Colorado GOP Congressman calls collegue Buckwheat

Congressman Holtorf has a message for angry BLM types that like shouting over other people:


.....and you wonder why black folks don't vote Republican.

Anytime you see or hear something racist it's coming from the right.

The Rev. Al Sharpton on Monday said he was disturbed by condescending remarks reportedly made by former President Bill Clinton about Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Sharpton was referring to a passage in the new book, “Game Change,” which recounts the conversation Clinton had with the late Sen. Ted Kennedy when he was trying to convince the liberal lion of the Senate to endorse his wife for president.

“A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,” Clinton told Kennedy, according to the book — a comment that angered Kennedy, who later endorsed Obama.

Sharpton, speaking on Fox News, defended Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid over a passage in the book in which he said Obama doesn’t have a “Negro dialect” unless he wants one. But the reverend would not give Clinton such a pass for his remark.

You should see his other greatest him telling a fellow House member to basically "get over it" -- what was he talking about exactly??

That House member's son being murdered in a mass shooting....

That's what you said about the woman who was killed by the cops in DC.
You should see his other greatest him telling a fellow House member to basically "get over it" -- what was he talking about exactly??

That House member's son being murdered in a mass shooting....

That's what you said about the woman who was killed by the cops in DC.
Well, I have no sympathy for reactionary right wing cucks concern trolling over a woman they really didn't give a fuck about...

Anybody who compares storming the DC Capitol to sitting at movie theater is a whole bitch in my opinion
You should see his other greatest him telling a fellow House member to basically "get over it" -- what was he talking about exactly??

That House member's son being murdered in a mass shooting....

That's what you said about the woman who was killed by the cops in DC.
Well, I have no sympathy for reactionary right wing cucks concern trolling over a woman they really didn't give a fuck about...

Anybody who compares storming the DC Capitol to sitting at movie theater is a whole bitch in my opinion

As I said, you basically feel the same way about the murder victim in DC, so you should probably shut the fuck up criticizing someone else for it.

.....and you wonder why black folks don't vote Republican.

Anytime you see or hear something racist it's coming from the right.

No, i dont give a rats ass if someone calls another person buckwheat. Just like you dont give a rats ass when your prog elites call Tim Scott a "Token" or Oreo.. Fucking thin skin punks like you are the reason why "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me", just doesnt seem to work anymore. Little prog slave pussies....

I find it sad that we now seem to think that the way to move the country forward is to call people names.

The progressives have been calling US names since the Rapist in Chief Bill Clinton took office. The problem is that the Repubnicraps just cowered in fear instead of calling those assholes out, and the results are shown today with a groping racist like Joe Biden is in office....
Really? You get your panties in a bunch being called “Buckwheat”? LOL
How many black men have you called Buckwheat to their face?

None. But I've called 2 ******* because that's what they were. There is a difference between a black person and a ******. One walked away out of pure shock, and the other one got bitched out by other blacks and run off because around here the black people don't like ******* either, they give the blacks around here a bad name.

But why even pose that question? It should be perfectly acceptable. Look at how many names black people use publicly on social media, face to face, on tv and so on towards white people. They are even allowed to be racist and say all white people are racist and privileged and so on. And they get to demand special treatment just for being black. I won't shed a tear over one being called something as lame as buckwheat when they can lay down names towards white people with impunity.

If black people want to be treated fair and equal then they should be ready for name calling also. Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.

.....and you wonder why black folks don't vote Republican.

Anytime you see or hear something racist it's coming from the right.

If you dont want to be called names, dont heckle a guy while he has the mic. Why cant you people ever behave civilly? Youre disruptive everywhere, in theatres, restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, walmarts, everygoddamnwhere. At some point arent you going to become embarrassed by these tantrums?
How many black men have you called Buckwheat to their face?
How many black men have you called "Oreo" to their face?
Uncle Tom, a few that I have met unfortunately.
What my buddy and i do, is toast to the stupidity of the progressive slave plantation blacks, who continue to follow what their masters tell them to do. Again here's to you slave...

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So you got a black buddy you drink with, whoop dee do. I can only imagine what type of dude he is to be friends with you.
Really? You get your panties in a bunch being called “Buckwheat”? LOL
How many black men have you called Buckwheat to their face?
None. But I've called 2 ******* because that's what they were. There is a difference between a black person and a ******. One walked away out of pure shock, and the other one got bitched out by other blacks and run off because around here the black people don't like ******* either, they give the blacks around here a bad name.

Must have been Tim Scott, Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson and Candace Owens hanging around, because most black folks I know damn sure wouldn't be on board with you calling somebody black the Nword. What kind of dude would run off when you called him the Nword. Sounds like some bullshit.
But why even pose that question? It should be perfectly acceptable. Look at how many names black people use publicly on social media, face to face, on tv and so on towards white people.

What words would that be?
They are even allowed to be racist and say all white people are racist and privileged and so on.

Who said that all white folks are racist? You are privileged compared to folks of color.
And they get to demand special treatment just for being black.

Really give me a few examples of the special treatment we demand.
I won't shed a tear over one being called something as lame as buckwheat when they can lay down names towards white people with impunity.

What's the maximum effective range of an excuse?
If black people want to be treated fair and equal then they should be ready for name calling also. Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.

Can you give me a black politician who has stood in chambers and called someone white a racial name. I will wait for it.

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