Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State’s Gun Laws

Maybe these maverick sheriffs are indicative of why "current" gun laws aren't being properly enforced - let alone "new" gun laws. Sheriffs enforce laws - they don't make them. Sheriffs don't have the legal right to pick and choose which laws they enforce.

But they have the moral obligation to not enforce laws they see as unconsitutional.


First of all, what is immoral about requiring background checks on the purchase of firearms,

done for the purpose of keeping convicted felons and other ineligible persons from legally acquiring guns?

Secondly, should an abortion doctor who thinks a state abortion law is contrary to Roe v. Wade and thus unconsitutional be able to continue to perform abortions unimpeded by the law?

Thirdly, if a sheriff has moral objections to performing the primary duty of his job, which is law enforcement, then he should seek another profession.
I live in Colorado and in this State the county Sheriffs indeed have more power than the President of the United States does but only inside their county.Power stops at the county line.
The Sheriff can indead decide what laws he will enforce....I don't even need a conceiled carry permit to take my 9mm Kahr to work at the restuarant where I work as a waitress, because the Sheriff will not enforce what he conciders 'stupid laws' made in Denver in this rural part of the state..
Marijuana growers have never been in danger of being arrested here unless they were traced to selling to underaged,because the Federal and Cororado laws were not enforced since at least the 1970s.
We are trying to recall our Representative Mike McLandin because he betrayed us in Denver.
Dever was able to ram all this gun control stuff because the Senate and the House as well as the Govenor is Democrat...
.The next election will be interesting and Mike McLandin will not be reelected in spite of all the money the democrats pour in... but most everything in the state is controlled by the population that lives within 30 miles of the Golden Dome in Denver....He will be lucky if he is not recalled with 10,587 voter signers but we do have the little peoples republic of Durango to overcome, where many liberals have come from states where they could no longer afford to live in that were Democrat....By the way, 62 of the 64 county Sheriffs in Colorado are against making these new gun laws.....Thanks for reading my rant Sharon K.
So you want good little facist sherriffs, who follow the laws blindly regardless of if they see them as being unconstiutional.

got it.

Thank you for proving you are a pea brain. But at least you support the Firsteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which reads, "No law passed by the federal government may be enforced UNLESS it is cool with a bunch of sheriffs of rural counties."

You cant answer the question, so you resort to insults. I win.

Sheriffs do not have the authority, position, and/or jurisdiction to declare laws unconstitutional.
Maybe these maverick sheriffs are indicative of why "current" gun laws aren't being properly enforced - let alone "new" gun laws. Sheriffs enforce laws - they don't make them. Sheriffs don't have the legal right to pick and choose which laws they enforce.

But they have the moral obligation to not enforce laws they see as unconsitutional.


First of all, what is immoral about requiring background checks on the purchase of firearms,

done for the purpose of keeping convicted felons and other ineligible persons from legally acquiring guns?

Secondly, should an abortion doctor who thinks a state abortion law is contrary to Roe v. Wade and thus unconsitutional be able to continue to perform abortions unimpeded by the law?

Thirdly, if a sheriff has moral objections to performing the primary duty of his job, which is law enforcement, then he should seek another profession.

No one ever said they should not suffer consequences for thier actions. It is now up to the state level to decide if it will attempt to punish said Sherrif's for thier defiance, if and when they choose to implement it. At that point the state has to make a choice, back off or prosecute locally elected sherriffs for defiance of a law the sherriffs see as unconsitutional. In any event it will end up in the courts.

Most of the opposition is about banning certain guns for cosmetic purposes, and the usual "magazine size restriction" bullshit.

There is a difference between a sherriff who will not try to apprehend murders rapists and thieves, and someone who doesnt want to arrest someone for owning a piece of stamped metal that holds more than 15 rounds of ammunition.
So you want good little facist sherriffs, who follow the laws blindly regardless of if they see them as being unconstiutional.

got it.

Thank you for proving you are a pea brain. But at least you support the Firsteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which reads, "No law passed by the federal government may be enforced UNLESS it is cool with a bunch of sheriffs of rural counties."

You cant answer the question, so you resort to insults. I win.

There is nothing unconstitutional that President Obama signed.

You are promoting lawlessness, insurrection and the divine right of any two bit cop making his own laws.

The new sheriffs' uniform...

Thank you for proving you are a pea brain. But at least you support the Firsteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which reads, "No law passed by the federal government may be enforced UNLESS it is cool with a bunch of sheriffs of rural counties."

You cant answer the question, so you resort to insults. I win.

Sheriffs do not have the authority, position, and/or jurisdiction to declare laws unconstitutional.

