College student hoping to open up

Hi, everyone! I'm a conservative college student looking for a place where I can open up about my un-PC views without getting hated on.

:welcome: proudbelle ... You, young lady are our future... Whether you like it or not you are on the frontline of the cultural war taking place for the heart of this Country... Seek like minded folks around you... I know they seem like they are few and far between, but they are out there...
I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for here...
Feel free to open up. There are plenty of like-minded people here and you will get a lot of support, but you will also get hated on. It's just a part of life in today's America.
Thanks for the warning, lol.
:welcome: proudbelle ... You, young lady are our future... Whether you like it or not you are on the frontline of the cultural war taking place for the heart of this Country... Seek like minded folks around you... I know they seem like they are few and far between, but they are out there...
I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for here...
Aww thanks! I hope there's other people stronger than me, but they do seem to be few and far between, in my experience.
Aww thanks! I hope there's other people stronger than me, but they do seem to be few and far between, in my experience.
The way I view the Institutes of Higher Knowledge (biggest majority of them anyway) are used as financial/indoctrination centers... They make a whole ton of money, and preach social justice principals to the detriment of our Country... 20 years ago I sent (2) of my children off to Private Colleges in the mid-west... My son after 4 years graduated, while I won't say he was unscathed by the experience he held onto his conservative principals... After 5.5 years my daughter graduated... She had been lost to the SJW's... I will say that life has adjusted her thinking some what to a more conservative side as she Homeschools 2 son's... I am very proud of her, but we know not to talk politics...
Sorry for bloviating...
The way I view the Institutes of Higher Knowledge (biggest majority of them anyway) are used as financial/indoctrination centers... They make a whole ton of money, and preach social justice principals to the detriment of our Country... 20 years ago I sent (2) of my children off to Private Colleges in the mid-west... My son after 4 years graduated, while I won't say he was unscathed by the experience he held onto his conservative principals... After 5.5 years my daughter graduated... She had been lost to the SJW's... I will say that life has adjusted her thinking some what to a more conservative side as she Homeschools 2 son's... I am very proud of her, but we know not to talk politics...
Sorry for bloviating...
Oh, no, that's interesting. i'm not worried about losing my principles, i'm worried about being punished for them.
Oh, no, that's interesting. i'm not worried about losing my principles, i'm worried about being punished for them.
Ma'am, what are they going to do, eat ya? Imagine living under their thumbnail if they win... Freedom is never Free...

I know I am just an old fat guy playing keyboard Commando and you are boots on the ground... But I have been fighting the fight for over 40 years and it's getting worse with each passing day...
Don't let them get you down...

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