"Collusion" (Trump Aide Makes Repeated Russian Contacts, Explicitly Endorsed!)

A proposed meeting to talk about relations between two countries has nothing to do with Russian interference with the election.
You fucking lying fool! In the Spring of 2016 the Orange cabal wasn't part of the government! The proposed meeting was suggested to the Orange Campaign long before the inaguration, IDIOT. Here is a link to a WAPO article with the Papadopoulos timeline of events. Try to pay attention to the day, month and year as noted, or get a third grader to explain it to you, Tex!
~~ Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government ~~

As you read those few lines to edify your dumb, partisan ass, pay close attention to the fact that it starts in March 2016 and ends in October 2017. Also, pay really, really, REALLY close attention to the period between March and July 2016 when Papadopoulos was busy trying to set up a meet between the fucking Campaign and the Ruskkies; can we say attempts to kəˈlo͞od. The end of that period is over three months away from the national election. Therefore, there is no fucking way on Earth that the Orange cabal was part of the government before Jan 20, 2017 and your assertion is blatantly false.

So now go ahead and deflect away and lie through your two teeth as usual, Tex. I'll just sit back and smile at your Gawd Damn lying ass while you make yourself look even more pathetic than you do already!

"Attempt to collude" means "attempt to do something perfectly legal." You turds still don't get the fact that so-called "collusion" is not a crime.

Papadopoulos was mostly ignored by the Trump campaign. Whatever he was trying to do is irrelevant if no one showed any interest in it, and they didn't.
When Mueller knocks on my door ... I am going to tell the silly goose his butt is lost ... :thup:

Nah seriously ... The case he is bringing against Manafort is what he can do.
I mean hardly anyone ever gets charged with "failure to register as a foreign agent" ... And the 'money laundering" charge isn't the same as what people usually think.
If he can make the Failure charge stick ... Then anything Manafort might have done with money would be considered laundering even if it wouldn't be illegal otherwise.

The tax evasion ... Manafort screwed the pooch on that one if guilty ... You owe, you got to pay.
The statute of limitations is 5 years federal (criminal) and 6 years revenue (taxes) ... But the prosecutors can ignore the statutes of limitations if they suspect it deals directly with current events (yet to be proven).

Manafort's worst mistake was getting anywhere near President Trump ... If he hadn't, he would not be under indictment.

That's true, but anyone who runs as a Republican is making himself a target. Snowflakes will stop at nothing to destroy Republicans. They are all thugs. They all belong in prison.
come on bri you know both play that game I just think republicans are the experts at it
Republicans aren't able to do it because they don't have the fake media blasting their lies and propaganda 24 hours a day.
Your republican friends always call out fake news when they don't like what's being said

We don't like obvious bullshit and lies, so in a sense you are correct.
you're very selective in what you deem bs or not ....repubs truth tellers dems liars?
A proposed meeting to talk about relations between two countries has nothing to do with Russian interference with the election.
You fucking lying fool! In the Spring of 2016 the Orange cabal wasn't part of the government! The proposed meeting was suggested to the Orange Campaign long before the inaguration, IDIOT. Here is a link to a WAPO article with the Papadopoulos timeline of events. Try to pay attention to the day, month and year as noted, or get a third grader to explain it to you, Tex!
~~ Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government ~~

As you read those few lines to edify your dumb, partisan ass, pay close attention to the fact that it starts in March 2016 and ends in October 2017. Also, pay really, really, REALLY close attention to the period between March and July 2016 when Papadopoulos was busy trying to set up a meet between the fucking Campaign and the Ruskkies; can we say attempts to kəˈlo͞od. The end of that period is over three months away from the national election. Therefore, there is no fucking way on Earth that the Orange cabal was part of the government before Jan 20, 2017 and your assertion is blatantly false.

So now go ahead and deflect away and lie through your two teeth as usual, Tex. I'll just sit back and smile at your Gawd Damn lying ass while you make yourself look even more pathetic than you do already!

So I guess WAPO lied in their article. This was the portion I was referencing:

He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.

Analysis | 4 big things we still don’t know about the Papadopoulos-Russia plea deal — and 3 things we do

You didn't read the article I referenced, did ya?

So I guess WAPO lied in their article. This was the portion I was referencing:

He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.

