Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
What's unConstitutional about it? I've looked at Article II, Section 1 and it leaves it to the states how to determine who their Electors vote for.

Imo the optimal solution would be for all states to go the Neb Maine route and just mandate their EVs be cast in proportion to how the pop vote wound up in individual states. That way small states would still have their overweighted EV power with having 2 senator votes despite size. And people wh voted for the loser in states that are solid for either party still have some representation. Even Calif would deliver some gop EVs.
So, essentially we are creating a homogenous country where each state no longer matters politically, and are now run by New York City, and L.A. metro areas. In effect you are removing the sovereignty of each state. We no longer will be able to vote with our feet, and go to a state in which we are more politically aligned.
A state legislative body passing unconstitutional laws that they can't enforce?


They are all smoking dope.
So, Neb and Maine can't enforce their laws?
They can't eliminate the Electoral College. There are guidelines too, but there is flexibility within those guidelines. Anything Dopey Colorado tries, will be shot down in court if it doesn't follow the Federal Guidelines of The Electoral College.
You right wing nutjobs can't even report the truth. It's been the law for a number of years. For a number of years, the Electoral College must vote the way the popular vote goes.

My understanding is that they must vote the same way as the NATIONAL total popular vote.

And you will notice the cupcake used the word National instead of State. How the hell does anyone know what the National vote is until AFTER the election is done. Makes a mighty confused bunch of Electors, don't it.

Seems to me the confused bunch and the nutjobs are the left wing, aren't they Daryl?
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
I wish them luck with that in 2020.
I doubt their law is legal. The EC in nationwide and if I'm not mistaken part of the Constitution.

EC is the only way to go.

The states can assign their EC votes as they wish. I do not like this methods, seems to ignore the will of the voters in the state.

The best solution is to assign them proportionally along the voting results...winner takes all is the worst way.

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The best solution is to scrap the Electoral College altogether. It is no longer needed in the 21st century.
/——/ Why should only big blue states decide who is president?
Why should only red states decide who is president? Should people decide or land decide?
I doubt their law is legal. The EC in nationwide and if I'm not mistaken part of the Constitution.

EC is the only way to go.
But then you're a partisan idiot.

On what basis do you "doubt" this?
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
I wish them luck with that in 2020.
No you don''d whine and moan and cry foul.
There needs must be a law mandating massive fines for any state legislator knowingly voting in favour of an unconstitutional law. For the first offense. For the second? Beheading.
But there is still a flow from the people IN the State of Colorado using that process. By giving the EC vote to the national popular vote, you are effectively disenfranchising the voters of Colorado if they vote as a majority for the "Loser" of the national popular vote.

I completely agree, but that doesn't make it unconstitutional

It violates equal protection, AND article 4. How does that make it constitutional?

You could argue that 48 states having a winner take all system and two having a proportional system does the same thing.
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
What's unConstitutional about it? I've looked at Article II, Section 1 and it leaves it to the states how to determine who their Electors vote for.

Imo the optimal solution would be for all states to go the Neb Maine route and just mandate their EVs be cast in proportion to how the pop vote wound up in individual states. That way small states would still have their overweighted EV power with having 2 senator votes despite size. And people wh voted for the loser in states that are solid for either party still have some representation. Even Calif would deliver some gop EVs.
let's just face the facts, the leftist hate to lose and will never be happy with any system that allows them to lose. What a bunch of fking losers the leftists are, can't accept defeat. I'm unaware of any system that can satisfy that.
This thread is getting off topic. It's about Colorado's electoral votes, nothing else. Thanks

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