Colorado further evidence Ron Paul will challenge Romney in Tampa

For one thing, in a libertarian society if a local government wanted to impose a tax that I disagreed with and the people voted for it then I could just move.

You could move to a place which did not, oh, charge you FICA deduction from your paycheck?

Or would your totalitarian Libertarian society block the ability of the people, via law or Constitutional amendment, to not permit taxation?

Did you even read the second paragraph of my post?

You are trying to tell us you can outrun the will of the people to legislate.

I would like to welcome you to the 21st century.
All this Libertarian hot air and not one defense of Libertarians bolting on the Libertarian Party in order to tote the pi$$bucket for the Republicans.

But maybe no one had time to respond. Maybe all the Libertarians were just too busy hacking yet another online poll.

Perhaps, and yet again, you missed the part about Ron Paul being a republican congressman from texas. He's also far more a conservative, constitutionalist, than he is a libertarian.

Or maybe you prefer not to have an answer so you can keep typing the same thing over an over because you like the way it looks on your screen
So you decry the "two Party System" and yet you are all too quick to bail on your party and try to join the two party system.

You defend your hypocrisy with namecalling and personal insults.

Sniperfire and I disagree early and often - in fact about the only thing we agree on, is how painfully obvious it is that your claims of higher inteliigence are vastly exagerated. Kinda like your assessment on your influence over the Republican Party. (Your boy has gotten 11% of the Republican votes cast).

I'm not sure who you are addressing but the fact is that the 11% you claim are not necessarly GOP members. They are certainly not the party because the party rules and platform are decided at the conventions. Who goes to the conventions? DELEGATES! If Ron Paul wins the majority of Delegates in a state that means he has the majority of Delegates in that state and that means his supporters are changing the platform. Understand yet? This is happening in at least 9 states and the movement is growing at a rate of 300% between now and 2008. They are not all libertarians either this just nonesense promoted by the establishment neocons to deceive people. If you define a libertarian as a person who belongs to the libertarian party then I would say none of them are.
Here's the problem I've seen with all of the "third parties." It's not that the system is stacked against them. (Beating that dead horse is why we STILL have affirmative action programs in place)
The problem is that they are too lazy to do the hard work that it takes to build their party - like the recent graduate who turns down a job in the mailroom because he wants to be chairman of the board, they ignore municipal, county, and state elections and insist on aiming for the White House. And since they ignore municipal, county, and state elections they have absolutely no ground game. And then blame their failure on "the system." Just like a high-school dropout who cannot get a management position.

So step two is just trying to hijack a party away from people who weren't too afraid of the hard work it takes to build a party.
All this Libertarian hot air and not one defense of Libertarians bolting on the Libertarian Party in order to tote the pi$$bucket for the Republicans.

But maybe no one had time to respond. Maybe all the Libertarians were just too busy hacking yet another online poll.

Or maybe it's because we've already had this discussion with you, and since the answer has not changed we feel no reason to continually explain it to you. You disagree with what we're doing, good for you, but don't pretend like we're avoiding your question.
All this Libertarian hot air and not one defense of Libertarians bolting on the Libertarian Party in order to tote the pi$$bucket for the Republicans.

But maybe no one had time to respond. Maybe all the Libertarians were just too busy hacking yet another online poll.

Perhaps, and yet again, you missed the part about Ron Paul being a republican congressman from texas. He's also far more a conservative, constitutionalist, than he is a libertarian.

Or maybe you prefer not to have an answer so you can keep typing the same thing over an over because you like the way it looks on your screen

Where did I mention Ron Paul in this post? You are responding to a post in a manner that completely ignores the post you are allegedly responding to. So if you make up answers to questions that are not asked, does that make you intellectually superior?
Trying to twist and turn the conversation away to more comfortable ground only confirms how uncomfortable you are with the topic.
All this Libertarian hot air and not one defense of Libertarians bolting on the Libertarian Party in order to tote the pi$$bucket for the Republicans.

But maybe no one had time to respond. Maybe all the Libertarians were just too busy hacking yet another online poll.

Or maybe it's because we've already had this discussion with you, and since the answer has not changed we feel no reason to continually explain it to you. You disagree with what we're doing, good for you, but don't pretend like we're avoiding your question.

You haven't answered the question - unless you consider deflection, topic changing and personal insults to be answers. Maybe that is where our major differences are - you consider those things "answers" while I do not.
I love you Ron Paul guys. I absolutely admire your passion. But Romney will have more than enough delegates before we even get to Tampa.