Analysis | 4 big things we still don’t know about the Papadopoulos-Russia plea deal — and 3 things we do

You didn't read the article I referenced, did ya?
Yet again, you lying mother fucker! You're just doing what you always do, dissemble and lie so you can try to get out from under your normal bullshit dodges and misinformation. Here is the COMPLETE information on your "citation" provided in HUTCH STARSKEY's earlier post you quoted from with your quote in RED and dates in BLUE for the full context you tried to cover, you fucking lying piece of shit;

"After a March 24, 2016, meeting with the unnamed London professor and an unnamed Russian national whom Papadopoulos at one point believed to be Vladimir Putin’s niece, Papadopoulos emailed a “campaign supervisor and several members of the campaign's foreign policy team,” according to the document. He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.”

The “campaign supervisor” at this point replied: “Great work.”

Later, about June 1, Papadopoulos emailed the same “supervisor” to say that a “Russian MFA” wanted to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. The supervisor urged Papadopoulos to make the trip with another foreign policy adviser instead."

You stupid lying garbage pile, from Mar 2016 to June 2016 it's still 2016 and the there was no such person as President Trump during that time period you phony shit! So obviously the reference to 'President Trump' referred to Trump IF HE WON THE ELECTION YOU FRAUD! Further, you even wrote in your post #174;
Just about every serious presidential candidate has meeting with foreign nations to bolster foreign relations creds.
Per you, the meeting was ostensibly a State meeting before the Clown was an official of the country, then in the next sentence it was presidential candidate but now, you've changed back to President you lying cesspool of corruption. BTW, shit for brains, even IF the meeting was to establish a relationship between the candidate and/or his representatives as a means to influence a foreign government in any way whatsoever counter to EXISTING foreign policy, that is a felony under Federal law and punishable by imprisonment and/or fine. Stupid Fucking Rabbit! 18 U.S. Code § 953

BTW, shit for brains, you didn't reference any article in your post #174. You mentioned an article but failed to cite the thing you phony fuck, and it wasn't at all relevant to your lie except to further prove that you did, indeed, underscore your LIE with the quote you just included...thanks for drawing my attention to that!:ahole-1:

Either way your Orange boy is toast you ignorant, lying sack of Tejas crap! It's only a matter of time. Now go piss up a rope you fucking waste of air!!!!
Buying a fake Funny how when Natalia Veselnitskaya met with Tramp's campaign team to pass Russian dirt to them, the Trumpists insisted she was NOT a Russian agent, but when she hired Fusion GPS on another matter, all of a sudden she WAS a Russian agent directly connected to Putin.

Now YOU are LYING:

Veselnitskaya, Putin's lawyer, was BANNED from entering the United States by OBAMA'S own Department of Immigration. The only way she got into the country to begin with is because OBAMA overrode his own Department of immigration by giving her a special Visa allowing her into the country.

- Once in the united states she met with NUMEROUS politicians and people, as opposed to the false liberal narrative that she ONLY met with Trump's team. She went to meet with Hillary - Hillary was not there so she met with one of Hillary's team members. (Where is the Left's outrage about that?)

- Trump's team was reportedly told the meeting was about Russian-American adoptions. When he found out it was not, records show he texted his own secretary asking her to call him to give him an excuse to leave. He left approx. 15 minutes after the meeting began.

- The meeting only happened because OBAMA made it possible by overriding his own Dept of immigrations BAN preventing her from entering the country.

- Veselnitskaya herself stated she never had any dirt on Hillary.

- The entire meeting smelled like an attempt to entrap the Trump team:
-- Veselnitskaya, again, was only in the US because Obama overrode his own Dept of Immigration's ban
-- The Obama knew in advance where, when, and what time the meeting was going to be held, in enough advance to have warrants approved to wire-tap the meeting
-- Obama's own personal ex-FBI Russian Interpreter was in the room....how convenient.
NOTHING you just posted is true.
For example, it was the sitting judge on the case she was representing who wanted her readmitted, but you knew that already.
It is relevant, it appears the greek took it upon himself to do things he wasn't asked to do and the campaign said no to everything he suggested.
Which proves Sessions lied under oath yet again.
That's right, when Papadocoulus said he had contacted the Russians and could arrange a meeting with Putin and Tramp, it has been reported that it was Sessions who nixed it, so he lied under oath in the Senate hearing when he said he knew of no one in the Tramp campaign who had ANY contact with Russia.
The thing the Republicans and Russians, could be the same, on the USMB don't want to face is the FACT that Mueller doesn't even need witnesses.

