Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

A lot of love for Big Government in our country today. Our country was founded by a bunch of revolutionaries who abhorred being GOVERNED and RULED. They set up a system where, at least in theory the PEOPLE are protected from big government. Of course the Feds have way more power than ever intended, and abuse it daily.
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
No biggie.

Colorado just gave their votes away. And threw away their political power.

It's their loss.
None of the reasons used to justify the EC hold true today, in the 21st Century. Rural voters get their news instantly like the rest of the country.
None of the reasons used to justify the EC hold true today, in the 21st Century. Rural voters get their news instantly like the rest of the country.
Yes, actually, the main reason still holds true: it protects small states and sparsely populated states from being overrun by the demands of urban states.
The EC system works well. Both parties are having success in presidential elections. God help us if we only have one party rule for too long. To prevent that I wholly support the current EC system.
Great--another step toward mob rule and tyranny of the majority. This is what happens when you have Americans who have no clue about their own country's founding. The Electoral College was one of the most brilliant and creative balances of power and checks on excessive power ever devised by man. Leave it liberals to try to wreck it.
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
Shirley you can find a better link than "Above Top Secret".
Try a Google search you fucking stupid trying to be the top dumbass entertainment for the day....again.... at least a dozen links!... ROTFLMFAO
So? Should be easy for you post a different one the huh?
They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

It's not unconstitutional. The states can award their electoral votes any way they see fit.

They can, but how does basically removing the votes cast by the people of Colorado and saying the votes of people OUTSIDE the State are the true arbiter of EC allocation not violate Article 4's requirement of a republican form of government, and the concept of equal protection and "one person one vote" that the courts have found via the 14th amendment?

Colorado doesn't have to let the people vote at all if they don't want them to. They could decide the legislature will choose the electors.
nope, incorrect again. It is a federal contest as such they belong to the federal agreements reached by the states unless they decide to secede and then they can do that, but they must first secede from the union.

No, I am not incorrect. It is up to the states to determine how to award their individual electors. I'm not arguing with you about it any further. If you want to wallow in your own ignorance be my guest.

They cannot allow voters outside of the state of Colorado to elect their representatives. To disagree to that concept is incredibly stupid.
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Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
What's unConstitutional about it? I've looked at Article II, Section 1 and it leaves it to the states how to determine who their Electors vote for.

How is that allowed when voters in OTHER states would be deciding their electors? They would not be determining the electors at all!
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
What's unConstitutional about it? I've looked at Article II, Section 1 and it leaves it to the states how to determine who their Electors vote for.

Imo the optimal solution would be for all states to go the Neb Maine route and just mandate their EVs be cast in proportion to how the pop vote wound up in individual states. That way small states would still have their overweighted EV power with having 2 senator votes despite size. And people wh voted for the loser in states that are solid for either party still have some representation. Even Calif would deliver some gop EVs.

You need to educate yourself. That is NOT how Maine and Nebraska choose their electors. It is by Congressional district.

That is why California will never consider such a change. Allowing electoral votes for a GOP candidate would cause a massive meltdown by all of the libtards that would register like an earthquake.
A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule....
The only reason you aren't for it is your mob is smaller.
Thus conservative republicans being against making Election Day a federal holiday.

Why should it be? It only takes a few hours at most to vote. I have 9 and 1/2 hours of open polling to do my voting.
No doubt
Private sector does not take off federal holidays they aren’t a bunch of fucking pussies
But there is still a flow from the people IN the State of Colorado using that process. By giving the EC vote to the national popular vote, you are effectively disenfranchising the voters of Colorado if they vote as a majority for the "Loser" of the national popular vote.

I completely agree, but that doesn't make it unconstitutional

It violates equal protection, AND article 4. How does that make it constitutional?

You could argue that 48 states having a winner take all system and two having a proportional system does the same thing.

Well, you could argue that, except you would be lying. Nebraska and Maine do not have a proportional system, as the electoral votes are decided by winners of each Congressional district and the remaining two votes going to the winner of the states popular vote.
You don’t understand the electoral college and its value
It has no value in this day and age. It only serves to circumvent the will of the people.

yet...if the major cities on the coast-line happen to be Republican majority... you would be saying the opposite.
And every single person reading this knows this is true, PERIOD

A system that gives three times the voting power to a person in one state over another is undemocratic.

That is why we are not a democracy!

Have a nice day! :D

That ain’t much of a representative republic either when a person in Wyoming is represented 3 and a half times more than that of a Californian.

Oh, well! That sucks to be you if you live in California.
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.

Just proves how voters are at record low IQs.

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