Colorado puts 25% tax on marijuana

Not true. Under Bush they were even going after people selling paraphanalia.

What's not true you disingenuous piece of shit? I never claimed the DOJ never made busts during the Bush administration, but they didn't conduct dispensary raids. Obama's henchmen have conducted hundreds.

Of course, the point is that it isn't just 'right wing' lawmakers that have carried out this war on drugs, it's both parties that are responsible. Only the libertarians stand against outlawing consensual activity between adults.

They were also going after people selling seeds by mail in British Columbia.

The US DOJ has no jurisdiction in Canada. Regardless of what they may have tried in that regard, it does NOT change the fact that Dems are every bit as responsible for the war on drugs as Republicans, as my post CLEARLY demonstrates.

Your bias is so overwhelming it rises to the level of ridiculousness. Grow up.

I never claimed the DOJ never made busts during the Bush administration, but they didn't conduct dispensary raids.

yes they did Eflat.....right here in Santa Ana.....3 dispensaries were hit....which brought up a situation with the local Police.....but you are right though....Obama is worse which makes him a Hypocrite...

Yes, Obama has been a disappointment on this subject, although they have eased up this term.
Number of cannabis dispensary raids under Bush: 0
Under Obama, hundreds.

From the oh-so-right-wing Huffington Post:

Obama Explains Increasing Medical Marijuana Crackdowns, Raids In 'Rolling Stone' Interview

  1. Further, the first law to restricted the distribution and use drugs was the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914, passed under Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. That law was put on his desk with both houses of Congress being controlled by fellow Democrats.

  2. Later, in 1935, that "right winger" FDR publicly supported the adoption of the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act. The New York Times used the headline "ROOSEVELT ASKS NARCOTIC WAR AID."

  3. Then, in 1937, the Marijuana Transfer Tax Act was passed, further escalating the war on drugs. Guess who was President then? Guess which party had a SUPERMAJORITY in both houses???

  4. On October 27, 1970, Congress passes the 'Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970', a major expansion on the war on drugs. Guess which party had the majority in BOTH houses in 1970?

  5. In 1973, the DEA was established, this time under a different Congress but once again, both houses had a Democrat majority.

  6. Lastly, the 'Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988', which established the ONDCP (our first Drug Czar), was passed by Congress who had...wait for it...a Democrat majority in both houses.
Once again, your overwhelming bias, hypocrisy, and propensity to lie has been exposed. But you go with what fits your little agenda...:cuckoo:

Not true. Under Bush they were even going after people selling paraphanalia.

What's not true you disingenuous piece of shit? I never claimed the DOJ never made busts during the Bush administration, but they didn't conduct dispensary raids. Obama's henchmen have conducted hundreds.

Of course, the point is that it isn't just 'right wing' lawmakers that have carried out this war on drugs, it's both parties that are responsible. Only the libertarians stand against outlawing consensual activity between adults.

They were also going after people selling seeds by mail in British Columbia.

The US DOJ has no jurisdiction in Canada. Regardless of what they may have tried in that regard, it does NOT change the fact that Dems are every bit as responsible for the war on drugs as Republicans, as my post CLEARLY demonstrates.

Your bias is so overwhelming it rises to the level of ridiculousness. Grow up.

You obviously have not been paying attention lately. Insults weaken your argument.
Not true. Under Bush they were even going after people selling paraphanalia.

What's not true you disingenuous piece of shit? I never claimed the DOJ never made busts during the Bush administration, but they didn't conduct dispensary raids. Obama's henchmen have conducted hundreds.

Of course, the point is that it isn't just 'right wing' lawmakers that have carried out this war on drugs, it's both parties that are responsible. Only the libertarians stand against outlawing consensual activity between adults.

They were also going after people selling seeds by mail in British Columbia.

The US DOJ has no jurisdiction in Canada. Regardless of what they may have tried in that regard, it does NOT change the fact that Dems are every bit as responsible for the war on drugs as Republicans, as my post CLEARLY demonstrates.

Your bias is so overwhelming it rises to the level of ridiculousness. Grow up.

You obviously have not been paying attention lately. Insults weaken your argument.

Your inability to respond to the point at hand is noted.

Fail, once again.
Growing pot is a lot more work than you are suggesting, if you want it to be good quality weed.

Bullshit. The 'quality' comes from the genetics of the seed and the curing process. The 'quantity' comes from advanced hydroponics and other methods to increase the speed to flowering and density of flowers per plant.

How much do you grow yearly?

