Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
/—-/ What happens if in 2020 Trump wins the popular vote but not the EC vote? What then?
The electoral college was a concession to the slave states worried that their low white population would make them irrelevant. Now that the slave states have begrudgingly given black people the vote it's high time we ask ourselves what purpose the electoral college still serves.
You don’t understand the electoral college and it’s value
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
/—-/ What happens if in 2020 Trump wins the popular vote but not the EC vote? What then?
He doesn't pass GO and get two hundred dollars..
I doubt their law is legal. The EC in nationwide and if I'm not mistaken part of the Constitution.

EC is the only way to go.

The states can assign their EC votes as they wish. I do not like this methods, seems to ignore the will of the voters in the state.

The best solution is to assign them proportionally along the voting results...winner takes all is the worst way.

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The best solution is to scrap the Electoral College altogether. It is no longer needed in the 21st century.
The electoral college was a concession to the slave states worried that their low white population would make them irrelevant. Now that the slave states have begrudgingly given black people the vote it's high time we ask ourselves what purpose the electoral college still serves.
It's high time you study geography and demographics.
get back after you educate yourself
I doubt their law is legal. The EC in nationwide and if I'm not mistaken part of the Constitution.

EC is the only way to go.

The states can assign their EC votes as they wish. I do not like this methods, seems to ignore the will of the voters in the state.

The best solution is to assign them proportionally along the voting results...winner takes all is the worst way.

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The best solution is to scrap the Electoral College altogether. It is no longer needed in the 21st century.
/——/ Why should only big blue states decide who is president?
Of course it is deluded DemonRATS that passed an unconstitutional law....when in power PUSH your socialist/communist ideas....some actually stick!

Above Top Secret ^

They're going for the gold.

Democrats have started dropping their marbles.

Now we have the Colorado Senate passing a bill to direct their Electoral College delegates to vote for the winner of the National popular vote in Presidential elections !!!!!

It's all part of the efforts called "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" and it's blasting off like a rocket.

Probably Uncnstitutional but they'll do it anyway and wait for the SCOTUS to decide as they continue the anti-American onslaught of corrupt BS.

Democrats definitely have some screws coming loose as the mental cases mount up in popularity

Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote

The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.

The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
Shirley you can find a better link than "Above Top Secret".
It doesn't really matter. The Electorials can be picked out of a hat for all that it matters. But since they are bound by law to vote the way of the state total then they have no choice but to vote that way.
My understanding is that they must vote the same way as the NATIONAL total popular vote.
Depends on state law since they are allowed to organize it as they see fit.

And you will notice the cupcake used the word National instead of State. How the hell does anyone know what the National vote is until AFTER the election is done. Makes a mighty confused bunch of Electors, don't it.

The EC does not vote for more than a month after the general election. By then the results are know

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The electoral college was a concession to the slave states worried that their low white population would make them irrelevant.
That is so motherfucking wrong, you should hunt down your history teacher and shoot him/her.
Actually no, it's not. That is absolutely one of the reasons it exists, along with the difficulty in tallying a popular vote back then and a couple of other things. It follows right along with the 3/5 of a person rule.
A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule....
The only reason you aren't for it is your mob is smaller.
You don’t understand the electoral college and its value
It has no value in this day and age. It only serves to circumvent the will of the people.

yet...if the major cities on the coast-line happen to be Republican majority... you would be saying the opposite.
And every single person reading this knows this is true, PERIOD
A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule....
The only reason you aren't for it is your mob is smaller.
You don’t understand the electoral college and its value
It has no value in this day and age. It only serves to circumvent the will of the people.

yet...if the major cities on the coast-line happen to be Republican majority... you would be saying the opposite.
And every single person reading this knows this is true, PERIOD

A system that gives three times the voting power to a person in one state over another is undemocratic.
A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule....
The only reason you aren't for it is your mob is smaller.
You don’t understand the electoral college and its value
It has no value in this day and age. It only serves to circumvent the will of the people.

yet...if the major cities on the coast-line happen to be Republican majority... you would be saying the opposite.
And every single person reading this knows this is true, PERIOD

A system that gives three times the voting power to a person in one state over another is undemocratic.
/——/ You mean the dead voting in Blue states is that heavy?
A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule....
The only reason you aren't for it is your mob is smaller.
You don’t understand the electoral college and its value
It has no value in this day and age. It only serves to circumvent the will of the people.

yet...if the major cities on the coast-line happen to be Republican majority... you would be saying the opposite.
And every single person reading this knows this is true, PERIOD
Republican fantasy #1,253,413?
A pure popular vote is nothing more than mob rule....
The only reason you aren't for it is your mob is smaller.
/——/ Your mob had slavery and our mob stopped it.

You know as well as I that isn't how it happened. Now would you care to address the post for a change?

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