Colorado Cop Suspended For Threat To “Beat The Hell Out Of” Democrats: “Now’s The True Time To Be Afraid”

We have 30% to 40% of the country thinking that we're going communist in January, and that we're all going to die miserable deaths.

Not sure what can be done about this. Trump isn't going to change. Rush & Sean aren't going to change. Nutter websites aren't going to change.

Got a link to your 30%-40%? I’m not seeing it.
Nope, just my observation.
You think democrat protests are peaceful, therefore your observations are useless.
As are your paranoid fantasies. So we can move on.
Be specific, what are you referring to?
People are not dying in the streets as we speak. Cities are not burning down. The commies aren't coming to get you.
Had the commie fucks not gotten their way? That is exactly what would have happened. As it stands, my contentions have proven to ba facts. We do indeed reside in a banana republic. U.N Agenda 21 is right around the corner and Pedo Joe, the jesuit sack of shit and Chi-com puppet is fine with it.

You really are a naive sack of shit.....
We have 30% to 40% of the country thinking that we're going communist in January, and that we're all going to die miserable deaths.

Not sure what can be done about this. Trump isn't going to change. Rush & Sean aren't going to change. Nutter websites aren't going to change.

Got a link to your 30%-40%? I’m not seeing it.
Nope, just my observation.
You think democrat protests are peaceful, therefore your observations are useless.
As are your paranoid fantasies. So we can move on.
Be specific, what are you referring to?
People are not dying in the streets as we speak. Cities are not burning down. The commies aren't coming to get you.
Bro, you need to check the Chicago local news if you think that. Murders never stop there.
We have 30% to 40% of the country thinking that we're going communist in January, and that we're all going to die miserable deaths.

Not sure what can be done about this. Trump isn't going to change. Rush & Sean aren't going to change. Nutter websites aren't going to change.

These are the people who have no idea what communism really is or means.

First of all it's an economic system. Not a social system.

The communism economic system is one of very little or no private ownership.

The government or state owns everything.

People work for the government. Not a private business owner or themselves owning the business.

People aren't able to amass large wealth. Since they aren't able to own property or business.

Not one democrat is a communist. None of them advocate for communism.

Biden was VP with Obama. They didn't turn America into a Communist state. Nor did Clinton, Carter, LBJ or any democrat in our past or in our present.

The lies need to stop.

Like claiming, “We have 30% to 40% of the country thinking that we're going communist in January, and that we're all going to die miserable deaths”? This type of lie? One created to cause more divisions? Like you jumping in and agreeing with him without verifying the facts?

As far as violence I have seen all sorts the last few months and neither side seems to be free of violence. Both sides need to accept responsibility for their actions instead of shifting blame.
Like claiming, “We have 30% to 40% of the country thinking that we're going communist in January, and that we're all going to die miserable deaths”? This type of lie? One created to cause more divisions? Like you jumping in and agreeing with him without verifying the facts?

As far as violence I have seen all sorts the last few months and neither side seems to be free of violence. Both sides need to accept responsibility for their actions instead of shifting blame.

When the guy carries on about Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity ...
But is incapable of recognizing the almost Cold War Soviet style propaganda in our current mainstream media ...
You should know it is foolish to assume he would recognize something as simple as his own hypocrisy ... :thup:

It is phony. These states are trying to create a police state giving the Globalist more power over the people. Like in this video below. The officer searched the guy vehicle but ignored the cellphone camera or video camera that was aiming at the window. He didn't even moved it out of the way to see what's under it.
They are encouraging the public to rebel so that they can turn this country into a police state.


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