Colorado police on alert after death threat

Well a domestic M4 isn't a machine gun. Its semi auto. In fires a bullet 50% smaller than the .45 Cal pistol cops carry.

But it's probably 20-40x more accurate. That's why the military loves them. And for's safer. For everyone...because few misses means safer incidents for bystanders.

Of course....DontTazeMeBro and other cop haters are ripping NYPD for "missing 83 out of 84" shots at a thug who was shooting at them. They used pistols...on a moving target that shoots back. Very difficult....and that's why the military doesn't use pistols for urban shootouts.

But give a cop an M4 so he is far more accurate....and DontTazeMeBro bitch's about that.

DTMB is a douchebag.

A more accurate term is AR15, because M4's have burst capability, I've seen many cops with AR's in their cars but they don't walk the beat with them.

I have no issue at all with police having AR's. In fact I can advocate them having them in their cars if needed. I just don't like the idea of them patroling the streets with long guns like they used to in Moscow.

Remember when liberals used to condemn the murder of police officers?
Yeah, me neither.
I know many people who conform with the description of political Liberal but who certainly would not approve the murder of police officers. So It would be constructive for you to realize that thinking in categorical terms is ultimately self-defeating. If you focus on individuals you will have a much clearer impression of the real world.

I would be interested in reading your description of what makes one a Liberal. And do you believe there are Americans who embrace both Liberal and Conservative values? If so, what category do you place them in?
Remember when liberals used to condemn the murder of police officers?
Yeah, me neither.

Shootings of police are down this year.

Since you kooks hold liberals responsible for all police killings, you should therefore be publicly thanking the liberals for saving the lives so many cops.

We understand if you won't, given your seething cop hatred. Having orgasms whenever a cop is shot kind of gives away your cop-hatred.
I like the "stay out of the ghetto method".
They'll be begging for police presence in short order.
And maybe..just maybe the honest ghetto dwellers will stop saying "they dint see nuffin".
If I was a cop the first time I heard that...I wouldnt be back.
According to a friend who is retired LEO, many crimes in minority neighborhoods go unsolved because no one will talk to the police. "No snitchin'" is the rule of the 'hood.
The irony is that honest people in these neighborhoods accuse law enforcement of not offering the type of protection they do in other areas. So in response, PD's use community policing. Some cities go as far as requiring those officers to reside where they work. Invariably, when arrests numbers rise, those very same people complain about "the police state"....They want it both ways. "Protect us. But don't arrest anyone."

The reason is actually quite simple: they talk, they die, and they know it! Some gangs will not just kill an informant, they will wipe out (often on video) his or her entire family: siblings, children, parents, EVERYONE! The prospect of having to watch your children vivisected in front of you is quite effective.
I like the "stay out of the ghetto method".
They'll be begging for police presence in short order.
And maybe..just maybe the honest ghetto dwellers will stop saying "they dint see nuffin".
If I was a cop the first time I heard that...I wouldnt be back.
According to a friend who is retired LEO, many crimes in minority neighborhoods go unsolved because no one will talk to the police. "No snitchin'" is the rule of the 'hood.
The irony is that honest people in these neighborhoods accuse law enforcement of not offering the type of protection they do in other areas. So in response, PD's use community policing. Some cities go as far as requiring those officers to reside where they work. Invariably, when arrests numbers rise, those very same people complain about "the police state"....They want it both ways. "Protect us. But don't arrest anyone."

The reason is actually quite simple: they talk, they die, and they know it! Some gangs will not just kill an informant, they will wipe out (often on video) his or her entire family: siblings, children, parents, EVERYONE! The prospect of having to watch your children vivisected in front of you is quite effective.

There is that.
I guess the black community is fucked. They dont like the cops and are afraid of the gangs.
Cant go after the gangs,thats racist and or the cops get sold down the river over some piece of shit he ventilated.

I say just stay out of the ghetto. It's a no win...
Remember when liberals used to condemn the murder of police officers?
Yeah, me neither.
Shootings of police are down this year.
Since you kooks hold liberals responsible for all police killings, you should therefore be publicly thanking the liberals for saving the lives so many cops.
We understand if you won't, given your seething cop hatred. Having orgasms whenever a cop is shot kind of gives away your cop-hatred.
Mindless nonsense from a village useful idiot.
Remember when many conservatives across the nation didn't uncontrollably soil themselves whenever their masters commanded it of them?
Some of you may not remember such a time, being it was so long ago.
Remember when liberals used to condemn the murder of police officers?
Yeah, me neither.

Remember when the title conservative wasn't a term carefully manipulated by the media designed to evoke images of the cast of Duck Dynasty and further marginalize our fellow Americans, trying to inject the almost nuclear element of race into an already potentially explosively dangerous class war?

Remember when the media actually didn't try to make themselves the most integral piece of the evening news?

Remember when they weren't hellbent on trying to galvanize the Second Civil War?
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Remember when the title conservative wasn't a term carefully manipulated by the media designed to evoke images of the cast of Duck Dynasty and further marginalize our fellow Americans, trying to inject the almost nuclear element of race into an already potentially explosively dangerous class war?

Remember when the media actually didn't try to make themselves the most integral piece of the evening news?

Remember when they weren't hellbent on trying to galvanize the Second Civil War?
I was a registered Republican going back to the Barry Goldwater era and my political disposition was distinctly Conservative. I departed from the Republican Party when I saw the direction Ronald Reagan, puppet of the emerging One Percent, was taking the Nation in.

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