Collins: Won't support SCOTUS pick hostile to abortion rights


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a key vote in the coming Supreme Court confirmation fight, said Sunday she would not support a nominee hostile to the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade.

"I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law," Collins said on CNN's "State of the Union."'

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'Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a key vote in the coming Supreme Court confirmation fight, said Sunday she would not support a nominee hostile to the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade.

"I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law," Collins said on CNN's "State of the Union."'

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However, she did vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Appellate Court; they say Barrett is a pro-lifer. Of course, that doesn't mean a good Justice would make a decision based only on their personal opinion. So if she is someone who respects established decisions of the Court, I can see our senator confirming her again. Senator Collins is, after all, a conservative.
'Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a key vote in the coming Supreme Court confirmation fight, said Sunday she would not support a nominee hostile to the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade.

"I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law," Collins said on CNN's "State of the Union."'

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What else is new???

Susan Collins, John McCain, and the rest of the riffraff.

Democrats in sheep's clothing.
'Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a key vote in the coming Supreme Court confirmation fight, said Sunday she would not support a nominee hostile to the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade.

"I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law," Collins said on CNN's "State of the Union."'

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However, she did vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Appellate Court; they say Barrett is a pro-lifer. Of course, that doesn't mean a good Justice would make a decision based only on their personal opinion. So if she is someone who respects established decisions of the Court, I can see our senator confirming her again. Senator Collins is, after all, a conservative.

Collins said:

“I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade,” she continued, “because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law.”

Don't know if anyone on Trump's short list has expressed hostility to Roe v Wade, but you can bet whoever gets nominated isn't going to say anything close to that. What they do if/after they get confirmed is another story though. I wonder if the SCOTUS would return the question of abortion back to the states, Stare Decisis appears to be somewhat less important to the Court these days.
'Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a key vote in the coming Supreme Court confirmation fight, said Sunday she would not support a nominee hostile to the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade.

"I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law," Collins said on CNN's "State of the Union."'

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We’ll see if she actually sticks to her guns. She didn’t say boo about the last pick or when mitch stole our judge
Two more SCOTUS Democrats are in their 80s. How many more picks will Donald Trump get ?

Could be 7-2 before long. Goodbye Roe vs Wade. Goodbye Same Sex marriage. Goodbye Affirmative Action. Goodbye gun-free zones. Hello nationwide CCW.
I couldn't even read past the title. Abortion is not a "right". There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says a woman has the "right" to an abortion.
I don't see abortion as killing a chemical thing. I see it a the equivalent of a mother sitting next to her offspring, putting a gun to that 30 year old, well established PERSON, and executing him/her.

Only difference is. as an aborted fetus, he/she didn't get to live the 30 years.
Doesn't matter what the Alt and Far Right think: they are anti-American.

It will matter with the nominees think.
I couldn't even read past the title. Abortion is not a "right". There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says a woman has the "right" to an abortion.

The SCOTUS says otherwise, by a 7-2 majority. It's not federally enforceable though, a doctor can legally decline to perform an abortion, and if I'm not mistaken the states can enact certain limitations for when an abortion may or may not be done. Basically, I think this case says the states cannot legally criminalize all abortions.
'Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a key vote in the coming Supreme Court confirmation fight, said Sunday she would not support a nominee hostile to the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade.

"I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law," Collins said on CNN's "State of the Union."'

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However, she did vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Appellate Court; they say Barrett is a pro-lifer. Of course, that doesn't mean a good Justice would make a decision based only on their personal opinion. So if she is someone who respects established decisions of the Court, I can see our senator confirming her again. Senator Collins is, after all, a conservative.

Collins said:

“I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade,” she continued, “because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law.”

Don't know if anyone on Trump's short list has expressed hostility to Roe v Wade, but you can bet whoever gets nominated isn't going to say anything close to that. What they do if/after they get confirmed is another story though. I wonder if the SCOTUS would return the question of abortion back to the states, Stare Decisis appears to be somewhat less important to the Court these days.
A conservative somewhere this morning said that with Roe v Wade standing, compromise about abortion rights (such as a 19 week on demand threshhold) is impossible. That R v. W needs to be thrown out before a more acceptable compromise can be legislated. I had never heard that one before.
Some arguments have that abortion should not be permissable after 12 weeks.

Others argue that an abortion should not be performed even in case of pregnancy by rape or incest.
Some arguments have that abortion should not be permissable after 12 weeks.

Others argue that an abortion should not be performed even in case of pregnancy by rape or incest.
From a purely logical standpoint, the argument that abortion murders a child cannot justify excluding rape or incest. Those children have as much right to live as any other child. Rape and incest exclusions show this argument for what it is--passing moral judgment on women's behavior.
Some arguments have that abortion should not be permissable after 12 weeks.

Others argue that an abortion should not be performed even in case of pregnancy by rape or incest.
From a purely logical standpoint, the argument that abortion murders a child cannot justify excluding rape or incest. Those children have as much right to live as any other child. Rape and incest exclusions show this argument for what it is--passing moral judgment on women's behavior.

Understand the thought, but one might also say that excluding rape or incest shows compassion for a young woman who has been brutalized. Many of whom are underage. Should we then not allow her that choice?
Some arguments have that abortion should not be permissable after 12 weeks.

Others argue that an abortion should not be performed even in case of pregnancy by rape or incest.
Lots of people argue for/against all sorts of things. What's you opinion ?
From a purely logical standpoint, the argument that abortion murders a child cannot justify excluding rape or incest. Those children have as much right to live as any other child. Rape and incest exclusions show this argument for what it is--passing moral judgment on women's behavior.
No. Has nothing to do with that. It's simply that if one is raped, they shouldn't have to parent a kid whose face looks just like the rapist. Would you want to ? Every time you look at the kid whom you should love, you're going to see the rapist whom you hate.
Some arguments have that abortion should not be permissable after 12 weeks.

Others argue that an abortion should not be performed even in case of pregnancy by rape or incest.

I hold that view.
What did a baby who is a product of rape or incest do to be executed?
'Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Susan Collins, a key vote in the coming Supreme Court confirmation fight, said Sunday she would not support a nominee hostile to the landmark abortion ruling in Roe v. Wade.

"I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade because that would mean to me that their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions, established law," Collins said on CNN's "State of the Union."'

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We’ll see if she actually sticks to her guns. She didn’t say boo about the last pick or when mitch stole our judge
Actually, she did say boo rather loudly about Mitch stealing that seat, bless her. I believe she was one of the first and only senators to meet with Garland.

GOP senator ‘more convinced than ever’ that Garland should get hearing
Some arguments have that abortion should not be permissable after 12 weeks.

Others argue that an abortion should not be performed even in case of pregnancy by rape or incest.
From a purely logical standpoint, the argument that abortion murders a child cannot justify excluding rape or incest. Those children have as much right to live as any other child. Rape and incest exclusions show this argument for what it is--passing moral judgment on women's behavior.

Understand the thought, but one might also say that excluding rape or incest shows compassion for a young woman who has been brutalized. Many of whom are underage. Should we then not allow her that choice?
They should ALL be allowed that choice, in my opinion.

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