"Collusion" (Trump Aide Makes Repeated Russian Contacts, Explicitly Endorsed!)

Notice that your poster says "National Security Meeting." That has to be the biggest snowflake lie I've seen in months.
The "lie" comes directly from DoTard Trump, so thank you for admitting that Tramp is the biggest snowflake and biggest liar you've seen!!! :rofl::lmao:

It's a meeting about national security. You and the snowflakes are trying to portray it as something official. It's about as official as my daughter's tea party.
So I guess WAPO lied in their article. This was the portion I was referencing:

He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.

Analysis | 4 big things we still don’t know about the Papadopoulos-Russia plea deal — and 3 things we do

You didn't read the article I referenced, did ya?
Yet again, you lying mother fucker! You're just doing what you always do, dissemble and lie so you can try to get out from under your normal bullshit dodges and misinformation. Here is the COMPLETE information on your "citation" provided in HUTCH STARSKEY's earlier post you quoted from with your quote in RED and dates in BLUE for the full context you tried to cover, you fucking lying piece of shit;

"After a March 24, 2016, meeting with the unnamed London professor and an unnamed Russian national whom Papadopoulos at one point believed to be Vladimir Putin’s niece, Papadopoulos emailed a “campaign supervisor and several members of the campaign's foreign policy team,” according to the document. He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.”

The “campaign supervisor” at this point replied: “Great work.”

Later, about June 1, Papadopoulos emailed the same “supervisor” to say that a “Russian MFA” wanted to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. The supervisor urged Papadopoulos to make the trip with another foreign policy adviser instead."

You stupid lying garbage pile, from Mar 2016 to June 2016 it's still 2016 and the there was no such person as President Trump during that time period you phony shit! So obviously the reference to 'President Trump' referred to Trump IF HE WON THE ELECTION YOU FRAUD! Further, you even wrote in your post #174;
Just about every serious presidential candidate has meeting with foreign nations to bolster foreign relations creds.
Per you, the meeting was ostensibly a State meeting before the Clown was an official of the country, then in the next sentence it was presidential candidate but now, you've changed back to President you lying cesspool of corruption. BTW, shit for brains, even IF the meeting was to establish a relationship between the candidate and/or his representatives as a means to influence a foreign government in any way whatsoever counter to EXISTING foreign policy, that is a felony under Federal law and punishable by imprisonment and/or fine. Stupid Fucking Rabbit! 18 U.S. Code § 953

BTW, shit for brains, you didn't reference any article in your post #174. You mentioned an article but failed to cite the thing you phony fuck, and it wasn't at all relevant to your lie except to further prove that you did, indeed, underscore your LIE with the quote you just included...thanks for drawing my attention to that!:ahole-1:

Either way your Orange boy is toast you ignorant, lying sack of Tejas crap! It's only a matter of time. Now go piss up a rope you fucking waste of air!!!!

Poor little thing, this is the link you posted earlier:

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government

Let me give you a little help, when it is said you tried, that means you didn't succeed. All your ignorance, BS and name calling is all over a failed effort by a junior volunteer staffer. Also you provided no proof that they TRIED to influence policy in a manner that would be contrary to the policy that was in place.

Now go take a cold shower and cool your jets.

More of the same dissembling and deflection to cover for your bullshit lies. Your declaration in your post #174 suggesting that the Orange One and campaign staff in 2016 were an OFFICIAL arm of the US government being YOUR BULLSHIT, you lying fuck! That was the ONLY point noted and proven to be more of your dishonest Tejas garbage! Your words are directly below;
A proposed meeting to talk about relations between two countries has nothing to do with Russian interference with the election.
Now what the fuck does your post I'm responding to now have to do with your quote above? Not a damned thing! It's just another example of how your lying ass works when proven to be a disgusting dishonest, lying POS!
Also you provided no proof that they TRIED to influence policy in a manner that would be contrary to the policy that was in place.
What more proof is needed than the confession of Papadopoulos that he lied to the FBI about getting the Russkies and the Orange campaign together for some "dirt" on Clinton and the way that "dirt" was delivered during the election by Putin's boys and girls, you ignorant fuck?! For your information, asshole, there is lawful collusion, and unlawful collusion. Two legal terms for unlawful collusion, shit for brains, are CONSPIRACY OR COLLUSION! Take your pick, dummy!

