Colorado puts 25% tax on marijuana

You do not have to smoke it. I usually vaporize it.

Eh, i can appriciate vaporzing, but puffing out of a turkey bag is annoying.

modern vaporizers do not require a bag. They are like the dug outs of old, only they act as vaporizers. Pretty neat...if you care to shell out 250 ollars on a piece of paraphenalia.

Ah, my last experience with one was like 4 years ago.

Ain't technology wonderful!!!
You do not have to smoke it. I usually vaporize it.

Eh, i can appriciate vaporzing, but puffing out of a turkey bag is annoying.

That's why they make vaporizers.

Pot vaporizer boom leads to secret stoners | New York Post

This might actually be a good idea. Some anti smokers are so against smoking that they are trying to ban e-cigarettes. With the legalization of pot vaporizers they won't be able to do it. I vape with an e-cigarette. I like flavored 0 nicotine juice. When people complain that I'm smoking, I have been lying and telling them that its a marijuana vaporizer and they leave me alone. Jerry Brown wants to legalize pot and ban vaporizers. Let him get his head around this one.

I have an e-joint too.
You do not have to smoke it. I usually vaporize it.

Eh, i can appriciate vaporzing, but puffing out of a turkey bag is annoying.

modern vaporizers do not require a bag. They are like the dug outs of old, only they act as vaporizers. Pretty neat...if you care to shell out 250 ollars on a piece of paraphenalia.

250 dollars is pretty cheap. I paid something like 400€, and that was some time ago.
Hopefully there'll be no legal market soon either.
I wouldn't mind smokers...if they stayed home and smoked and didn't gather around the mall entrance and ATM and fill my lungs with smoke as I enter to shop.

There is a small black market, tax/duty avoidance...but the penalties are really severe.
We might be "Dumb, drunk, racist, and backward" according to the world...but our puppy dogs aren't.
They love nothing more than detecting illicit cargo. :)

Trouble for the smugglers is that the place is an island, so they have to fly their cargo in.

{ILLEGAL tobacco is booming across Australia, funding international criminal gangs, and costing taxpayers more than $1 billion each year.

And the introduction of plain packaging for legal cigarettes has failed, according to a report released this morning.

That report states that *tobacco consumption in Australia will rise this year for the first time since 2003.

Demand for cheap counterfeit and contraband cigarettes is accelerating, driven by excise increases on legitimate tobacco.

And shops dispensing *illegal tobacco do so with *apparent impunity, despite a fine of up to $340,000 for selling a single packet.

The Tobacco Plain Packaging Act, passed in 2011, made Australia the first country to remove all logos, colour and design from cigarette packets.

But a report compiled by the international auditing firm, KPMG, and released exclusively to the Herald Sun, shows that while sales of legal cigarettes and tobacco have slipped slightly in the past 12 months, surging demand for counterfeit and contraband cigarettes and chop chop tobacco has more than made up that shortfall.

The KPMG report was commissioned by big players in the legal tobacco industry.

It involved analysing consumers' preferences and *collecting 12,000 discarded cigarette packets.}

Illicit tobacco funding gangs and increasing use |
Why do people want to smoke pot and ruin their lungs and brains?

I smoked it every day for over 2 years.

I have an IQ off the charts.

Lungs, I don't know about, but I've never seen evidence that it has any negative effect on the brain. (Except when you're high, then you're dumb as a rock...)

Not sure "dumb as a rock" is the correct way to describe it.

I'd say high people tend to just think differently than sober people; really what it does (for me at least) is give you a new perspective on reality (that often leads to breakthroughs in thinking). This is why so many musicians, writers, etc swear by it...

But I guess a side effect is when you're high it's sometimes difficult to do simple everyday tasks due to the fact your thinking is in a different realm.
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Bet there is no black market there......

A Customs' "profitability scenario" said a 40-foot shipping container held more than 9 million cigarette sticks.

The overseas price for 10 million sticks costs $60,000-$80,000 and on the Australian black market it sells for $3 million-$4 million - a 4900 per cent increase. About one in 20 containers are X-rayed.

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

THATS the type of markup that creates an illegal markup for something when its due to excessive taxes. Even adding shipping costs, and any bribing you have to do you can afford to lose 1 out of every 3 shipments and still make off like a bandit.