I will give you this: He still has more of a chance than Gingrich currently has.
All this Libertarian hot air and not one defense of Libertarians bolting on the Libertarian Party in order to tote the pi$$bucket for the Republicans.

But maybe no one had time to respond. Maybe all the Libertarians were just too busy hacking yet another online poll.

Or maybe it's because we've already had this discussion with you, and since the answer has not changed we feel no reason to continually explain it to you. You disagree with what we're doing, good for you, but don't pretend like we're avoiding your question.

You haven't answered the question - unless you consider deflection, topic changing and personal insults to be answers. Maybe that is where our major differences are - you consider those things "answers" while I do not.

I answered your question without deflection, topic changing, or personal insults in those two posts. You disagree with the answers given, which is your prerogative, but you were answered whether you want to admit it or not.
Well Dog, You've continually misrepresented conservative Republicans as Libertarians because without that lie, your entire screed falls completely apart.
The fact that the Republican Party over the last 30 years has morphed into Democrat-Lite doesn't seem to register with you. Those of us who support the OLD Republican Party are now called Libertarians so people like you and SniperFire can lob bombs at us like we're trying to take over something that was never ours.

It's ALWAYS been ours, we're just tired of big government liberals hijacking it and we're TAKING IT BACK!
We might let old Ron give a speech at the convention if he promises to behave and not be a Libertarian dick.
Well Dog, You've continually misrepresented conservative Republicans as Libertarians because without that lie, your entire screed falls completely apart.
The fact that the Republican Party over the last 30 years has morphed into Democrat-Lite doesn't seem to register with you. Those of us who support the OLD Republican Party are now called Libertarians so people like you and SniperFire can lob bombs at us like we're trying to take over something that was never ours.

It's ALWAYS been ours, we're just tired of big government liberals hijacking it and we're TAKING IT BACK!

If you are Republican - I'm not talking to you. If you are a Libertarian, I am talking to you. Does that help unbunch yer panties?
Well Dog, You've continually misrepresented conservative Republicans as Libertarians because without that lie, your entire screed falls completely apart.
The fact that the Republican Party over the last 30 years has morphed into Democrat-Lite doesn't seem to register with you. Those of us who support the OLD Republican Party are now called Libertarians so people like you and SniperFire can lob bombs at us like we're trying to take over something that was never ours.

It's ALWAYS been ours, we're just tired of big government liberals hijacking it and we're TAKING IT BACK!

If you are Republican - I'm not talking to you. If you are a Libertarian, I am talking to you. Does that help unbunch yer panties?

I'm a fucking AMERICAN, God Damn It!! You fucking dipshits and your 'party' shit are going to destroy what little is left of our nation, and the bitch is you all are too fucking STOOPID to realize it.

"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissention, which in different ages & countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders & miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security & repose in the absolute power of an Individual: and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty." — George Washington, September 19, 1796
You guys fold under the tough questions regarding practical application of your purist theory.

Happens every time.

Just like you did.

You ran off, just like you do each and every time I prove to you via simple illustration that Libertarian can never be an actual system of government, short of totalitarian implementation.

Human nature is its downfall.

It is nothing more than a personal philosophy

I'm back!

And what is this, the 9th times you failed to answer my question to you, after I and so many others answered your question.

Where in the world has a Republican Government worked when they make their own constitution...

You failed. So the Republican party should never have any amount of power in the US by your own logic.
We might let old Ron give a speech at the convention if he promises to behave and not be a Libertarian dick.

If Paul gives a speach at the convention it's because you had to let him. If by snap of the fingers the country were nothing but Republicans in power Ron Paul wouldn't be allowed to even have a website.
Well Dog, You've continually misrepresented conservative Republicans as Libertarians because without that lie, your entire screed falls completely apart.
The fact that the Republican Party over the last 30 years has morphed into Democrat-Lite doesn't seem to register with you. Those of us who support the OLD Republican Party are now called Libertarians so people like you and SniperFire can lob bombs at us like we're trying to take over something that was never ours.

It's ALWAYS been ours, we're just tired of big government liberals hijacking it and we're TAKING IT BACK!

If you are Republican - I'm not talking to you. If you are a Libertarian, I am talking to you. Does that help unbunch yer panties?

By voting in the caucus I declared myself to be a member of the GOP and I have an equal say to the other members regardless of whether or not they like what I have to say or not. If I have libertarian leanings then so what? If I want to steer the platform to where I think it should go then so what? We are talking about ideas here and when ideas have support they win. There is no stealing going on. I have never been and probably never will be a member of the libertarain party.
I found SniperFire picking on some kids outside his home.

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