Colorado baker told to bake that cake

There are public accommodation laws and certain groups are protected. You can’t decided to not serve groups because of race, color, religion, sexual orientation. If those laws exist, then you can’t decide not to serve someone who falls under any of those categories.
Oh? If someone told me to make a penis cake, for example, I would say go somewhere else.
In the 60's. I get the second half of your question, but it won't work. I am not an ignorant redneck racist jerk.
Yet you have done nothing to make you hometown more diverse. I didn’t say you are a redneck or racist, you just don’t think it is important enough for you to initiate change. So you want others to do the work for you.
Yet you have done nothing to make you hometown more diverse. I didn’t say you are a redneck or racist, you just don’t think it is important enough for you to initiate change. So you want others to do the work for you.
You cannot make that jump, and I understand what you are doing. I have been open and welcoming to everyone in town or moving to town and know the environment has changed a great deal. But no, you cannot say me and my peer from my age group in this town have done nothing, we have and it is obvious,
You cannot make that jump, and I understand what you are doing. I have been open and welcoming to everyone in town or moving to town and know the environment has changed a great deal. But no, you cannot say me and my peer from my age group in this town have done nothing, we have and it is obvious,

When you don’t answer easy questions it is fair for one to interpret because you give nothing to go on. My apologies however your not answering contributed to my misunderstanding.
Sure I can, its simple. Sorry, go somewhere else for your penis cake.
That’s fair because you never offered a penis cake. That is like going to a Chinese restaurant and ordering tacos, they don’t offer tacos. The bakery didn’t offer penis cakes however they did offer wedding cakes and that is where the law comes into effect.
That’s fair because you never offered a penis cake. That is like going to a Chinese restaurant and ordering tacos, they don’t offer tacos. The bakery didn’t offer penis cakes however they did offer wedding cakes and that is where the law comes into effect.
Thin line and as the owner of the business, I decide.
Then we go to court and I wait for a real judge.
I'm a baker that's more than willing to sit in jail than to become a conscript of the state.
I bake cakes because I want to....not for an illusion of becoming wealthy....I just want my business to be mine. I bake because I want to....not for some sort of political social agenda....and I refuse to be made a conscript in one....especially one I disagree with.
I'm a baker that's more than willing to sit in jail than to become a conscript of the state.
I bake cakes because I want to....not for an illusion of becoming wealthy....I just want my business to be mine. I bake because I want to....not for some sort of political social agenda....and I refuse to be made a conscript in one....especially one I disagree with.
When you don’t answer easy questions it is fair for one to interpret because you give nothing to go on. My apologies however your not answering contributed to my misunderstanding.
I find it interesting you are so insistent on deflecting in an attempt to change from a long history of discrimination by rationing or refusing to sell goods or services to something I have done. Does it make you uncomfortable to think about the effects of what refusing goods and services to a group of people can do to that group. Would that bother you?
After all this time, why haven't the two queers found another cake and went ahead with the "wedding"?
After all this time, why haven't the two queers found another cake and went ahead with the "wedding"?

Because then they haven't forced the world to applaud their chosen sexual perversion.

That's what their goal isn't tolerance. It is applause and endorsement.

Actions speak louder than words.
I find it interesting you are so insistent on deflecting in an attempt to change from a long history of discrimination by rationing or refusing to sell goods or services to something I have done. Does it make you uncomfortable to think about the effects of what refusing goods and services to a group of people can do to that group. Would that bother you?
You sell to whoever, you don’t pick and choose. The only person I would remotely question not selling to is a white liberal since I feel they are to dumb to make educated choices, but a fool and their money are soon parted.
I think the next group the bakery Taliban should go after is obese people. Now there is a sin. When people come in to order a cake they have to weigh in. If they are fat they get a low fat small cake. The sin of gluttony really bothers me.

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