College says 9/11 memorial posters offensive to Muslim students

College Says 9/11 Memorial Posters ‘Offensive’ to Muslim Students

A college has ruled that 9/11 memorial posters put up by a conservative group are offensive to Muslim students.

If you are offended get the fk out, Don't like it don't look at it. You skanks are not going to turn our Country into the shit hold you left or your parents left, you will not make our rights and freedoms come forth GTF.......


Can they imagine how offended the victims who are butchered alive, blownup, burnt alive, the religion of peace
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
In what way will my attitude be the death of us?
Instead of just throwing out useless names, answer the question.

Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.
then those muslims need to be more vocal in opposing the extreme factions of their religion...simple as that...
i think they should show the one wants to show that the the film that has the sounds of their bodies hitting the ground outside and the roof inside the building...dont sugar coat one mother fucking minute of it....

we should move on in governing and making decisions based on 9/11 but never forget it....
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.
Then you do it your way. You still don’t get to tell others how they will remember the dead.
College Says 9/11 Memorial Posters ‘Offensive’ to Muslim Students

A college has ruled that 9/11 memorial posters put up by a conservative group are offensive to Muslim students.

If you are offended get the fk out, Don't like it don't look at it. You skanks are not going to turn our Country into the shit hold you left or your parents left, you will not make our rights and freedoms come forth GTF.......

They are.

Those aren’t 911 memorials. A college doesn’t have to post crap like that. They can post it elsewhere.

United infidels? Why not post pro Nazi stuff?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.
Then you do it your way. You still don’t get to tell others how they will remember the dead.
That poster is not to remember the victims. It is to remember the terrorists. Who wants to give them more headspace in anyone's mind? Let the intelligence community and the military handle it and get along with the people you live among. No one has explained to me yet how it furthers the average citizen to be walking around with a heart full of hate for the Muslim down the street when that person has done nothing to anyone.
If you are so all fired angry at Muslims, join the military and go shoot some.
This is like removing the holocaust museum because it offends neo-nazis.
Or refusing to allow pro.Nazi propaganda to be posted on campus because it is offensive to Jewish students. This stuff should be offensive to any decent person. It is using 911 for its own propaganda purposes and that is offensive.
Topic is not the crusades or any ancient religious history guys, let’s not derail the train.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.
Then you do it your way. You still don’t get to tell others how they will remember the dead.
That poster is not to remember the victims. It is to remember the terrorists. Who wants to give them more headspace in anyone's mind? Let the intelligence community and the military handle it and get along with the people you live among. No one has explained to me yet how it furthers the average citizen to be walking around with a heart full of hate for the Muslim down the street when that person has done nothing to anyone.
If you are so all fired angry at Muslims, join the military and go shoot some.
Yes, the poster is to remember the victims.
And no, as has been illustrated in both the US and Europe, the intelligence community cannot always keep us safe, or have you forgotten all the successful terrorist attacks, just as you want people to forget who carried them out?
Do you insist people forget that Nazis carried out the Holocaust?
That whites enslaved blacks?
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.
Then you do it your way. You still don’t get to tell others how they will remember the dead.
That poster is not to remember the victims. It is to remember the terrorists. Who wants to give them more headspace in anyone's mind? Let the intelligence community and the military handle it and get along with the people you live among. No one has explained to me yet how it furthers the average citizen to be walking around with a heart full of hate for the Muslim down the street when that person has done nothing to anyone.
If you are so all fired angry at Muslims, join the military and go shoot some.
Yes, the poster is to remember the victims.
And no, as has been illustrated in both the US and Europe, the intelligence community cannot always keep us safe, or have you forgotten all the successful terrorist attacks, just as you want people to forget who carried them out?
Do you insist people forget that Nazis carried out the Holocaust?
That whites enslaved blacks?
No one is saying forget who they are. They are extremist soldiers attacking innocent citizens wherever they can reach due to an agenda of intolerance. Don't fall into that trap.
Or refusing to allow pro.Nazi propaganda to be posted on campus because it is offensive to Jewish students. This stuff should be offensive to any decent person. It is using 911 for its own propaganda purposes and that is offensive.

I realize you are being intentionally dishonest, here, but in opposing Islamism, the students are opposing an Ideology akin to Nazism, not proffering one.

You are not a decent person, and as far as propaganda is concerned, your intentional inversion of the situation by treating those who reject Nazis as the Nazis is a form of agitprop called turnspeak, and is taken right out of the Nazi playbook.

Any truly decent person realizes that it is the ISLAMISTS who are totalitarian, supremacist and against western values, not those who oppose them.
No one is saying forget who they are.

Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously when you now apparently can’t even remember what you write from one post to the next - in the same thread - and within minutes??? Lol.

Old Lady: That poster is not to remember the victims. It is to remember the terrorists. Who wants to give them more headspace in anyone's mind?
Or refusing to allow pro.Nazi propaganda to be posted on campus because it is offensive to Jewish students. This stuff should be offensive to any decent person. It is using 911 for its own propaganda purposes and that is offensive.

I realize you are being intentionally dishonest, here, but in opposing Islamism, the students are opposing an Ideology akin to Nazism, not proffering one.

