Colorado puts 25% tax on marijuana

The reason people paid a bit more was due to the quality and selection of product that dispensaries offered.

so whats a "bit" more?....if i knew i could by some good quality pot for 20-30 dollars more an Oz...i would do it....

There has never been a legal market in California. The dispensaries are at best grey market. Pot is illegal - period. That a loophole allows a fraud to be perpetrated doesn't alter the fact that pot is contraband. It is priced like contraband.

No. Medical marijuana is absolutely legal. So many opened up that Los Angeles closed down half as being run by cartels, used as an outlet to sell other drugs under the counter or had a side weapons business. Cities have the option of banning all clinics. Several cities have already done so. Inglewood banned all pot shops a few months ago. Lake Forest never allowed them to open. Torrance had two but the residents complained so much their business licenses were revoked.

Possession of marijuana, without driving or anything is a $50.00 ticket that can be dismissed if you produce your prescription letter.
It is "idiocy" to think that taxed, legal weed will be more expensive than illegal, black market weed.


of course it will be more expensive.
otherwise black market does not have any reason to exist - what is it going to propose to the consumer which he already does not have? :rolleyes:

Is taxed, legal alcohol more expensive than black market alcohol (which is untaxed?).

Do we see any bootleggers these days?

depends on the tax. The OP is talking about 25% and 50%. With such amount it will be too expensive, therefore the black market will flourish.
It does not matter what is sold - any product, if it is overtaxed, will be pushed to black market.

Some areas of the country do see bootleggers.

The reason people paid a bit more was due to the quality and selection of product that dispensaries offered.

so whats a "bit" more?....if i knew i could by some good quality pot for 20-30 dollars more an Oz...i would do it....

There has never been a legal market in California. The dispensaries are at best grey market. Pot is illegal - period. That a loophole allows a fraud to be perpetrated doesn't alter the fact that pot is contraband. It is priced like contraband.

No. Medical marijuana is absolutely legal. So many opened up that Los Angeles closed down half as being run by cartels, used as an outlet to sell other drugs under the counter or had a side weapons business. Cities have the option of banning all clinics. Several cities have already done so. Inglewood banned all pot shops a few months ago. Lake Forest never allowed them to open. Torrance had two but the residents complained so much their business licenses were revoked.

Possession of marijuana, without driving or anything is a $50.00 ticket that can be dismissed if you produce your prescription letter.

you have more fucking bullshit Katz....Lake Forest has pot dispensaries.....has more than one open right now.....they had problems with one that they shut down and that case is now going to the State Supreme Court....and Torrence has them too ...and Inglewood has them....and you claim you live here?.....geezus....
Inglewood, CA Medical Marijuana Dispensaries! | MML

Lake Forest, California Marijuana Dispensaries | Details and Info

Torrance, California Marijuana Dispensaries | Details and Info
Yeah, that's pretty much the idea behind all the sin taxes.

The stoners get behind it because they see it as the best argument for getting it legalized.

Once it is legalized it will pit legal outlets right up against the cartels' established outlets. With any luck at all, we will be having a mexican style drug war right here, and maybe the cartels will be so kind as to take out 60,000 American dealers and users.

Trade war of a different kind.

And yet another stupid argument. Making it legal will take the profits away from the cartels, and there won't be any reason for them to smuggle it into the U.S..

unless you tax the snot out of it

making it once again profitable to smuggle
Is taxed, legal alcohol more expensive than black market alcohol (which is untaxed?).

Do we see any bootleggers these days?

Do we see any bootleggers these days?


Let me rephrase; the legal alcohol industry generates I think $400 billion in economic activity each year in US.

When considering the economic activity generated by bootleggers who make a living by manufacturing (key word) and selling to the public, is it smaller, larger, or equal?

key word manufacture --LOL

smuggling is smuggling

and it happens much more then you think


U.S. citizen Do Young “Nick” Lee, 42, of Tysons Corner, Va., pleaded guilty to an
Information charging him with one count each of smuggling, money laundering, and
evasion of excise tax. Lee entered his guilty plea before U.S. District Judge Noel L.
Hillman in Camden federal court.

Between December 2005 and February 2008, Lee imported at least 14
shipments of Soju into various United States ports, including Port Newark, in which he
falsely classified the Soju as rice wine. The false classification allowed Lee to avoid
paying approximately $101,818 in excise taxes to the U.S. government.

Lee admitted that once he received the Soju, he sold it to various restaurants and
businesses, some of which did not have liquor licenses, throughout southern New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia and California. Lee used the proceeds of
those sales to wire approximately $415,059 from New Jersey and elsewhere to Korea to
pay for additional Soju – which also was then smuggled into the United States by the
submission of false entry documents.
Before the right wingers started the war on drugs...

