Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State’s Gun Laws

the argument that you are so over powered by the jack booted thugs

that you could not possibly stand a chance

is representative that the gun control laws

has already gone too far

Well said, Lakhota just admitted that we're in a police state (if the military actually chose to comply, which they won't, even the sheriffs won't comply)

it is best to get to know where your sheriff stands on the issue

as for a police state

and being overpowered by the feds firepower

is a strong argument that the gun control has gone to far already
Ironic, isn't it? The NRA projects itself as a friend of law enforcement. But who's out on the front lines dealing with people who can buy guns with large magazine capacities without going through background checks?

Do you think criminals go to legitmate sources to buy guns? Even at guns shows you're required to have an FFL and run backgrounbd checks.

But don't let a little thing like facts stand in the way of your bullshit.

Currently, 40% of legal gun sales are made without the requirement of a background check because the sale is made by a private party. That's why they call it a loophole.

That's gun TRANSFERS, not sales, and 80%+ of those are gifts and inheritances between family members. Stop repeating the misleading bullshit just because it sounds good to your rights-killing point of view.
Ironic, isn't it? The NRA projects itself as a friend of law enforcement. But who's out on the front lines dealing with people who can buy guns with large magazine capacities without going through background checks?

Do you not understand that CRIMINALS do not care what the background check laws are, or what the magazine capacity laws are?

They buy their guns and mags out of car trunks, back alleys, etc., or they just steal them.

It takes 2-3 seconds to change a magazine. BIG DEAL! Doesn't matter to me if I have one 30-round mag or two 15-round mags.

that's why all public firearms should be either bolt or lever action per round without detachable magazines - no exceptions.

And all auto mobiles governed to 45 MPG with mandated air bags, all ladders should be required to only enable one to climb no higher then 4 foot, unless the owner has taken a government mandated course to obtain a permit . I mean hell, so maney people die every year from falling off that something needs to be done. Think of the chiren ! Knives should be mandated to have round tips, and dull blades, and food should be mandated to be soft enough to be cut with dull knives.
The federal government cannot pass a law that supercedes the powers granted them by the constitution. The federal governments job is to serve the people within the confines of the powers granted by the constitution and to protect the rights of the people.

If they overstep the powers granted then they are in violation of the laws of the land and it is the job of the states and the people to ignore or repeal those laws.
By Nicole Flatow

For months, local sheriffs have been objecting to federal efforts to stem gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre, claiming they violate “states’ rights.” Now, with a package of gun violence prevention measures awaiting the governor’s signature in a state that has seen some of the most deadly and high-profile mass shootings, several Colorado county sheriffs are threatening not to enforce their own state’s measures to expand criminal background checks and limit ammunition magazines if they are signed into law. The Greeley Tribune reports:

More: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State's Gun Laws

Cooke won't enforce new state gun laws |
Sheriffs’ assertions that the laws are simply too difficult to enforce and/or ineffective is the latest in a string of arguments by a contingent of county sheriffs opposed to any new gun violence prevention measures. Other sheriffs, several of whom are part of a fringe militia group whose members believe that sheriffs are the highest law enforcement authorities and vow to defy any law or order that violates their radical view of the Constitution, have argued that federal regulation violates states’ rights and the Second Amendment.

Other measures that passed both houses of the Colorado legislature include a requirement that firearm buyers pay for their own background checks, a ban on online certification for concealed-carry permits, and a ban on gun purchases by people convicted of domestic violence crimes.

From the OP link.
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

the sheriff has given his oath to defend the Constitution and the people of the county

above all else
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

the sheriff has given his oath to defend the Constitution and the people of the county

above all else

What oath did the state legislators take? State legislators trump county sheriffs.
OH BOY! Another unbiased piece of crap.

Glad to see there are some Oath Keepers with some backbone.
by a contingent of county sheriffs opposed to any new gun violence prevention measures.

being opposed is not the same as defying the legislature, Law - it is about time to stand up to the County Tyrants ....
Thanks for sharing this, it shows the trend thats coming

Connie Weirick

You're welcome. And yes it is the trend that's coming from radical extremists who selectively enforce and obey only those laws they agree with - yet they preach the Constitution.
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

the sheriff has given his oath to defend the Constitution and the people of the county

above all else

What oath did the state legislators take? State legislators trump county sheriffs.

actually the sheriff trumps the legislator

the sheriff is the law of the land

dont like it vote him out

couldnt help but notice that you used are rather biased article

"radical view of the Constitution "


Lakhota will be the first one running for protection by local and state militias when shit hits the fan. lololol

[ame=]Justice For Gun Owners - You Are Racist & Corrupt If You Support The 2nd Amendment - Jeanine Pirro - YouTube[/ame]
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