College says 9/11 memorial posters offensive to Muslim students

In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
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In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.

I may be going way out on a limb here but it seems to me that those committing terrorist acts are the ones stirring up suspicion and hate.

Let me ask you and everyone here criticizing the poster a question: If this were a poster like the one below, by your reasoning, could we not say that this image stirs up suspicion and hate against police officers?

View attachment 213995
I think your limb broke.

You okay?

I guess this means you're not answering the question.
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.


Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
College Says 9/11 Memorial Posters ‘Offensive’ to Muslim Students

A college has ruled that 9/11 memorial posters put up by a conservative group are offensive to Muslim students.

If it is offensive to Muslims they shall leave the country

Yep, just like in Germany they are getting real, real sick of this bs they've been protesting 3 days in a row. They are sick of their people being fkd over all for the love of these Allah fks.
I'm still trying to figure out how a Muslim in a cave 4,000 miles away was able to pull off dustification of two skyscrapers AND a magical collapse of another 7 story building. Still cant connect the dots on that.:113:. Or better yet...
.how this guy gets a giant jetliner to completely disappear after crashing into the ground!:ack-1::ack-1:. Never happened before or since!

From a fucking cave!:backpedal::springbed::springbed:
I'm still trying to figure out how a Muslim in a cave 4,000 miles away was able to pull off dustification of two skyscrapers AND a magical collapse of another 7 story building. Still cant connect the dots on that.:113:. Or better yet...
.how this guy gets a giant jetliner to completely disappear after crashing into the ground!:ack-1::ack-1:. Never happened before or since!

From a fucking cave!:backpedal::springbed::springbed:

I said the same thing how in the hell does a desert rat set all of that up . Impossible.
I'm still trying to figure out how a Muslim in a cave 4,000 miles away was able to pull off dustification of two skyscrapers AND a magical collapse of another 7 story building. Still cant connect the dots on that.:113:. Or better yet...
.how this guy gets a giant jetliner to completely disappear after crashing into the ground!:ack-1::ack-1:. Never happened before or since!

From a fucking cave!:backpedal::springbed::springbed:

I said the same thing how in the hell does a desert rat set all of that up . Impossible.

Fake stuff happening all the time my friend! Just recently, the wife of the Las Vegas shooter filled out an employment application....worked for the FBI! But nah.....she wasn't part of that event!!:hello77:. Just a coincidence!

Most people are deep matrix dwellers because they have to be.....uncomfortable shit is too uncomfortable. Better to navigate from the comforts of the hobbit hole!!:2up:. Taking peeks into the memory hole is scary stuff.
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In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
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In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.

It's interesting you side with the Mooslims on this....well not really
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.

You'll have to pardon these guys for not having a multi-million dollar budget to commission a professional architect and build an elaborate concrete and steel structure. On their behalf I apologize. They probably were not aware that by not building an expensive memorial, their creation was thus rendered as a call to bigotry.

Having said that, in this country alone, there are twenty nine states with a total of sixty five Holocaust memorials and museums. Why did we need the other sixty four if one was enough? No one accused them of inciting suspicion and hate against Germans.
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.

It's interesting you side with the Mooslims on this....well not really

What is a "Mooslim"? What is meaning of your display of the Christian symbol when you do not adhere to the basics of the Christian faith? No Christian adherent would ever say what you do. Are you from the primitive jeffress/graham cult? Go back to your tribe and your village, wherever that is. Your village elders might reward you, but you also might have to bed their selection for you. Just get used to it, since you volunteered for it.

The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.

Since the poster references Islamist terrorists indulging in murderous, barbaric acts against your fellow countrymen, the question shouldn't be why that inflames normal people, but why it does NOT enflame you in even the slightest.

In fact, you have sprung into defense mode.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.

It's interesting you side with the Mooslims on this....well not really

What is a "Mooslim"? What is meaning of your display of the Christian symbol when you do not adhere to the basics of the Christian faith? No Christian adherent would ever say what you do. Are you from the primitive jeffress/graham cult? Go back to your tribe and your village, wherever that is. Your village elders might reward you, but you also might have to bed their selection for you. Just get used to it, since you volunteered for it.

Don't you worry yourself about my faith. How's that?

Furthermore many of those Mooslims would like nothing better than to see me dead simply because I am Christian...and an American

And I'm Catholic...the ones that sent the Mooslims packing in the Crusades :banana:

Fckn moron
Last edited:
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.

It's interesting you side with the Mooslims on this....well not really

What is a "Mooslim"? What is meaning of your display of the Christian symbol when you do not adhere to the basics of the Christian faith? No Christian adherent would ever say what you do. Are you from the primitive jeffress/graham cult? Go back to your tribe and your village, wherever that is. Your village elders might reward you, but you also might have to bed their selection for you. Just get used to it, since you volunteered for it.

Don't you worry yourself about my faith. How's that?

Furthermore many of those Mooslims would like nothing better than to see me dead simply because I am Christian...and an American

And I'm Catholic...the ones that sent the Mooslims packing in the Crusades :banana:

Fckn moron
Lemme’re responding to the crazy Christian hating Listeria???
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.

It's interesting you side with the Mooslims on this....well not really

What is a "Mooslim"? What is meaning of your display of the Christian symbol when you do not adhere to the basics of the Christian faith? No Christian adherent would ever say what you do. Are you from the primitive jeffress/graham cult? Go back to your tribe and your village, wherever that is. Your village elders might reward you, but you also might have to bed their selection for you. Just get used to it, since you volunteered for it.

Don't you worry yourself about my faith. How's that?

Furthermore many of those Mooslims would like nothing better than to see me dead simply because I am Christian...and an American

And I'm Catholic...the ones that sent the Mooslims packing in the Crusades :banana:

Fckn moron
Lemme’re responding to the crazy Christian hating Listeria???

Mhm....that one chases me around blabbering about my faith. Stupid as a stump
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.

It's interesting you side with the Mooslims on this....well not really

What is a "Mooslim"? What is meaning of your display of the Christian symbol when you do not adhere to the basics of the Christian faith? No Christian adherent would ever say what you do. Are you from the primitive jeffress/graham cult? Go back to your tribe and your village, wherever that is. Your village elders might reward you, but you also might have to bed their selection for you. Just get used to it, since you volunteered for it.

Don't you worry yourself about my faith. How's that?

Furthermore many of those Mooslims would like nothing better than to see me dead simply because I am Christian...and an American

And I'm Catholic...the ones that sent the Mooslims packing in the Crusades :banana:

Fckn moron
Oh, please. You are not one iota Christian, Catholic or otherwise.
If this is the poster referenced as 9/11 memorial poster the only thing I'd object to is referencing it as a 9/11 memorial poster.


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