldn't do it again. I mean either way though, I'm not seeing it as automatically a lie simply because she had sex after being raped.

I /can/ believe that the guy might not /believe/ he was raping her because she even says herself that she checked out and stopped talking or w/e, but then again if he drugged her then that changes shit, a lot. Even the gal says that she didn't know for sure if she was drugged, or just drunk, she's just saying what her friends said (that her shot was drugged,) she's not pushing that she was drugged so much, just forwarding the [possible] gossip of it.

idk she really doesn't read like someone who's "looking for revenge" to me, he comes off as a bit of a uhm... playboy however. Now it's not that I think that's immoral or preclusive to rape or anything personally, but it does kind of feed into a dynamic of using people for sex. I was kind of one of those types in a way when I was younger, and I didn't always discuss with my... uhm... partners that it was nothing more than one night stand or anything like that, (though in my defense my opening line was oft along the lines of, "You look like a good notch for my bed post." *cough*) I can tell you that I personally could care less how the vast majority of said "notch's" felt emotionally, and I did throw some poor guy out of a room for being... uhm... useless. I know, I know, I was kind of a terrible person to a few people. :/ However, my point is that I mean I do not think I raped anyone in the slightest, I think the closest I ever, ever came was like convincing them their body [clearly] wanted to continue, but I mean by the standards today... I probably did :/

I think folks who are okay with casual sex, quite often, maybe even usually, feel that sex about power and control, conquest and domination... I mean, sex is /still/ about power and control with my husband who I very much love. We've /never/ been about "love" in bed together, ever, "love" was committing to each other exclusively and planning our future together, but sex has always been a battle of wills and a fight for control. I mean honestly that's part of why I was able to give everyone else up for him, why we fell in love, why we got married and shit - because he actually understood the core of what sex was for /me/ personally and he was both okay with "being used" like that, and yet he wasn't like some lost puppy looking for a leash holder, he still, 20 years later, refuses to let me win (and that is very likely why and how he keeps me faithful to him - I don't need a new conquest when I haven't yet beaten this one, kind of deal.)

My own sordid history aside, I'm not sure exactly where I stand on the case in question because there's some key bits that I'm not sure anyone can prove/disprove. My initial reaction is that she's regretting it after the fact for whatever reason and I don't initially think he "intentionally" raped her, just misunderstood that she wanted to stop because he was drunk, because she "checked out and didn't really say anything" or w/e.

The fact, if indeed true [and if he's anything at all like me], that he was having trouble ejaculation kind of says to me that she wasn't reacting, (us power types feed on that reaction so when it's missing we're kind of turned off,) so that's when you gotta pull back and say "are you not enjoying this" and you stop if they are not, but I mean he's a young kid, so idk, they don't teach that shit in school ya know, you just learn it...

However, if he continued into doing the shit she talked about, fisting her and anal and shit (which I'm not entirely sure I buy,) I'm sorry, even /I/ am going to say he raped her. That kind of stuff is not something you just do to someone when they are not showing very, very clear and apparent signs of enjoyment, most certainly it is not something you do with zero discussion about it prior, period.

But again, I mean how much of that stuff is true? We don't really know. It has to come down to character. He's probably a bit of a pig like me, but that doesn't typically involve rape and non-consensual sex, (in fact that'd be an absolute total turn off.) She might be a slut, but that doesn't mean she wasn't drugged, raped, or pushed further than she wanted to go either. This is just one of those tough cases that without clear and irrefutable evidence of lies on one part or another is nearly impossible to determine. But this is exactly why we have the newer "laws" - where it needs to be absolutely clear to both people that they are both are actively into it at all times.
You don't have a sordid past at all. Aside from a few virgins who may or may not have wanted to lose their virginity, the only one I could possibly have raped was my second husband.
It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
How do you know what rape is about?
I know because I can think.
It's been awhile since I last had sex. If I raped someone it will be because I'm frustrated and horny. But I worry about consequences of action to myself and to the girl therefore I chose not to rape. If I did it it would not be about power.
It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
How do you know what rape is about?
I know because I can think.
It's been awhile since I last had sex. If I raped someone it will be because I'm frustrated and horny. But I worry about consequences of action to myself and to the girl therefore I chose not to rape. If I did it it would not be about power.
You just admitted it was about power. You just dont have enough power to get away with raping someone.
It depends on the rapist. In date rape situations it's about the sex. In forcible rape by a stranger, it's all about the power.
No it doesnt "depend". Rape is about power all the time. "I am forcing you to do something."
How do you know what rape is about?
I know because I can think.
It's been awhile since I last had sex. If I raped someone it will be because I'm frustrated and horny. But I worry about consequences of action to myself and to the girl therefore I chose not to rape. If I did it it would not be about power.
You just admitted it was about power. You just dont have enough power to get away with raping someone.
That's some twisted logic.
Typical feminist bimbo. At this time, feminists particularly on college campuses are trying to rewrite rape laws. She just feels slutty after having drunk awkward sex the night before. But calling this rape insults true rape victims.

What is going on on college campuses with "affirmative consent" laws is disgraceful, making men guilty before the fact, and having to prove their innocence, totally ruining their lives. Very very disgraceful.

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