Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State’s Gun Laws

Any sheriff who refuses to enforce the law is no better than a homegrown terrorist - maybe worse. Are sheriffs now the law of the land?

So Obama is a "home grown terrorist?" Is he now the law of the land?
Really, why should they be any different than your dear leader? Federal gun prosecutions are down about 40% and someone who falsifies a background check has a less than 1% chance of being prosecuted. You can't complain about selective enforcement on one end and not the other. After all a sheriffs department have to prioritize how they use their resources also.

We're only talking about "one end" in this thread - the sheriff end. If you wish to address the "other end" - start a thread on it.

I thought we were discussing elected officials who don't enforce laws they are charged with enforcing.
The law is the law of the land. If the sheriff isn't going to enforce it then he needs to go.

So Obama needs to go since he refuses to enforce our immigration laws and the Defense of Marriage Act, right?

Duh, this thread is about sheriffs. If you want to whine about Obama - start your own thread.

ROFL! Yeah, we wouldn't want to confuse anyone by applying your "principles" to everyone, now would we?

Is it possible to be a bigger hypocrite than you?
By Nicole Flatow

For months, local sheriffs have been objecting to federal efforts to stem gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre, claiming they violate “states’ rights.” Now, with a package of gun violence prevention measures awaiting the governor’s signature in a state that has seen some of the most deadly and high-profile mass shootings, several Colorado county sheriffs are threatening not to enforce their own state’s measures to expand criminal background checks and limit ammunition magazines if they are signed into law. The Greeley Tribune reports:

More: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State's Gun Laws

Cooke won't enforce new state gun laws |

It never ceases to amaze me that a (claimed) descendant of the plains native peoples (who were fucked royally by the US government's military actions, and who woulda made a big difference if they'd been better armed), is arguing for disarmament of today's citizenry...

eta... and, yeah... I'm talking to you, Lakhota... dumb as a box of rocks...
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By Nicole Flatow

For months, local sheriffs have been objecting to federal efforts to stem gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre, claiming they violate “states’ rights.” Now, with a package of gun violence prevention measures awaiting the governor’s signature in a state that has seen some of the most deadly and high-profile mass shootings, several Colorado county sheriffs are threatening not to enforce their own state’s measures to expand criminal background checks and limit ammunition magazines if they are signed into law. The Greeley Tribune reports:

More: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State's Gun Laws

Cooke won't enforce new state gun laws |

It never ceases to amaze me that a (claimed) descendant of the plains native peoples (who were fucked royally by the US government's military actions, and who woulda made a big difference if they'd been better armed), is arguing for disarmament of today's citizenry...

eta... and, yeah... I'm talking to you, Lakhota... dumb as a box of rocks...

Well, you simple nose-picking retard, when and where have I ever argued for "disarmament of today's citizenry"...? Don't lie and run - provide some "credible" and "specific" proof. Gun control does not equal gun ban. I'll be waiting...
Time to stop threatening and time to start doing meaningful things to take our nation back from the elitist despots who seem to have forgotten that they do NOT rule over us, but rather SERVE us.

Time for the stupid gun nuts to realize that elected officials serve the general public, not a radical and senseless minority.

Time for the dumbass socialists to realize that elected officials swear an oath to uphold the Constitutiion. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you have trouble understanding?
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

These laws, whether passed by duly elected officials or not, are un-Constitutional and they should not be enforced by anyone, nor followed by anyone.
By Nicole Flatow

For months, local sheriffs have been objecting to federal efforts to stem gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre, claiming they violate “states’ rights.” Now, with a package of gun violence prevention measures awaiting the governor’s signature in a state that has seen some of the most deadly and high-profile mass shootings, several Colorado county sheriffs are threatening not to enforce their own state’s measures to expand criminal background checks and limit ammunition magazines if they are signed into law. The Greeley Tribune reports:

More: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State's Gun Laws

Cooke won't enforce new state gun laws |

Fire the sons of bitches ... as far as I concern ... if they fail to do their job fire them... denver cops, greeley cops, Aurora cops, I don't care ... fire their asses ... as for bolder cops... well, its bolder, what can ya say ... instead of finding them at the local Donut shop, we find bolder cops at the granola bar ... slamming down a bag of granola...
My sheriff in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, signed a pledge to uphold the Second Amendment. Cuomo is shitting himself.

Which 2nd Amendment? The original one is no longer applicable.

There's only one Second Amendment dipshit.
don't ya just love to laugh at these stupid moron here like this one... which 2nd Amendment ... doesn't take the time to see what his conservative court rule on .... this moron can't seem to understand what the constitution is all about ... another right wing dimwitted nut case
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

Any law that is unconstitutional should be ignored by everyone, especially police.

All laws are constitutional until declared otherwise, at least in the eyes of the law.

If you think the pistol permit law in NY state is unconstitutional, go ahead and ignore it. When we catch you, odds are you will go to jail, and then you can rant to all your new friends about how 'unconstitutional' that law is.
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

the sheriff has given his oath to defend the Constitution and the people of the county

above all else

Actually, in America, law enforcement does have considerable discretion. Ever get stopped for speeding and 'get out of it.' It is communist China where law enforcement has no discretion.

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