Trump's Klowns recorded everything in notes, emails and on video. I was watching Fox the last couple of days to see what they said and they were very , huh, "discreet" to put it mildly.

The only reason he's still there is because Republicans want to pass on even more debt to the Middle Class while they give tax breaks to billionaires and destroy people's healthcare. The base is so stupid, or Russian, they insist we should get more debt so billionaires can keep more of their money.
So I guess WAPO lied in their article. This was the portion I was referencing:

He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.

Analysis | 4 big things we still don’t know about the Papadopoulos-Russia plea deal — and 3 things we do

You didn't read the article I referenced, did ya?
Yet again, you lying mother fucker! You're just doing what you always do, dissemble and lie so you can try to get out from under your normal bullshit dodges and misinformation. Here is the COMPLETE information on your "citation" provided in HUTCH STARSKEY's earlier post you quoted from with your quote in RED and dates in BLUE for the full context you tried to cover, you fucking lying piece of shit;

"After a March 24, 2016, meeting with the unnamed London professor and an unnamed Russian national whom Papadopoulos at one point believed to be Vladimir Putin’s niece, Papadopoulos emailed a “campaign supervisor and several members of the campaign's foreign policy team,” according to the document. He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.”

The “campaign supervisor” at this point replied: “Great work.”

Later, about June 1, Papadopoulos emailed the same “supervisor” to say that a “Russian MFA” wanted to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. The supervisor urged Papadopoulos to make the trip with another foreign policy adviser instead."

You stupid lying garbage pile, from Mar 2016 to June 2016 it's still 2016 and the there was no such person as President Trump during that time period you phony shit! So obviously the reference to 'President Trump' referred to Trump IF HE WON THE ELECTION YOU FRAUD! Further, you even wrote in your post #174;
Just about every serious presidential candidate has meeting with foreign nations to bolster foreign relations creds.
Per you, the meeting was ostensibly a State meeting before the Clown was an official of the country, then in the next sentence it was presidential candidate but now, you've changed back to President you lying cesspool of corruption. BTW, shit for brains, even IF the meeting was to establish a relationship between the candidate and/or his representatives as a means to influence a foreign government in any way whatsoever counter to EXISTING foreign policy, that is a felony under Federal law and punishable by imprisonment and/or fine. Stupid Fucking Rabbit! 18 U.S. Code § 953

BTW, shit for brains, you didn't reference any article in your post #174. You mentioned an article but failed to cite the thing you phony fuck, and it wasn't at all relevant to your lie except to further prove that you did, indeed, underscore your LIE with the quote you just included...thanks for drawing my attention to that!:ahole-1:

Either way your Orange boy is toast you ignorant, lying sack of Tejas crap! It's only a matter of time. Now go piss up a rope you fucking waste of air!!!!

Poor little thing, this is the link you posted earlier:

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government

Let me give you a little help, when it is said you tried, that means you didn't succeed. All your ignorance, BS and name calling is all over a failed effort by a junior volunteer staffer. Also you provided no proof that they TRIED to influence policy in a manner that would be contrary to the policy that was in place.

Now go take a cold shower and cool your jets.

It is relevant, it appears the greek took it upon himself to do things he wasn't asked to do and the campaign said no to everything he suggested.
Which proves Sessions lied under oath yet again.
That's right, when Papadocoulus said he had contacted the Russians and could arrange a meeting with Putin and Tramp, it has been reported that it was Sessions who nixed it, so he lied under oath in the Senate hearing when he said he knew of no one in the Tramp campaign who had ANY contact with Russia.

It was reported that Trump had a 3% chance of winning the election also, considering the accuracy of many reports, I'll wait for concrete facts.

BTW some professor in London is not a Russian official.

Last edited:
It was reported that Trump had a 3% chance of winning the election also, considering the accuracy of many reports, I'll wait for concrete facts.
No less a Right-wing authority than the DailyCaller reports it!!!

Trump Adviser Proposed Meeting With Russians During Campaign, But Was Shot Down By Sessions

Two attendees at the meeting say that George Papadopoulos, a 30-something-year-old energy consultant, offered up the idea. But as with a half-dozen email inquires Papadopoulos sent to campaign officials pressing the same issue, the idea was rebuffed.

