'Color, Communism and Common Sense'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
'Color, Communism and Common Sense'
How a 60-year-old book exposed the Marxist plan to incite a race war.

17 Sep 2020
Filmed in 1969, this short video will shock you with its relevance to current events. The narrator references a book by ex-Communist Party member Manning Johnson, a black man, titled Color, Communism and Common Sense, which -- despite being written in 1958 -- effectively exposes what the far left is attempting to put into practice today. Check out the short but fascinating video below (and ignore the outdated terminology). Don't miss it!

Prophetically, the spokesman from the past is describing our nation circa 2020 almost perfectly despite the fact that he didn't have the terminology used at the present moment. It has been a long path since Karl Marx and Frederick Engels dreamed their evil dreams for the world, to this moment in time. But the moment for the ultimate reckoning between Marx/Engels deluded followers and us has just about arrived.
The archived video shows us that for generations this Marxist perversion has been infecting us.
The Reds have neve made any secret of their agendas, it's just that few people will slog through their boring cult crap, is all. The racist satanist Karl Marx made his theories clear, and communist writers like Antonio Gramsci wrote extensively on how to conduct culture wars using the media. It was all out in the open by the end of the 1920's; even Hitler and Goebbels admired and copied their methods.

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