You are not a decent person, and as far as propaganda is concerned, your intentional inversion of the situation by treating those who reject Nazis as the Nazis is a form of agitprop called turnspeak, and is taken right out of the Nazi playbook.

Any truly decent person realizes that it is the ISLAMISTS who are totalitarian, supremacist and against western values, not those who oppose them.

That one goes to great lengths to defend Islam. Time and time again.

There is nothing wrong with that poster...except it reminds what a faction of Muslims did on 9/11....murdered 3,000 Americans.

If that bothers them too freaking bad.
No one is saying forget who they are. They are extremist soldiers attacking innocent citizens wherever they can reach due to an agenda of intolerance. Don't fall into that trap.

Innocent citizens were attacked? Where?

The poster identifies Islamists and points to some of the things they do. Your characterizing ISIS and their ilk as "innocent" is repulsive. You take your authoritarian political correctness to new lows by considering them so.
America will never forget 911. And I will never forget a president who placed the blame squarely where it belonged - violent extremists who have no regard for human life. A "memorial poster" that visably excludes Muslims from it's range of united faces..."united infidels" is anything but a memorial don't you think? What is the purpose behind it? Nations around the world, including Muslim majority ones, stood with us in rejecting the criminals behind 911. All have suffered horrendous terrorist attacks and incursions by militant religious extremists.

Perhaps the people behind those "memorial posters" should consider these?

stop the hate 911.jpg
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.
Then you do it your way. You still don’t get to tell others how they will remember the dead.
That poster is not to remember the victims. It is to remember the terrorists. Who wants to give them more headspace in anyone's mind? Let the intelligence community and the military handle it and get along with the people you live among. No one has explained to me yet how it furthers the average citizen to be walking around with a heart full of hate for the Muslim down the street when that person has done nothing to anyone.
If you are so all fired angry at Muslims, join the military and go shoot some.
Yes, the poster is to remember the victims.
And no, as has been illustrated in both the US and Europe, the intelligence community cannot always keep us safe, or have you forgotten all the successful terrorist attacks, just as you want people to forget who carried them out?
Do you insist people forget that Nazis carried out the Holocaust?
That whites enslaved blacks?
No one is saying forget who they are. They are extremist soldiers attacking innocent citizens wherever they can reach due to an agenda of intolerance. Don't fall into that trap.
They aren’t soldiers, they’re terrorists.
And Muslims should be as offended as anyone else by the Islamic terrorists and what they do as represented in the poster.
That they, and you, are offended by the poster instead should be recognised as quite alarming.
No one is saying forget who they are.

Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously when you now apparently can’t even remember what you write from one post to the next - in the same thread - and within minutes??? Lol.

Old Lady: That poster is not to remember the victims. It is to remember the terrorists. Who wants to give them more headspace in anyone's mind?
Who wants to give them more headspace

We will not forget. Is our military not still in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria? Every time there is a mass shooting or vehicle-into-a-crowd incident or a bomb found, what is the first question we all ask, including the cops?

I don't see why we need to hate the terrorists anymore than we already do for the despicable things they've done/will do.
No one is saying forget who they are. They are extremist soldiers attacking innocent citizens wherever they can reach due to an agenda of intolerance. Don't fall into that trap.

Innocent citizens were attacked? Where?

The poster identifies Islamists and points to some of the things they do. Your characterizing ISIS and their ilk as "innocent" is repulsive. You take your authoritarian political correctness to new lows by considering them so.

She doesn't and hasn't. Stop lying.

Maybe you should consider discussing the topic and not the posters for a change.

She has in no way defended or called "innocent" any terrorists. If you are going to make that claim, at least do us the curtesy of providing some links to support it.
No one is saying forget who they are. They are extremist soldiers attacking innocent citizens wherever they can reach due to an agenda of intolerance. Don't fall into that trap.

Innocent citizens were attacked? Where?

The poster identifies Islamists and points to some of the things they do. Your characterizing ISIS and their ilk as "innocent" is repulsive. You take your authoritarian political correctness to new lows by considering them so.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.
Then you do it your way. You still don’t get to tell others how they will remember the dead.
That poster is not to remember the victims. It is to remember the terrorists. Who wants to give them more headspace in anyone's mind? Let the intelligence community and the military handle it and get along with the people you live among. No one has explained to me yet how it furthers the average citizen to be walking around with a heart full of hate for the Muslim down the street when that person has done nothing to anyone.
If you are so all fired angry at Muslims, join the military and go shoot some.
Yes, the poster is to remember the victims.
And no, as has been illustrated in both the US and Europe, the intelligence community cannot always keep us safe, or have you forgotten all the successful terrorist attacks, just as you want people to forget who carried them out?
Do you insist people forget that Nazis carried out the Holocaust?
That whites enslaved blacks?
No one is saying forget who they are. They are extremist soldiers attacking innocent citizens wherever they can reach due to an agenda of intolerance. Don't fall into that trap.
Please don’t presume to give me advice.
If you told me it was raining I’d get a second opinion.

You are a craven hypocrite so scared of offending Muslims you want to prevent people from remembering the victims of terrorists.

You need to think about why you believe a regular Muslim should be offended by people refusing to forget who carried out 9/11 and the countless other terror attacks.
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