Number of cannabis dispensary raids under Bush: 0
Under Obama, hundreds.

From the oh-so-right-wing Huffington Post:

Obama Explains Increasing Medical Marijuana Crackdowns, Raids In 'Rolling Stone' Interview

  1. Further, the first law to restricted the distribution and use drugs was the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914, passed under Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. That law was put on his desk with both houses of Congress being controlled by fellow Democrats.

  2. Later, in 1935, that "right winger" FDR publicly supported the adoption of the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act. The New York Times used the headline "ROOSEVELT ASKS NARCOTIC WAR AID."

  3. Then, in 1937, the Marijuana Transfer Tax Act was passed, further escalating the war on drugs. Guess who was President then? Guess which party had a SUPERMAJORITY in both houses???

  4. On October 27, 1970, Congress passes the 'Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970', a major expansion on the war on drugs. Guess which party had the majority in BOTH houses in 1970?

  5. In 1973, the DEA was established, this time under a different Congress but once again, both houses had a Democrat majority.

  6. Lastly, the 'Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988', which established the ONDCP (our first Drug Czar), was passed by Congress who had...wait for it...a Democrat majority in both houses.
Once again, your overwhelming bias, hypocrisy, and propensity to lie has been exposed. But you go with what fits your little agenda...:cuckoo:

Not true. Under Bush they were even going after people selling paraphanalia. They were also going after people selling seeds by mail in British Columbia.
Before the right wingers started the war on drugs...

Number of cannabis dispensary raids under Bush: 0
Under Obama, hundreds.

From the oh-so-right-wing Huffington Post:

Obama Explains Increasing Medical Marijuana Crackdowns, Raids In 'Rolling Stone' Interview

  1. Further, the first law to restricted the distribution and use drugs was the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914, passed under Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. That law was put on his desk with both houses of Congress being controlled by fellow Democrats.

  2. Later, in 1935, that "right winger" FDR publicly supported the adoption of the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act. The New York Times used the headline "ROOSEVELT ASKS NARCOTIC WAR AID."

  3. Then, in 1937, the Marijuana Transfer Tax Act was passed, further escalating the war on drugs. Guess who was President then? Guess which party had a SUPERMAJORITY in both houses???

  4. On October 27, 1970, Congress passes the 'Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970', a major expansion on the war on drugs. Guess which party had the majority in BOTH houses in 1970?

  5. In 1973, the DEA was established, this time under a different Congress but once again, both houses had a Democrat majority.

  6. Lastly, the 'Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988', which established the ONDCP (our first Drug Czar), was passed by Congress who had...wait for it...a Democrat majority in both houses.
Once again, your overwhelming bias, hypocrisy, and propensity to lie has been exposed. But you go with what fits your little agenda...:cuckoo:

Facts are mere inconveniences to the Left.

Facts are the truth, not what is fabricated by the right.
They will simply reduce their prices to beat legal competition. In most cases, its a moot point because of the 12% of the population who participates in cannibus, 100% can grow their own.

Again, 100% of people can brew their own beer with some simple kitchen equipment and minimal effort.

Why do we see so many people purchasing beer at stores/bars with insane taxes and markups? I can brew 5 gallons of beer at literally 1/5 the cost of what a bar would sell it to me at, and maybe 1/2 of what a store would sell.

Why won't you address this very relevant precedent?!

I drink beer often. I even have the glass carboy and some other stuff. I have never bothered to brew beer.
First, it requires more equipment, like bottles. Then the time to do it. Then I can get more variety out of buying different types of beer. Then the uncertainty how my product will turn out.
There is none of this with dope.
OTOH, people do roll their own cigarrrettes and localities have been restricting roll shops where they basically rent rolling machines. So there is tax avoidance in the production of cigs, as well as the sale in very high tax states.

Growing dope takes a lot of time and work. It is not just throwing seeds into some soil. I grow my own and know this from experience.
This is actually a win for everybody.

The smokers still pay far less than when it was illegal, even with the new tax. Their state's budget is strengthened. It's all good news and I don't get why the Feds wouldn't follow suit.

How did states ever manage to get by before high taxes? Take an econ class, and then you won't be so stupid as to call a tax a 'win' when regarding financial matters.
I think all states should do this, make it it like cigarettes. They're never going to stop people from smoking it anyway, and it's safer than alcohol!

Since when is it the state's job to stop people from smoking? You've believed in state intervention for so long that you advocate state funded behavioral modifications as if they're nothing.
I drink beer often. I even have the glass carboy and some other stuff. I have never bothered to brew beer.
First, it requires more equipment, like bottles. Then the time to do it. Then I can get more variety out of buying different types of beer. Then the uncertainty how my product will turn out.
There is none of this with dope.
OTOH, people do roll their own cigarrrettes and localities have been restricting roll shops where they basically rent rolling machines. So there is tax avoidance in the production of cigs, as well as the sale in very high tax states.