Which direction will you fucking twitch now, Tex? I have seldom encountered persons of your low moral character in my 72 years, and you're approaching the apex of the unwashed heap of despicable lowlifes I've had the grave misfortune to encounter. Now go fuck yourself you filthy lying dishonest bastard! And you have earned, in spades, every epitaph I've laid on you, you whiny little bitch!
The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
You accused Sessions of perjury with out proving what he knew and when he knew it. Are you making assumptions and just pulling the stuff out of your butt?
Geezzz, your own link shows you are lying! No matter how you spin it, Sessions lied under oath when he said he knew of no one in Tramp's campaign who had contact with any Russians!!!!

Your own link says Papadocoulos met the professor March 14th and 24th.
It then gives this timeline:
March 31. At a campaign national security meeting in Washington (also attended by Trump), Papadopoulos tells the group that he had connections that could facilitate a meeting with Putin.

Trump tweeted an image from the meeting. Jeff Sessions, then a senator from Alabama, is seated in the foreground and is speaking. Papadopoulos is sitting two chairs to Sessions’s left. Trump is at the head of the table.

View image on Twitter

Donald J. Trump


#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016https://instagram.com/p/BDo-7SimhUn/

10:21 PM - Mar 31, 2016

Early April. Papadopoulos emails the foreign policy team to update them about ongoing discussions with the professor and Putin’s “niece.” He details his “outreach to Russia.”
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Notice that your poster says "National Security Meeting." That has to be the biggest snowflake lie I've seen in months.
The "lie" comes directly from DoTard Trump, so thank you for admitting that Tramp is the biggest snowflake and biggest liar you've seen!!! :rofl::lmao:

It's a meeting about national security. You and the snowflakes are trying to portray it as something official. It's about as official as my daughter's tea party.
Actually it was Lying Snowflake Tramp who portrayed it as official.
So I guess WAPO lied in their article. This was the portion I was referencing:

He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.

Analysis | 4 big things we still don’t know about the Papadopoulos-Russia plea deal — and 3 things we do

You didn't read the article I referenced, did ya?
Yet again, you lying mother fucker! You're just doing what you always do, dissemble and lie so you can try to get out from under your normal bullshit dodges and misinformation. Here is the COMPLETE information on your "citation" provided in HUTCH STARSKEY's earlier post you quoted from with your quote in RED and dates in BLUE for the full context you tried to cover, you fucking lying piece of shit;

"After a March 24, 2016, meeting with the unnamed London professor and an unnamed Russian national whom Papadopoulos at one point believed to be Vladimir Putin’s niece, Papadopoulos emailed a “campaign supervisor and several members of the campaign's foreign policy team,” according to the document. He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.”

The “campaign supervisor” at this point replied: “Great work.”

Later, about June 1, Papadopoulos emailed the same “supervisor” to say that a “Russian MFA” wanted to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. The supervisor urged Papadopoulos to make the trip with another foreign policy adviser instead."

You stupid lying garbage pile, from Mar 2016 to June 2016 it's still 2016 and the there was no such person as President Trump during that time period you phony shit! So obviously the reference to 'President Trump' referred to Trump IF HE WON THE ELECTION YOU FRAUD! Further, you even wrote in your post #174;
Just about every serious presidential candidate has meeting with foreign nations to bolster foreign relations creds.
Per you, the meeting was ostensibly a State meeting before the Clown was an official of the country, then in the next sentence it was presidential candidate but now, you've changed back to President you lying cesspool of corruption. BTW, shit for brains, even IF the meeting was to establish a relationship between the candidate and/or his representatives as a means to influence a foreign government in any way whatsoever counter to EXISTING foreign policy, that is a felony under Federal law and punishable by imprisonment and/or fine. Stupid Fucking Rabbit! 18 U.S. Code § 953

BTW, shit for brains, you didn't reference any article in your post #174. You mentioned an article but failed to cite the thing you phony fuck, and it wasn't at all relevant to your lie except to further prove that you did, indeed, underscore your LIE with the quote you just included...thanks for drawing my attention to that!:ahole-1:

Either way your Orange boy is toast you ignorant, lying sack of Tejas crap! It's only a matter of time. Now go piss up a rope you fucking waste of air!!!!

Poor little thing, this is the link you posted earlier:

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government

Let me give you a little help, when it is said you tried, that means you didn't succeed. All your ignorance, BS and name calling is all over a failed effort by a junior volunteer staffer. Also you provided no proof that they TRIED to influence policy in a manner that would be contrary to the policy that was in place.

Now go take a cold shower and cool your jets.

