Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State’s Gun Laws

So, do you think it's okay that the Dem lawmakers were threatened?
So, do you think it's okay that the Dem lawmakers were threatened?

I question your double standard. I only see libturds whining about such behavior when Dims are the targets. When Republicans or businessmen are the targets, turds like you are cheering the perpetrators on.
IMHO, at this point in the discussion both sides are getting heated and people are saying things that they wouldn't when in their cooler minds.

I can understand and support the general position of the gentleman, but the death threats were not required.

This is not just on the side of Right or the gun people. Anti-gunners / Left Wingers have said many things just as hostile, even on this board.

I find the you have to stop making stuff up part very funny especially coming from a host of the network of selective editing.

I find the you have to stop making stuff up part very funny especially coming from a host of the network of selective editing.

What has Dr. Maddow selectively edited that wasn't true? Hey, she ain't Fox News.

She just ran a highly edited tape of John McCain at a town hall going back they have edited video to claim a man carrying a gun a tea party event was white to make a racist when the man was in fact black they edited a Rick Perry video to make a black cloud comment by him be racial shot at Obama when he was talking about the debt this was not MSNBC but NBC editing of the Trayvon Martin 911call back to MSNBC the Mitt Romney Wa Wa video and there editing of a meeting where they tried to claim the father of a Newtown victim was heckled.You are right though MSNBC is not Fox News it barly qualifies as news.
Where was the libturd outrage when the following occured?

Huge Mob of SEIU Goons Attacks Banker?s Home | Right Wing News

Last Sunday, on a peaceful, sun-crisp afternoon, our toddler finally napping upstairs, my front yard exploded with 500 screaming, placard-waving strangers on a mission to intimidate my neighbor, Greg Baer. Baer is deputy general counsel for corporate law at Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), a senior executive based in Washington, D.C. And that — in the minds of the organizers at the politically influential Service Employees International Union and a Chicago outfit called National Political Action — makes his family fair game.

Waving signs denouncing bank “greed,” hordes of invaders poured out of 14 school buses, up Baer’s steps, and onto his front porch. As bullhorns rattled with stories of debtor calls and foreclosed homes, Baer’s teenage son Jack — alone in the house — locked himself in the bathroom. …

Now this event would accurately be called a “protest” if it were taking place at, say, a bank or the U.S. Capitol. But when hundreds of loud and angry strangers are descending on your family, your children, and your home, a more apt description of this assemblage would be “mob.” Intimidation was the whole point of this exercise, and it worked-even on the police. A trio of officers who belatedly answered our calls confessed a fear that arrests might “incite” these trespassers.

If any laws are broken, those breaking them should be arrested.
Many of Colorado's police chiefs are also in favor of stricter gun control laws in the state. CBS4 spoke with Tom Deland, head of the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, who said that police chiefs across the state support the universal background check bill and the high-capacity magazine ban bill that would limit firearm magazines to only 15 bullets. “Do we believe that this is going to solve the entire issue?" Tom Deland asked CBS4. "We know that it’s not, but it is one important step." Deland says that his organization supports ideas like these that keep Colorado citizens, and its police, safer.

Ironic, isn't it? The NRA projects itself as a friend of law enforcement. But who's out on the front lines dealing with people who can buy guns with large magazine capacities without going through background checks?

Do you think criminals go to legitmate sources to buy guns? Even at guns shows you're required to have an FFL and run backgrounbd checks.

But don't let a little thing like facts stand in the way of your bullshit.

Ironic, isn't it? The NRA projects itself as a friend of law enforcement. But who's out on the front lines dealing with people who can buy guns with large magazine capacities without going through background checks?

Do you think criminals go to legitmate sources to buy guns? Even at guns shows you're required to have an FFL and run backgrounbd checks.

But don't let a little thing like facts stand in the way of your bullshit.

Currently, 40% of legal gun sales are made without the requirement of a background check because the sale is made by a private party. That's why they call it a loophole.
IMHO, at this point in the discussion both sides are getting heated and people are saying things that they wouldn't when in their cooler minds.

I can understand and support the general position of the gentleman, but the death threats were not required.

Ya' gotta figure....he's from Teddy-Boy Haggard's neck-o'-the woods.....

[ame=]The Fabulous Ted Haggard - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Bill Maher on Ted Haggard - YouTube[/ame]

They're a little confused, down that way....
Many of Colorado's police chiefs are also in favor of stricter gun control laws in the state. CBS4 spoke with Tom Deland, head of the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, who said that police chiefs across the state support the universal background check bill and the high-capacity magazine ban bill that would limit firearm magazines to only 15 bullets. “Do we believe that this is going to solve the entire issue?" Tom Deland asked CBS4. "We know that it’s not, but it is one important step." Deland says that his organization supports ideas like these that keep Colorado citizens, and its police, safer.

Ironic, isn't it? The NRA projects itself as a friend of law enforcement. But who's out on the front lines dealing with people who can buy guns with large magazine capacities without going through background checks?

A large percentage of the NRA members are law enforcement officers, Dumbass. They are the ones out in the streets, not the police chiefs. They know that so called "assualt weapons" are rarely used in crimes, and that large magazine capacities are not something they see very often, except at the gun ranges.
One way street I guess. Only citizens get arrested for sending threatening e mails to politicians. When are they going to arrest Obama for threatening reporters?
Many of Colorado's police chiefs are also in favor of stricter gun control laws in the state. CBS4 spoke with Tom Deland, head of the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, who said that police chiefs across the state support the universal background check bill and the high-capacity magazine ban bill that would limit firearm magazines to only 15 bullets. “Do we believe that this is going to solve the entire issue?" Tom Deland asked CBS4. "We know that it’s not, but it is one important step." Deland says that his organization supports ideas like these that keep Colorado citizens, and its police, safer.


Any gun law proposed by a police chief should be followed by the officers of his department.


DENVER — A landmark expansion of background checks on firearm purchases was approved Friday by lawmakers in Colorado, a politically moderate state that was the site of last year's mass shooting at a suburban Denver movie theater.

The bill previously passed the state Senate and now heads to Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper, who is expected to sign it into law within two weeks.

Earlier this week, Colorado lawmakers approved a 15-round limit on ammunition magazines. It is also awaiting the expected approval of the governor.

More: Colorado Legislature Passes Landmark Expansion Of Background Checks On Gun Purchases

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