This is so staggeringly wrong, I don't even know where to begin.

Growing good weed is NOT easy. It requires hundreds of dollars worth of equipment and supplies, and will take 4-5 months to harvest.

Actually, one needs only a few seeds, sunshine, mother earth and water to grow cannabis. It's the second fastest growing plant on the planet and incredibly easy to grow. Hell, there's a low THC strain that grows in ditches throughout the Midwest. Grows like a weed...

If you have the right equipment, you can take many strains to flower in about 5 you're wrong there too.

You were saying something about 'staggering'??? :lol:

Growing pot is a lot more work than you are suggesting, if you want it to be good quality weed.
Before the right wingers started the war on drugs...

Number of cannabis dispensary raids under Bush: 0
Under Obama, hundreds.

From the oh-so-right-wing Huffington Post:

Obama Explains Increasing Medical Marijuana Crackdowns, Raids In 'Rolling Stone' Interview

  1. Further, the first law to restricted the distribution and use drugs was the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914, passed under Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. That law was put on his desk with both houses of Congress being controlled by fellow Democrats.

  2. Later, in 1935, that "right winger" FDR publicly supported the adoption of the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act. The New York Times used the headline "ROOSEVELT ASKS NARCOTIC WAR AID."

  3. Then, in 1937, the Marijuana Transfer Tax Act was passed, further escalating the war on drugs. Guess who was President then? Guess which party had a SUPERMAJORITY in both houses???

  4. On October 27, 1970, Congress passes the 'Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970', a major expansion on the war on drugs. Guess which party had the majority in BOTH houses in 1970?

  5. In 1973, the DEA was established, this time under a different Congress but once again, both houses had a Democrat majority.

  6. Lastly, the 'Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988', which established the ONDCP (our first Drug Czar), was passed by Congress who had...wait for it...a Democrat majority in both houses.
Once again, your overwhelming bias, hypocrisy, and propensity to lie has been exposed. But you go with what fits your little agenda...:cuckoo:

Not true. Under Bush they were even going after people selling paraphanalia.

What's not true you disingenuous piece of shit? I never claimed the DOJ never made busts during the Bush administration, but they didn't conduct dispensary raids. Obama's henchmen have conducted hundreds.

Of course, the point is that it isn't just 'right wing' lawmakers that have carried out this war on drugs, it's both parties that are responsible. Only the libertarians stand against outlawing consensual activity between adults.

They were also going after people selling seeds by mail in British Columbia.

The US DOJ has no jurisdiction in Canada. Regardless of what they may have tried in that regard, it does NOT change the fact that Dems are every bit as responsible for the war on drugs as Republicans, as my post CLEARLY demonstrates.

Your bias is so overwhelming it rises to the level of ridiculousness. Grow up.
This is so staggeringly wrong, I don't even know where to begin.

Growing good weed is NOT easy. It requires hundreds of dollars worth of equipment and supplies, and will take 4-5 months to harvest.

Actually, one needs only a few seeds, sunshine, mother earth and water to grow cannabis. It's the second fastest growing plant on the planet and incredibly easy to grow. Hell, there's a low THC strain that grows in ditches throughout the Midwest. Grows like a weed...

If you have the right equipment, you can take many strains to flower in about 5 you're wrong there too.

You were saying something about 'staggering'??? :lol:

Growing pot is a lot more work than you are suggesting, if you want it to be good quality weed.

Bullshit. The 'quality' comes from the genetics of the seed and the curing process. The 'quantity' comes from advanced hydroponics and other methods to increase the speed to flowering and density of flowers per plant.
Number of cannabis dispensary raids under Bush: 0
Under Obama, hundreds.

From the oh-so-right-wing Huffington Post:

Obama Explains Increasing Medical Marijuana Crackdowns, Raids In 'Rolling Stone' Interview

  1. Further, the first law to restricted the distribution and use drugs was the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914, passed under Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. That law was put on his desk with both houses of Congress being controlled by fellow Democrats.

  2. Later, in 1935, that "right winger" FDR publicly supported the adoption of the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act. The New York Times used the headline "ROOSEVELT ASKS NARCOTIC WAR AID."

  3. Then, in 1937, the Marijuana Transfer Tax Act was passed, further escalating the war on drugs. Guess who was President then? Guess which party had a SUPERMAJORITY in both houses???

  4. On October 27, 1970, Congress passes the 'Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970', a major expansion on the war on drugs. Guess which party had the majority in BOTH houses in 1970?

  5. In 1973, the DEA was established, this time under a different Congress but once again, both houses had a Democrat majority.