They can't and dont have to. they just have to refuse to enforce said law, throwing the ball back into the State's court. At that point the state has to decide that banning a peice of stamped metal that holds more than 15 rounds is more important than the support of thier local rural law enforcement.

It also sets up court cases with not just non police citizens as plantiffs/defendants, but law enforcement people as well.
But they have the moral obligation to not enforce laws they see as unconsitutional.


First of all, what is immoral about requiring background checks on the purchase of firearms,

done for the purpose of keeping convicted felons and other ineligible persons from legally acquiring guns?

Secondly, should an abortion doctor who thinks a state abortion law is contrary to Roe v. Wade and thus unconsitutional be able to continue to perform abortions unimpeded by the law?

Thirdly, if a sheriff has moral objections to performing the primary duty of his job, which is law enforcement, then he should seek another profession.

No one ever said they should not suffer consequences for thier actions. It is now up to the state level to decide if it will attempt to punish said Sherrif's for thier defiance, if and when they choose to implement it. At that point the state has to make a choice, back off or prosecute locally elected sherriffs for defiance of a law the sherriffs see as unconsitutional. In any event it will end up in the courts.

Most of the opposition is about banning certain guns for cosmetic purposes, and the usual "magazine size restriction" bullshit.

There is a difference between a sherriff who will not try to apprehend murders rapists and thieves, and someone who doesnt want to arrest someone for owning a piece of stamped metal that holds more than 15 rounds of ammunition.

I'm sure the Colorado state police can pick up the slack for some sheriff who'd rather sit on his ass all day than enforce the law.
Thank you for proving you are a pea brain. But at least you support the Firsteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which reads, "No law passed by the federal government may be enforced UNLESS it is cool with a bunch of sheriffs of rural counties."

You cant answer the question, so you resort to insults. I win.

There is nothing unconstitutional that President Obama signed.

You are promoting lawlessness, insurrection and the divine right of any two bit cop making his own laws.

The new sheriffs' uniform...


Stick to one topic, this is about state sherriffs prominsing to ignore state law. The stuff Obama signed is another issue, with regards to the ability of the president to make up crap without a legislature to back him up.

Place Obama's face on Henry VII and I would guess you would start quivering and drooling in spasms of Obama worship and your desires to force your progressive crap on everyone else.

Progressives want a king, as long as the king is progressive.
You cant answer the question, so you resort to insults. I win.

Sheriffs do not have the authority, position, and/or jurisdiction to declare laws unconstitutional.

They can't and dont have to. they just have to refuse to enforce said law, throwing the ball back into the State's court. At that point the state has to decide that banning a peice of stamped metal that holds more than 15 rounds is more important than the support of thier local rural law enforcement.

It also sets up court cases with not just non police citizens as plantiffs/defendants, but law enforcement people as well.

There you go...threaten the folks are UN-American trash.
First of all, what is immoral about requiring background checks on the purchase of firearms,

done for the purpose of keeping convicted felons and other ineligible persons from legally acquiring guns?

Secondly, should an abortion doctor who thinks a state abortion law is contrary to Roe v. Wade and thus unconsitutional be able to continue to perform abortions unimpeded by the law?

Thirdly, if a sheriff has moral objections to performing the primary duty of his job, which is law enforcement, then he should seek another profession.

No one ever said they should not suffer consequences for thier actions. It is now up to the state level to decide if it will attempt to punish said Sherrif's for thier defiance, if and when they choose to implement it. At that point the state has to make a choice, back off or prosecute locally elected sherriffs for defiance of a law the sherriffs see as unconsitutional. In any event it will end up in the courts.

Most of the opposition is about banning certain guns for cosmetic purposes, and the usual "magazine size restriction" bullshit.

There is a difference between a sherriff who will not try to apprehend murders rapists and thieves, and someone who doesnt want to arrest someone for owning a piece of stamped metal that holds more than 15 rounds of ammunition.

I'm sure the Colorado state police can pick up the slack for some sheriff who'd rather sit on his ass all day than enforce the law.

Thats if all the state police officers are on board with this.

It is one thing to enforce laws everyone agrees with. It is different when a large poriton of the population disagrees with the laws, and furthermore knows their consitutonal rights are being violated.
Sheriffs do not have the authority, position, and/or jurisdiction to declare laws unconstitutional.

They can't and dont have to. they just have to refuse to enforce said law, throwing the ball back into the State's court. At that point the state has to decide that banning a peice of stamped metal that holds more than 15 rounds is more important than the support of thier local rural law enforcement.

It also sets up court cases with not just non police citizens as plantiffs/defendants, but law enforcement people as well.