The legalization of pot has already had so many positives. The main positive is that, finally many are not being persecuted by holier than thou's. They're not going to prison, and they're not having their lives destroyed. Millions, if not billions of dollars in revenue is being brought into Colorado and Washington. Billions are being saved in court costs, and prisons actually have room for real criminals.

By 2016 plenty of new evidence will be available, that will show even more positives. Less crime, less violence, and less alcohol deaths. And many ignorant straights will probably try it, and realize that, "Hey, this stuff is not bad at all. In fact, it's pretty good." Less stress, sleep better at night, and they won't be so damn angry all the time. They might even find their spiritual self.

Oh yeah, there's going to be the haters that are going to try to find the negatives. And as with everything, there probably will be a few. But my bet is, the positives will far out weight the negatives, and prohibition on pot will be over before 2020.

If pot was even half as bad as the haters have tried to make it out to be, I would have been dead thirty years ago. I used to smoke an ounce every three days back in the 60's & 70's. Then it went from $10.00 an ounce to over $100.00, because of the drug war, so I cut back to an ounce a month. Then it got up to $300.00 an ounce in the 90's, so I cut back even more. Now I don't even buy it any more. I just take a toke when it's offered to me, and sometimes I even turn it down. I probably catch a buzz, maybe 6-10 times a year now. Pot being addictive is a bunch of crap. I've never seen anyone go through withdrawals from pot, like they do with alcohol. I'm 60 years old now, and still have all my faculties. Believe me, I've had my fun, and I've got lots of great memories, and no regrets.
Substance related deaths won't change. That's why they call it Driving Under the Influence, so there's no difference between alcohol or any other substance. Using pot does not mean the person doesn't drink, most of the time it's both, not either or.
I think all states should do this, make it it like cigarettes. They're never going to stop people from smoking it anyway, and it's safer than alcohol!

Michigan passed the medical marijuana law in 2010....yet even if you have a card and your employer finds out you smoked it, they can still fire you. Makes no sense! Now there's someone (some Representative) I just read about that wants Michigan to make it so people can buy it at their local pharmacy (with a prescription of course). If your own doctor prescribes it, I wonder if your employer could still fire you? Guess I just don't understand that part of it!!

Makes no sense? What employer in their right mind wants to take a chance of having people who test positive for marijuana working for him? Imagine a construction crew or a factory that has a bunch of pot heads floating around? To be fair leave it up to the employer. If he wants to pay sky high (pardon the pun) insurance rates by knowingly having walking accident pot heads around it's his funeral.

I said it makes no sense if the law is passed to give your Dr. the ok to prescribe pot to a patient, what's the difference between that and prescribing pain pills or any other drug that can effect you this way? An employer is not going to fire you for having to take pain pills for a condition that the Dr feels you need it. If you're not taking those pain pills at work, then there's no problem. I know people I work with that have a medical marijuana card, they don't come to work high. But if something happened and they had to be drug tested, they'd most likely get fired. A person taking pain pills would not.
Eh, i can appriciate vaporzing, but puffing out of a turkey bag is annoying.

modern vaporizers do not require a bag. They are like the dug outs of old, only they act as vaporizers. Pretty neat...if you care to shell out 250 ollars on a piece of paraphenalia.

250 dollars is pretty cheap. I paid something like 400€, and that was some time ago.
Prices have come down and will come down substantially more as legalization progresses. These are technologically simple devices. If mass produced and competitive will cost about the same as a good vacuum sealer (about $100).
I said it makes no sense if the law is passed to give your Dr. the ok to prescribe pot to a patient, what's the difference between that and prescribing pain pills or any other drug that can effect you this way? An employer is not going to fire you for having to take pain pills for a condition that the Dr feels you need it. If you're not taking those pain pills at work, then there's no problem. I know people I work with that have a medical marijuana card, they don't come to work high. But if something happened and they had to be drug tested, they'd most likely get fired. A person taking pain pills would not.
You are correctly referring to a real form of insanity induced by prolonged Reefer Madness propaganda and affecting a substantial percentage of the U.S. population much like a bizarre religious proscription. Consciously those affected know that marijuana cannot possibly be as harmful as the drug warriors insist it is, still they are unable to purge the taboo which has been pounded into their brains by years of inculcated lying by federal priests and academic demagogues.

In simple terms, much of the the anti-marijuana fixation in America today amounts to a cult following.

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