  6. Lastly, the 'Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988', which established the ONDCP (our first Drug Czar), was passed by Congress who had...wait for it...a Democrat majority in both houses.
Once again, your overwhelming bias, hypocrisy, and propensity to lie has been exposed. But you go with what fits your little agenda...:cuckoo:

Facts are mere inconveniences to the Left.

Facts are the truth, not what is fabricated by the right.

Interesting you did not point to single fabrication...

But hey, when you have nothing to back up your claim, go with the 'Because I say so' retort...:cuckoo:
This is so staggeringly wrong, I don't even know where to begin.

Growing good weed is NOT easy. It requires hundreds of dollars worth of equipment and supplies, and will take 4-5 months to harvest.

Actually, one needs only a few seeds, sunshine, mother earth and water to grow cannabis. It's the second fastest growing plant on the planet and incredibly easy to grow. Hell, there's a low THC strain that grows in ditches throughout the Midwest. Grows like a weed...

If you have the right equipment, you can take many strains to flower in about 5 you're wrong there too.

You were saying something about 'staggering'??? :lol:

Growing pot is a lot more work than you are suggesting, if you want it to be good quality weed.


that is why they plant some seeds on a hillside

and come in a few months to harvest

Number of cannabis dispensary raids under Bush: 0
Under Obama, hundreds.

From the oh-so-right-wing Huffington Post:

Obama Explains Increasing Medical Marijuana Crackdowns, Raids In 'Rolling Stone' Interview

  1. Further, the first law to restricted the distribution and use drugs was the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914, passed under Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. That law was put on his desk with both houses of Congress being controlled by fellow Democrats.

  2. Later, in 1935, that "right winger" FDR publicly supported the adoption of the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act. The New York Times used the headline "ROOSEVELT ASKS NARCOTIC WAR AID."

  3. Then, in 1937, the Marijuana Transfer Tax Act was passed, further escalating the war on drugs. Guess who was President then? Guess which party had a SUPERMAJORITY in both houses???

  4. On October 27, 1970, Congress passes the 'Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970', a major expansion on the war on drugs. Guess which party had the majority in BOTH houses in 1970?

  5. In 1973, the DEA was established, this time under a different Congress but once again, both houses had a Democrat majority.

  6. Lastly, the 'Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988', which established the ONDCP (our first Drug Czar), was passed by Congress who had...wait for it...a Democrat majority in both houses.
Once again, your overwhelming bias, hypocrisy, and propensity to lie has been exposed. But you go with what fits your little agenda...:cuckoo:

Not true. Under Bush they were even going after people selling paraphanalia.

What's not true you disingenuous piece of shit? I never claimed the DOJ never made busts during the Bush administration, but they didn't conduct dispensary raids. Obama's henchmen have conducted hundreds.

Of course, the point is that it isn't just 'right wing' lawmakers that have carried out this war on drugs, it's both parties that are responsible. Only the libertarians stand against outlawing consensual activity between adults.

They were also going after people selling seeds by mail in British Columbia.

The US DOJ has no jurisdiction in Canada. Regardless of what they may have tried in that regard, it does NOT change the fact that Dems are every bit as responsible for the war on drugs as Republicans, as my post CLEARLY demonstrates.

Your bias is so overwhelming it rises to the level of ridiculousness. Grow up.

I never claimed the DOJ never made busts during the Bush administration, but they didn't conduct dispensary raids.

yes they did Eflat.....right here in Santa Ana.....3 dispensaries were hit....which brought up a situation with the local Police.....but you are right though....Obama is worse which makes him a Hypocrite...
Actually, one needs only a few seeds, sunshine, mother earth and water to grow cannabis. It's the second fastest growing plant on the planet and incredibly easy to grow. Hell, there's a low THC strain that grows in ditches throughout the Midwest. Grows like a weed...

If you have the right equipment, you can take many strains to flower in about 5 you're wrong there too.

You were saying something about 'staggering'??? :lol:

Growing pot is a lot more work than you are suggesting, if you want it to be good quality weed.

Bullshit. The 'quality' comes from the genetics of the seed and the curing process. The 'quantity' comes from advanced hydroponics and other methods to increase the speed to flowering and density of flowers per plant.

How much do you grow yearly?
Actually, one needs only a few seeds, sunshine, mother earth and water to grow cannabis. It's the second fastest growing plant on the planet and incredibly easy to grow. Hell, there's a low THC strain that grows in ditches throughout the Midwest. Grows like a weed...

If you have the right equipment, you can take many strains to flower in about 5 you're wrong there too.

You were saying something about 'staggering'??? :lol:

Growing pot is a lot more work than you are suggesting, if you want it to be good quality weed.


that is why they plant some seeds on a hillside

and come in a few months to harvest


Who is THEY? THEY are the luckiest bastards in the world.

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