More of the same dissembling and deflection to cover for your bullshit lies. Your declaration in your post #174 suggesting that the Orange One and campaign staff in 2016 were an OFFICIAL arm of the US government being YOUR BULLSHIT, you lying fuck! That was the ONLY point noted and proven to be more of your dishonest Tejas garbage! Your words are directly below;
A proposed meeting to talk about relations between two countries has nothing to do with Russian interference with the election.
Now what the fuck does your post I'm responding to now have to do with your quote above? Not a damned thing! It's just another example of how your lying ass works when proven to be a disgusting dishonest, lying POS!
Also you provided no proof that they TRIED to influence policy in a manner that would be contrary to the policy that was in place.
What more proof is needed than the confession of Papadopoulos that he lied to the FBI about getting the Russkies and the Orange campaign together for some "dirt" on Clinton and the way that "dirt" was delivered during the election by Putin's boys and girls, you ignorant fuck?! For your information, asshole, there is lawful collusion, and unlawful collusion. Two legal terms for unlawful collusion, shit for brains, are CONSPIRACY OR COLLUSION! Take your pick, dummy!

Which direction will you fucking twitch now, Tex? I have seldom encountered persons of your low moral character in my 72 years, and you're approaching the apex of the unwashed heap of despicable lowlifes I've had the grave misfortune to encounter. Now go fuck yourself you filthy lying dishonest bastard! And you have earned, in spades, every epitaph I've laid on you, you whiny little bitch!


The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
You accused Sessions of perjury with out proving what he knew and when he knew it. Are you making assumptions and just pulling the stuff out of your butt?
Geezzz, your own link shows you are lying! No matter how you spin it, Sessions lied under oath when he said he knew of no one in Tramp's campaign who had contact with any Russians!!!!

Your own link says Papadocoulos met the professor March 14th and 24th.
It then gives this timeline:
March 31. At a campaign national security meeting in Washington (also attended by Trump), Papadopoulos tells the group that he had connections that could facilitate a meeting with Putin.

Trump tweeted an image from the meeting. Jeff Sessions, then a senator from Alabama, is seated in the foreground and is speaking. Papadopoulos is sitting two chairs to Sessions’s left. Trump is at the head of the table.

View image on Twitter

Donald J. Trump


#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016https://instagram.com/p/BDo-7SimhUn/

10:21 PM - Mar 31, 2016

Early April. Papadopoulos emails the foreign policy team to update them about ongoing discussions with the professor and Putin’s “niece.” He details his “outreach to Russia.”

Once again, you have yet to show that Sessions was aware of the meeting(s) the greek had. You're assuming he knew, was he on the recipient list for the Apr emails? A simple yes or no is all that's required.

The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
You accused Sessions of perjury with out proving what he knew and when he knew it. Are you making assumptions and just pulling the stuff out of your butt?
Geezzz, your own link shows you are lying! No matter how you spin it, Sessions lied under oath when he said he knew of no one in Tramp's campaign who had contact with any Russians!!!!

Your own link says Papadocoulos met the professor March 14th and 24th.
It then gives this timeline:
March 31. At a campaign national security meeting in Washington (also attended by Trump), Papadopoulos tells the group that he had connections that could facilitate a meeting with Putin.

Trump tweeted an image from the meeting. Jeff Sessions, then a senator from Alabama, is seated in the foreground and is speaking. Papadopoulos is sitting two chairs to Sessions’s left. Trump is at the head of the table.

View image on Twitter

Donald J. Trump


#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016https://instagram.com/p/BDo-7SimhUn/

10:21 PM - Mar 31, 2016

Early April. Papadopoulos emails the foreign policy team to update them about ongoing discussions with the professor and Putin’s “niece.” He details his “outreach to Russia.”

Once again, you have yet to show that Sessions was aware of the meeting(s) the greek had. You're assuming he knew, was he on the recipient list for the Apr emails? A simple yes or no is all that's required.

YOUR OWN LINK says Papadocoulos told everybody at the meeting Sessions was present at.

March 31. At a campaign national security meeting in Washington (also attended by Trump), Papadopoulos tells the group that he had connections that could facilitate a meeting with Putin.

Trump tweeted an image from the meeting. Jeff Sessions, then a senator from Alabama, is seated in the foreground and is speaking.
So I guess WAPO lied in their article. This was the portion I was referencing:

He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.

