Colorado puts 25% tax on marijuana

This is actually a win for everybody.

The smokers still pay far less than when it was illegal, even with the new tax. Their state's budget is strengthened. It's all good news and I don't get why the Feds wouldn't follow suit.
I think all states should do this, make it it like cigarettes. They're never going to stop people from smoking it anyway, and it's safer than alcohol!

Michigan passed the medical marijuana law in 2010....yet even if you have a card and your employer finds out you smoked it, they can still fire you. Makes no sense! Now there's someone (some Representative) I just read about that wants Michigan to make it so people can buy it at their local pharmacy (with a prescription of course). If your own doctor prescribes it, I wonder if your employer could still fire you? Guess I just don't understand that part of it!!
Wait and see how it actually turns out. If such a tax turns people from the legal outlets to the old reliable street corner dealer, it won't be such a good idea.
Wait and see how it actually turns out. If such a tax turns people from the legal outlets to the old reliable street corner dealer, it won't be such a good idea.

Actual taxes would have to result in a minimum of a doubling of the retail cost of something to match the price increase due to the risk created when you make something illegal.
Annual deficit? What annual deficit? Won't be long before the other states follow suit, like they did with casinos and the lottery. Fed is going to have to soon too, because the rich would rather have stoners pay off the national debt.

Colorado voters approve 25 percent taxes on recreational marijuana

The rich would reather have stoners pay off the national debt.

Hate to break into your cannabis fogged addled thought process, but a 25% tax on MJ in Colorado isn't going to put a dent in the multi-Trillion$$ National Debt. Since (if you bothered to read the article) the first $40 million in revenue is earmarked for public schools (which means budgets for other departments can now steal $40 million in public education funding) the money won't even put a dent in Colorado's budget deficit.

Additionally, "The rich" are not the only ones paying for national debt. The middle class are also pleased to have anyone else, but particularly the hedonistic, self-indulgent, self destructive idiots who persist in consuming conciousness altering substances, pay for the national debt:

The move showed a willingness on the part of Colorado voters to tax marijuana for the public benefit even as they roundly defeated a broader tax measure that would have increased state income taxes to raise $1 billion for schools
In Washington State its a 50% tax.

which make me think the whole "make it legal" thing is just a FARCE.

you guys can vote whatever you want, but it is US who make the decision what will and what won't work - your gubmint ( local or federal)
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Its still cheaper than the black market, by FAR. Quit talking out your asses. The black market isnt going to drop its prices in Col. Just to compete there when its still illegal in most states and making a KILLING.
Libs blame urban violence on the war in drugs but the war on drugs will continue after legalization because of black markets to avoid the taxes libs impose
The smokers still pay far less than when it was illegal, even with the new tax.

Disagree. I know the cannabis market first hand in California and can tell you that the legal market is priced HIGHER than the underground market. The reason people paid a bit more was due to the quality and selection of product that dispensaries offered. People also joined dispensaries in an effort to support legalization. However, many, many people that don't have the financial resources (or that don't want to end up on the Fed's radar) continue to buy in the black market.

A 25% tax will only ensure the underground market thrives. That's for sure.

Their state's budget is strengthened.

Strongly disagree. I suspect they will collect less revenue than they would with a normal sales tax rate. And even if they do collect more in revenue, they'll also pay more in policing and incarceration because I guarantee you the underground market will increase with a onerous tax.

It's all good news and I don't get why the Feds wouldn't follow suit.

Because we don't need a national sales tax on cannabis or anything for that matter. We need to spend less money and live within our means.
Annual deficit? What annual deficit? Won't be long before the other states follow suit, like they did with casinos and the lottery. Fed is going to have to soon too, because the rich would rather have stoners pay off the national debt.

Colorado voters approve 25 percent taxes on recreational marijuana

wrong. marijuana will just go underground as it was before.
Overtaxing results in the same activity as ban does - the contraband will flourish.

Especially since they are trying to turn pot from an illegal product into a legal product. The distribution lines for illegal sales are already well entrenched and established. It is the legal outlet trying to make a dent in illegal sales.

What is the penalty for having illegal and untaxed marijuana? Will there be federal stickers on pot sales like there are in cigarette sales? It is idiocy to think that people will pay more, significantly more, for pot just to get it legal when they've been getting it illegally for years.

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