Colleges teach hatred of America


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
This has been going on long is so 'cool' to hate is so romantic to be a marxist revolutionary...etc.etc.

This phenomenon of hatred for America being taught in tax funded schools has been the chickens have come home to roost.....the good news is that this is an opportune time to crack down on the so called elite universities and their commie professors. Get rid of all of them....stop the funding of these so called elite universities that cater to rich foreign can walk across the campus of these universities and never hear a word of english...and all this is funded by the taxes of hard working Americans....absolutely outrageous.
This has been going on long is so 'cool' to hate is so romantic to be a marxist revolutionary...etc.etc.

This phenomenon of hatred for America being taught in tax funded schools has been the chickens have come home to roost.....the good news is that this is an opportune time to crack down on the dso called elite universities and their commie professors. Get rid of all of them....stop the funding of these so called elite universities that cater to rich foreign can walk across the campus of these universities and never hear a word of english...and all this is funded by the taxes of hard working Americans....absolutely outrageous.
there is no such class at auburn. or even tulane (where a pro cease fire ralley was brutally suppressed last night.)
Take your average college professor... couldn't get a job or hold onto one in their chosen field so they reluctantly have to turn to teaching... so they begin their career pissed off at the world... and of course they blame the country not themselves.... then they puke out their hatred onto their students....
This has been going on long is so 'cool' to hate is so romantic to be a marxist revolutionary...etc.etc.

This phenomenon of hatred for America being taught in tax funded schools has been the chickens have come home to roost.....the good news is that this is an opportune time to crack down on the so called elite universities and their commie professors. Get rid of all of them....stop the funding of these so called elite universities that cater to rich foreign can walk across the campus of these universities and never hear a word of english...and all this is funded by the taxes of hard working Americans....absolutely outrageous.
You mean they are teaching the real history of America and not the watered down version.
This has been going on long is so 'cool' to hate is so romantic to be a marxist revolutionary...etc.etc.

This phenomenon of hatred for America being taught in tax funded schools has been the chickens have come home to roost.....the good news is that this is an opportune time to crack down on the so called elite universities and their commie professors. Get rid of all of them....stop the funding of these so called elite universities that cater to rich foreign can walk across the campus of these universities and never hear a word of english...and all this is funded by the taxes of hard working Americans....absolutely outrageous.
I'm sympathetic to your claim, but am reminded of the words of Mr. Justice Brandeis back in 1928 dissenting in the Olmstead case. BTW Brandeis was a Jewish Zionist, back when being a Zionist was not necessarily being a belligerent butcher.

He noted that "the government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill it teaches the whole by its example."

Could it be that the actions of the government during the 100 years since Olmstead have taught generations of people to hate the US Government? Could it be that the Global War Of Terror declared by George Bush 20 years ago on behalf of Israel has inflamed passions to such a point that most of the world now hates the US, America?
This has been going on long is so 'cool' to hate is so romantic to be a marxist revolutionary...etc.etc.

This phenomenon of hatred for America being taught in tax funded schools has been the chickens have come home to roost.....the good news is that this is an opportune time to crack down on the so called elite universities and their commie professors. Get rid of all of them....stop the funding of these so called elite universities that cater to rich foreign can walk across the campus of these universities and never hear a word of english...and all this is funded by the taxes of hard working Americans....absolutely outrageous.
Americans don't need to be taught. They're already demonstrating hate for themselves.
I'd wager a 19 year old in a trade school is smarter, knows more about reality, more responsible and a better head on their shoulders than most 22 year old university students.

Universities are good if you're if you're in law or medical school or something equivalent but for the most those students are educated idiots.

And the schools themselves are the problem because they allow themselves to be breeding grounds for closed mindedness, hate, anti American ideas and just a general extreme left leaning perspective.

Most professors Ive met are there mostly to spread their opinions and views on students more so than educate them. They all reminded me of a college freshman giving some dissertation on catcher in the rye to middle schools students just so proud of themselves for having anyone listen to them and think they are smart.

Most universities are just dog shit and all the school cares about is tuition fees, that's why they let them be run into the ground by social and political nonsense. Long as the money is coming in they don't care if people are being educated or not
I'd wager a 19 year old in a trade school is smarter, knows more about reality, more responsible and a better head on their shoulders than most 22 year old university students.

Universities are good if you're if you're in law or medical school or something equivalent but for the most those students are educated idiots.

And the schools themselves are the problem because they allow themselves to be breeding grounds for closed mindedness, hate, anti American ideas and just a general extreme left leaning perspective.

Most professors Ive met are there mostly to spread their opinions and views on students more so than educate them. They all reminded me of a college freshman giving some dissertation on catcher in the rye to middle schools students just so proud of themselves for having anyone listen to them and think they are smart.

Most universities are just dog shit and all the school cares about is tuition fees, that's why they let them be run into the ground by social and political nonsense. Long as the money is coming in they don't care if people are being educated or not
Conservative writer and lecturer and former left wing radical David Horowitz claims that every high profile conservative speaker (including himself) has been the victim of assault on a college campus and it's been going on for years and apparently tolerated and possibly encouraged by faculty.
Surely he called the police when he was assaulted. Did they ever catch the guy?
I’d just like to point out that many of the people who hate America the most now want to crush peaceful demonstrations against Zionist mass murder.

An example: billionaire Bill Ackman has been funding Democrats for decades. He had no problem with Harvard’s anti-American excesses. It was only when Claudine Gay failed to suppress the free speech of anti-Israel students that he acted to get her fired.

So perhaps these Zionists are not really conservative, pro-American allies.

Bill Ackman, and others like him, expect conservative support, but did Ackman support conservatives when they needed him?

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