Analysis | 4 big things we still don’t know about the Papadopoulos-Russia plea deal — and 3 things we do

You didn't read the article I referenced, did ya?
Yet again, you lying mother fucker! You're just doing what you always do, dissemble and lie so you can try to get out from under your normal bullshit dodges and misinformation. Here is the COMPLETE information on your "citation" provided in HUTCH STARSKEY's earlier post you quoted from with your quote in RED and dates in BLUE for the full context you tried to cover, you fucking lying piece of shit;

"After a March 24, 2016, meeting with the unnamed London professor and an unnamed Russian national whom Papadopoulos at one point believed to be Vladimir Putin’s niece, Papadopoulos emailed a “campaign supervisor and several members of the campaign's foreign policy team,” according to the document. He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.”

The “campaign supervisor” at this point replied: “Great work.”

Later, about June 1, Papadopoulos emailed the same “supervisor” to say that a “Russian MFA” wanted to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. The supervisor urged Papadopoulos to make the trip with another foreign policy adviser instead."

You stupid lying garbage pile, from Mar 2016 to June 2016 it's still 2016 and the there was no such person as President Trump during that time period you phony shit! So obviously the reference to 'President Trump' referred to Trump IF HE WON THE ELECTION YOU FRAUD! Further, you even wrote in your post #174;
Just about every serious presidential candidate has meeting with foreign nations to bolster foreign relations creds.
Per you, the meeting was ostensibly a State meeting before the Clown was an official of the country, then in the next sentence it was presidential candidate but now, you've changed back to President you lying cesspool of corruption. BTW, shit for brains, even IF the meeting was to establish a relationship between the candidate and/or his representatives as a means to influence a foreign government in any way whatsoever counter to EXISTING foreign policy, that is a felony under Federal law and punishable by imprisonment and/or fine. Stupid Fucking Rabbit! 18 U.S. Code § 953

BTW, shit for brains, you didn't reference any article in your post #174. You mentioned an article but failed to cite the thing you phony fuck, and it wasn't at all relevant to your lie except to further prove that you did, indeed, underscore your LIE with the quote you just included...thanks for drawing my attention to that!:ahole-1:

Either way your Orange boy is toast you ignorant, lying sack of Tejas crap! It's only a matter of time. Now go piss up a rope you fucking waste of air!!!!

Poor little thing, this is the link you posted earlier:

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government

Let me give you a little help, when it is said you tried, that means you didn't succeed. All your ignorance, BS and name calling is all over a failed effort by a junior volunteer staffer. Also you provided no proof that they TRIED to influence policy in a manner that would be contrary to the policy that was in place.

Now go take a cold shower and cool your jets.

More of the same dissembling and deflection to cover for your bullshit lies. Your declaration in your post #174 suggesting that the Orange One and campaign staff in 2016 were an OFFICIAL arm of the US government being YOUR BULLSHIT, you lying fuck! That was the ONLY point noted and proven to be more of your dishonest Tejas garbage! Your words are directly below;
A proposed meeting to talk about relations between two countries has nothing to do with Russian interference with the election.
Now what the fuck does your post I'm responding to now have to do with your quote above? Not a damned thing! It's just another example of how your lying ass works when proven to be a disgusting dishonest, lying POS!
Also you provided no proof that they TRIED to influence policy in a manner that would be contrary to the policy that was in place.
What more proof is needed than the confession of Papadopoulos that he lied to the FBI about getting the Russkies and the Orange campaign together for some "dirt" on Clinton and the way that "dirt" was delivered during the election by Putin's boys and girls, you ignorant fuck?! For your information, asshole, there is lawful collusion, and unlawful collusion. Two legal terms for unlawful collusion, shit for brains, are CONSPIRACY OR COLLUSION! Take your pick, dummy!

Which direction will you fucking twitch now, Tex? I have seldom encountered persons of your low moral character in my 72 years, and you're approaching the apex of the unwashed heap of despicable lowlifes I've had the grave misfortune to encounter. Now go fuck yourself you filthy lying dishonest bastard! And you have earned, in spades, every epitaph I've laid on you, you whiny little bitch!

Can't respond to my response to your shifting, lying and deflecting bullshit? Can't handle the truth Tex, you whiny little bitch? You're pegged you fucking phony for the lying, dishonest piece of shit you have shown yourself to be to all and sundry! Now get back under that rock asshole!
The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
You accused Sessions of perjury with out proving what he knew and when he knew it. Are you making assumptions and just pulling the stuff out of your butt?
Geezzz, your own link shows you are lying! No matter how you spin it, Sessions lied under oath when he said he knew of no one in Tramp's campaign who had contact with any Russians!!!!

Your own link says Papadocoulos met the professor March 14th and 24th.
It then gives this timeline:
March 31. At a campaign national security meeting in Washington (also attended by Trump), Papadopoulos tells the group that he had connections that could facilitate a meeting with Putin.