One attendee told TheDC that, as they recalled, then-Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the chairman of the campaign’s national security advisory council, quashed Papadopoulos’ suggestion. A second attendee confirmed that it was Sessions who shut down Papadopoulos
So I guess WAPO lied in their article. This was the portion I was referencing:

He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.

Analysis | 4 big things we still don’t know about the Papadopoulos-Russia plea deal — and 3 things we do

You didn't read the article I referenced, did ya?
Yet again, you lying mother fucker! You're just doing what you always do, dissemble and lie so you can try to get out from under your normal bullshit dodges and misinformation. Here is the COMPLETE information on your "citation" provided in HUTCH STARSKEY's earlier post you quoted from with your quote in RED and dates in BLUE for the full context you tried to cover, you fucking lying piece of shit;

"After a March 24, 2016, meeting with the unnamed London professor and an unnamed Russian national whom Papadopoulos at one point believed to be Vladimir Putin’s niece, Papadopoulos emailed a “campaign supervisor and several members of the campaign's foreign policy team,” according to the document. He told them the meeting was to set up another meeting between the campaign and “Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.”

The “campaign supervisor” at this point replied: “Great work.”

Later, about June 1, Papadopoulos emailed the same “supervisor” to say that a “Russian MFA” wanted to set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. The supervisor urged Papadopoulos to make the trip with another foreign policy adviser instead."

You stupid lying garbage pile, from Mar 2016 to June 2016 it's still 2016 and the there was no such person as President Trump during that time period you phony shit! So obviously the reference to 'President Trump' referred to Trump IF HE WON THE ELECTION YOU FRAUD! Further, you even wrote in your post #174;
Just about every serious presidential candidate has meeting with foreign nations to bolster foreign relations creds.
Per you, the meeting was ostensibly a State meeting before the Clown was an official of the country, then in the next sentence it was presidential candidate but now, you've changed back to President you lying cesspool of corruption. BTW, shit for brains, even IF the meeting was to establish a relationship between the candidate and/or his representatives as a means to influence a foreign government in any way whatsoever counter to EXISTING foreign policy, that is a felony under Federal law and punishable by imprisonment and/or fine. Stupid Fucking Rabbit! 18 U.S. Code § 953

BTW, shit for brains, you didn't reference any article in your post #174. You mentioned an article but failed to cite the thing you phony fuck, and it wasn't at all relevant to your lie except to further prove that you did, indeed, underscore your LIE with the quote you just included...thanks for drawing my attention to that!:ahole-1:

Either way your Orange boy is toast you ignorant, lying sack of Tejas crap! It's only a matter of time. Now go piss up a rope you fucking waste of air!!!!

Poor little thing, this is the link you posted earlier:

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government

Let me give you a little help, when it is said you tried, that means you didn't succeed. All your ignorance, BS and name calling is all over a failed effort by a junior volunteer staffer. Also you provided no proof that they TRIED to influence policy in a manner that would be contrary to the policy that was in place.

Now go take a cold shower and cool your jets.


I'ts only a matter of time untl a parking ticket some janitor in Trump tower recieved will become a national scandal.
Tactic for the trump defense today, Nov. 2, trivialize the already exposed evidence mounting evidence of collusion and criminal behavior of the members of trump's staff and associates. A guilty plea to lying to Federal Agents will be noted as no more serious than a parking ticket. Top aides laundering money and lying about Russian connections will be displayed as nothing more than janitors getting minor citations.
It was reported that Trump had a 3% chance of winning the election also, considering the accuracy of many reports, I'll wait for concrete facts.
No less a Right-wing authority than the DailyCaller reports it!!!

Trump Adviser Proposed Meeting With Russians During Campaign, But Was Shot Down By Sessions

Two attendees at the meeting say that George Papadopoulos, a 30-something-year-old energy consultant, offered up the idea. But as with a half-dozen email inquires Papadopoulos sent to campaign officials pressing the same issue, the idea was rebuffed.

One attendee told TheDC that, as they recalled, then-Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the chairman of the campaign’s national security advisory council, quashed Papadopoulos’ suggestion. A second attendee confirmed that it was Sessions who shut down Papadopoulos

The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government


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