College students NOT proud to be American

These spoiled college students with designer clothes and expensive phones say the U.S. is horrible and they are oppressed.​

But when asked to name a better country, they can’t.​

No problem. College students not proud of the USA but wishing to get educated here should have their tuitions doubled.

These spoiled college students with designer clothes and expensive phones say the U.S. is horrible and they are oppressed.​

But when asked to name a better country, they can’t.​

How many countries can you name that haven't murdered millions of innocent human beings since 1945?

MLK, "Beyond Vietnam," 1967

"They watch as we poison their water, as we kill a million acres of their crops. They must weep as the bulldozers roar through their areas preparing to destroy the precious trees.

"They wander into the hospitals with at least twenty casualties from American firepower for one Vietcong-inflicted injury.

"So far we may have killed a million of them, mostly children.

"They wander into the towns and see thousands of the children, homeless, without clothes, running in packs on the streets like animals.

"They see the children degraded by our soldiers as they beg for food. They see the children selling their sisters to our soldiers, soliciting for their mothers...."

These spoiled college students with designer clothes and expensive phones say the U.S. is horrible and they are oppressed.​

But when asked to name a better country, they can’t.​

Very well stated summary, Fred.

The global forces that compete against us have become so powerful, infiltrating all of our systems, that we are now destroying ourselves from within.

These kids are being taught they are oppressed and it's because of the current system, which is automatically unfair, and the current system needs to be dismantled and replaced with other systems that have been shown not to work anywhere.

And as you aptly point out, many of these kids are often getting a free ride at the moment, and have nice clothes, hair styling, phones, and cars while getting an education with room and board. All to get Cs in gender studies.

And they're living in the greatest country on Earth, in their own admission. They would not get away with speaking like they do at a Chinese University, would they.

Our adversaries are patient, but things are going so much better than they had ever hoped. Won't be long now. Plus, Biden for now.

These spoiled college students with designer clothes and expensive phones say the U.S. is horrible and they are oppressed.​

But when asked to name a better country, they can’t.​

The Communists are winning. Much of this is self inflicted, more of it is foreign driven via interference, manipulating your education. greasing your businesses and politicians. Finally of course, the alt-left in America.

I feel really bad for good Americans who are patriotic and love their Constitution. Your constitution is the salt of the earth, it's worth fighting for I assure you.

These spoiled college students with designer clothes and expensive phones say the U.S. is horrible and they are oppressed.​

But when asked to name a better country, they can’t.​

The Communists are winning. Much of this is self inflicted, more of it is foreign driven via interference, manipulating your education. greasing your businesses and politicians. Finally of course, the alt-left in America.

I feel really bad for good Americans who are patriotic and love their Constitution. Your constitution is the salt of the earth, it's worth fighting for I assure you.

The violent, the stupid, the perverted, all seem to believe they have won against those they hate. They've been taught to hate people they've never met nor had any interaction with at all. They've been brainwashed into a belief that they are fighting some honorable battle against Fascism but they've so far not had a single encounter with true violent resistance.

When that day eventually comes, they are going to understand that Larping isn't fighting. Needless to say, they will flee in disorder and no longer be so willing to menace the streets. The spirit that was found in that small percentage of colonists who took up arms against the most powerful military in the world still exists in this country.
When pushed hard enough by government, a breaking point will come. When it does, these Marxists will have to use Federal troops to crush the movement and once they do, they will be forever exposed for what they really are. Call me a crazy optimist but I still believe our military is manned with men and women who love the country and will refuse to take up arms against their fellow citizens based on propaganda and leadership at the Pentagon that orders them to kill their neighbors.

If I'm wrong and our military will back illegal, politicized orders to crush American towns and cities then I'll have to admit that our Republic has fallen. All that means is that it's time to recommit to first principles:

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

That's as true today as it was when Jefferson penned it 245 years ago.
College is a bad investment these days. For a non professional degree, college is a ripoff, even if it was free. College has become a liberal brainwashing scam.
Then move to another country.

I truly wish people who didn't love america would leave it. Honestly they are the worst thing for the country right now, they are the ones making it shitty.
Then move to another country.

I truly wish people who didn't love america would leave it. Honestly they are the worst thing for the country right now, they are the ones making it shitty.
They're all mouth. Most of them would probably starve without food stamps and welfare.

If they went to another country they'd have to get a fucking job. Just the idea of doing a day's work is enough to make them shit their stinking baggy pants.
Why do you think if someone has a different opinion, you immediately label them as un American.? It's pathetic.
Instead of cater g for them and their opinions, your solution is to ship them out of the country or eliminate them.
That's so republicans can have their very own little north Korea.

There's over 150 million have a different view. They can't all hate their home country. It's absurd to label them as you do and I believe it's you who is un American because of your disrespect for your country and people.
You didn't mind them paying their taxes and dying for you in the wars but not now they are democrats. No siree. They've got to go and let chairman TRUMP run the dictatorship.

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