Trump tweeted an image from the meeting. Jeff Sessions, then a senator from Alabama, is seated in the foreground and is speaking. Papadopoulos is sitting two chairs to Sessions’s left. Trump is at the head of the table.

View image on Twitter

Donald J. Trump


#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016https://instagram.com/p/BDo-7SimhUn/

10:21 PM - Mar 31, 2016

Early April. Papadopoulos emails the foreign policy team to update them about ongoing discussions with the professor and Putin’s “niece.” He details his “outreach to Russia.”

Once again, you have yet to show that Sessions was aware of the meeting(s) the greek had. You're assuming he knew, was he on the recipient list for the Apr emails? A simple yes or no is all that's required.

YOUR OWN LINK says Papadocoulos told everybody at the meeting Sessions was present at.

March 31. At a campaign national security meeting in Washington (also attended by Trump), Papadopoulos tells the group that he had connections that could facilitate a meeting with Putin.

Trump tweeted an image from the meeting. Jeff Sessions, then a senator from Alabama, is seated in the foreground and is speaking.

These connections weren't with the Russian government, were they? Also other accounts say he didn't mention his unofficial connections till April. Admit it, you folks are grasping for any straw you can find, no matter how slim, to try to substantiate your little conspiracy theory. There is zero evidence that the campaign and the Russian government cooperated with each other in any manner. They're even saying the Russian sponsored stories and trolls went after both sides just to try to cast doubt on our system.

They're even saying the Russian sponsored stories and trolls went after both sides just to try to cast doubt on our system.
That is the kind of crap your MessiahRushie feeds you so you know it is a premeditated lie.
Why did Trump send his coffee boy, who did nothing on the campaign, to meet with the Russians?

Kishner busy?

Who says Trump "sent him" to meet with the Russians?
they don't shit unless trumps says so
Trump didn't no such thing, in other words.
Trump is so vain he probably thinks this country is about him
We know it isn't about you, retard.
wrong republican breath ,,,It is about me and millions of others like me who can smell republican stink from miles away
Who says Trump "sent him" to meet with the Russians?
they don't shit unless trumps says so
Trump didn't no such thing, in other words.
Trump is so vain he probably thinks this country is about him
We know it isn't about you, retard.
wrong republican breath ,,,It is about me and millions of others like me who can smell republican stink from miles away
That's your own stink you're smelling.
they don't shit unless trumps says so
Trump didn't no such thing, in other words.
Trump is so vain he probably thinks this country is about him
We know it isn't about you, retard.
wrong republican breath ,,,It is about me and millions of others like me who can smell republican stink from miles away
That's your own stink you're smelling.
Bri You're a funny guy....Get a kick reading your posts It escapes me how a large group of people ,called republicans , can be so stupid ,,and you are one of the leaders of the stupids
Trump didn't no such thing, in other words.
Trump is so vain he probably thinks this country is about him
We know it isn't about you, retard.
wrong republican breath ,,,It is about me and millions of others like me who can smell republican stink from miles away
That's your own stink you're smelling.
Bri You're a funny guy....Get a kick reading your posts It escapes me how a large group of people ,called republicans , can be so stupid ,,and you are one of the leaders of the stupids
but have no fear ,,PC easy sassy jon kinetta etc etc are with you
Trump didn't no such thing, in other words.
Trump is so vain he probably thinks this country is about him
We know it isn't about you, retard.
wrong republican breath ,,,It is about me and millions of others like me who can smell republican stink from miles away
That's your own stink you're smelling.
Bri You're a funny guy....Get a kick reading your posts It escapes me how a large group of people ,called republicans , can be so stupid ,,and you are one of the leaders of the stupids
I'm sure a lot of things escape you. That's probably good for your peace of mind, however.
They're even saying the Russian sponsored stories and trolls went after both sides just to try to cast doubt on our system.
That is the kind of crap your MessiahRushie feeds you so you know it is a premeditated lie.

I'll try to find a link, it was on one of the Fox shows. May not be tonight though.

They're even saying the Russian sponsored stories and trolls went after both sides just to try to cast doubt on our system.
That is the kind of crap your MessiahRushie feeds you so you know it is a premeditated lie.

I'll try to find a link, it was on one of the Fox shows. May not be tonight though.


Here's on from the WSJ that ads targeted people on both sides of an issue.

New Facebook Data Shows Russians Targeted Users by Race, Religion, Politics

Edit: Congressman Franks was on Fox News @ Night and said half the ads Russia bought were pro bitch, start at the 16:45 mark. There ya go, two sources.

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