You're really good at avoiding the point. What I've grown is not only none of your business, it isn't germane to the point. Wow, fail yet again. :lol:
It is "idiocy" to think that taxed, legal weed will be more expensive than illegal, black market weed.

I guess we must be idiots.
What part of "if you add 25% to the price of something you make it radically more expensive than the untaxed item" do you not understand?

If you add a 25% tax to an 1/8th of an ounce of weed costing $30, it will still be less than the $65 it costs on the black market.
Not to mention what I presume to be the purity, quality, and potency factor of legally dispensed marijuana. Is that correct?
I guess we must be idiots.
What part of "if you add 25% to the price of something you make it radically more expensive than the untaxed item" do you not understand?

If you add a 25% tax to an 1/8th of an ounce of weed costing $30, it will still be less than the $65 it costs on the black market.
Not to mention what I presume to be the purity, quality, and potency factor of legally dispensed marijuana. Is that correct?

"Purity" isn't really an issue, it's a plant.

But yes, weed sold through the clubs is usually tested in a lab for THC, CBD and CBN content, and examined for molds and parasites - and there's always a variety of choices of strains and preparations available, unlike your average street dealer.
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They are other cannabinoids present in Marijuana, with medical benefits. They don't get you high.

CBD works as a painkiller, helps prevent seizures, reduces anxiety, works as an anti-inflammatory, and even inhibits cancer growth.

CBN helps you sleep.

I haven't smoked dope in over 35 years - nor will I ever again.

But, back in the day, one of the effects of pot was that it induced anxiety - bordering on paranoia. It's one of the (many) things I really didn't like about it.
I think all states should do this, make it it like cigarettes. They're never going to stop people from smoking it anyway, and it's safer than alcohol!

Michigan passed the medical marijuana law in 2010....yet even if you have a card and your employer finds out you smoked it, they can still fire you. Makes no sense! Now there's someone (some Representative) I just read about that wants Michigan to make it so people can buy it at their local pharmacy (with a prescription of course). If your own doctor prescribes it, I wonder if your employer could still fire you? Guess I just don't understand that part of it!!

Makes no sense? What employer in their right mind wants to take a chance of having people who test positive for marijuana working for him? Imagine a construction crew or a factory that has a bunch of pot heads floating around? To be fair leave it up to the employer. If he wants to pay sky high (pardon the pun) insurance rates by knowingly having walking accident pot heads around it's his funeral.
They are other cannabinoids present in Marijuana, with medical benefits. They don't get you high.

CBD works as a painkiller, helps prevent seizures, reduces anxiety, works as an anti-inflammatory, and even inhibits cancer growth.

CBN helps you sleep.

I haven't smoked dope in over 35 years - nor will I ever again.

But, back in the day, one of the effects of pot was that it induced anxiety - bordering on paranoia. It's one of the (many) things I really didn't like about it.

i knew a few like you.....they quit smoking and just drank beer.....
Product is a lot easier to tax than service.
Prostitution can't break the ground to legal as easily as drugs can. And prostitution has been around a lot longer.
But women are almost totally opposed to prostitution because it weakens their hold on male attention.

Politicians know this and are quietly guided by it. They will not announce their unwillingness to vote for legalizing prostitution because it would cost them the womens' vote. Nor would they announce this unwillingness because it would cost them a lot of male votes. They just ignore it the way Obama has diligently ignored the marijuana issue.
They are other cannabinoids present in Marijuana, with medical benefits. They don't get you high.

CBD works as a painkiller, helps prevent seizures, reduces anxiety, works as an anti-inflammatory, and even inhibits cancer growth.

CBN helps you sleep.

I haven't smoked dope in over 35 years - nor will I ever again.

But, back in the day, one of the effects of pot was that it induced anxiety - bordering on paranoia. It's one of the (many) things I really didn't like about it.

Large doses of THC have been reported to cause anxiety, which is why there have been made strains breed to have low THC content and high CBD content, for people seeking those anti-anxiety benefits.

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What does 25% tax mean? What is the base price? I remember when you could buy a pack of cigarettes for two quarters in a vending machine. Today they run around 5.00 per pack.
Makes no sense? What employer in their right mind wants to take a chance of having people who test positive for marijuana working for him? Imagine a construction crew or a factory that has a bunch of pot heads floating around? To be fair leave it up to the employer. If he wants to pay sky high (pardon the pun) insurance rates by knowingly having walking accident pot heads around it's his funeral.


Whats' the difference between that and having a drinker work for you.

Don't come to work high. Beyond that, who gives a shit?

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