There you go...threaten the folks are UN-American trash.

Where is a threat? Are you off your meds?
Local law enforcement has always had a great deal of discretion in how they enforce the law. The cop who stops you for speeding doesn't have to give you a ticket. If you don't get a ticket, no one but the two of you knows. Failing to enforce a law is not the same thing as zealotry in enforcing the law.

Police have been enforcing their own laws forever. Go to any city. Some cops just won't arrest street walking whores who do nothing more than try to make a living. Some cops disagree with pot laws and won't make an arrest for simple possession.

It is time for lawlessness, insurrection and Constitution loving police.
By Nicole Flatow

For months, local sheriffs have been objecting to federal efforts to stem gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre, claiming they violate “states’ rights.” Now, with a package of gun violence prevention measures awaiting the governor’s signature in a state that has seen some of the most deadly and high-profile mass shootings, several Colorado county sheriffs are threatening not to enforce their own state’s measures to expand criminal background checks and limit ammunition magazines if they are signed into law. The Greeley Tribune reports:

More: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State's Gun Laws

Cooke won't enforce new state gun laws |

Do you wish for law enforcement to not use common sense and reasoning in the enforcement of laws? You must realize there are many laws on the books that are never enforced. Many of which I am sure you would be very angry if enforced on you.

For arguments sake what if a law, which many feel this one is, violated the constitution? What if a state law was voted in by Colorado that said law enforcement needed no warrant to search ones home if a neighbor called in saying they thought there was drugs in that home?
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

the sheriff has given his oath to defend the Constitution and the people of the county

above all else

Then it will be up to him to prove the laws violate the Constitution.
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

the sheriff has given his oath to defend the Constitution and the people of the county

above all else

Then it will be up to him to prove the laws violate the Constitution.

The chief law enforcement officer in the land is the attorney general..... should he be held accountable for ignoring the laws.

Does it make you wonder why so many law enforcement officers do not like the new law? This does seem that they would be more of an expert in this field than some attorney that was voted into the state legislature.
By Nicole Flatow

For months, local sheriffs have been objecting to federal efforts to stem gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre, claiming they violate “states’ rights.” Now, with a package of gun violence prevention measures awaiting the governor’s signature in a state that has seen some of the most deadly and high-profile mass shootings, several Colorado county sheriffs are threatening not to enforce their own state’s measures to expand criminal background checks and limit ammunition magazines if they are signed into law. The Greeley Tribune reports:

More: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State's Gun Laws

Cooke won't enforce new state gun laws |

Do you wish for law enforcement to not use common sense and reasoning in the enforcement of laws? You must realize there are many laws on the books that are never enforced. Many of which I am sure you would be very angry if enforced on you.

For arguments sake what if a law, which many feel this one is, violated the constitution? What if a state law was voted in by Colorado that said law enforcement needed no warrant to search ones home if a neighbor called in saying they thought there was drugs in that home?

We are not talking about common sense here. These sheriffs are driven by ideology. Some of them are members of militias. The Timothy McVeigh mentality.

This country is going off the rails. Ever since Barack Obama was elected we have witnessed nothing short of domestic terrorism from the right. A bunch of dogmatic driven Fox propaganda filled know nothings.
By Nicole Flatow

For months, local sheriffs have been objecting to federal efforts to stem gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre, claiming they violate “states’ rights.” Now, with a package of gun violence prevention measures awaiting the governor’s signature in a state that has seen some of the most deadly and high-profile mass shootings, several Colorado county sheriffs are threatening not to enforce their own state’s measures to expand criminal background checks and limit ammunition magazines if they are signed into law. The Greeley Tribune reports:

More: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State's Gun Laws

Cooke won't enforce new state gun laws |

Do you wish for law enforcement to not use common sense and reasoning in the enforcement of laws? You must realize there are many laws on the books that are never enforced. Many of which I am sure you would be very angry if enforced on you.

For arguments sake what if a law, which many feel this one is, violated the constitution? What if a state law was voted in by Colorado that said law enforcement needed no warrant to search ones home if a neighbor called in saying they thought there was drugs in that home?

We are not talking about common sense here. These sheriffs are driven by ideology. Some of them are members of militias. The Timothy McVeigh mentality.

This country is going off the rails. Ever since Barack Obama was elected we have witnessed nothing short of domestic terrorism from the right. A bunch of dogmatic driven Fox propaganda filled know nothings.

And gun grabbers are driven by fear of their fellow law abiding citizens, and ignorance of the fact that criminals will continue to ignore the law, regardless of how many new ones you pass.

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