Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State’s Gun Laws

The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

So you are against sanctuary cities then.. got it

Thanks for sharing this, it shows the trend thats coming

Connie Weirick

You're welcome. And yes it is the trend that's coming from radical extremists who selectively enforce and obey only those laws they agree with - yet they preach the Constitution.

When an unconstitutional law is created by the numbnuts in power, it takes a while for it to make its way to the courts for striking down as unconstitutional. When the new law is obviously unconstitutional, I applaud the enforcers for ignoring the law.

Any bill that infringes in any way on my right to bear arms is unconstitutional. Telling me how much ammunition I can carry in the gun is unconstitutional. It infringes on my right to possess arms equal to those of my opponents (the criminals that will never pay attention to any of the gun laws). Telling me I can't have a pistol grip on a semi-automatic rifle is unconstitutional.

Legislatures are replete with law makers that have little or no common sense, little or no knowledge of the Constitution and care little if any about anything other than controlling people and keeping their own jobs.

Kudos to the sheriffs for recognizing the stupidity of the legislature.

We are a nation of laws not men. What you right wing 2nd amendment morons are promoting is lawlessness. Enforcing laws like criminal background checks are NOT unconstitutional.

You folks are really showing who and what you are...anti-American SCUM.

Piss off nazi
We are a nation of laws not men. What you right wing 2nd amendment morons are promoting is lawlessness. Enforcing laws like criminal background checks are NOT unconstitutional.

You folks are really showing who and what you are...anti-American SCUM.

Piss off nazi

What's the problem, can't pass a background check McVeigh?
Fire them!
I'll go for that!

Let's fire Eric Holder and Barack Obama. They both ignore whichever law they choose...depending on what's good for re-election of their party.

Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws.

Holder blatantly breaks gun control laws and arms the drug cartels.

Fire both of the!
Fire them!
I'll go for that!

Let's fire Eric Holder and Barack Obama. They both ignore whichever law they choose...depending on what's good for re-election of their party.

Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws.

Holder blatantly breaks gun control laws and arms the drug cartels.

Fire both of the!

the sheriff is the law of the land

The law is the law of the land. If the sheriff isn't going to enforce it then he needs to go.

Then bye bye to Obama. :thup:

not only did he arm them

10 million from the stimulus went to help

the straw purchasers pay for those firearms

and the list grows

over 300 dead Mexicans

and two Americans
The law is the law of the land. If the sheriff isn't going to enforce it then he needs to go.

So Obama needs to go since he refuses to enforce our immigration laws and the Defense of Marriage Act, right?

Duh, this thread is about sheriffs. If you want to whine about Obama - start your own thread.

In other words, "don't bring up anything that I don't want to talk about because it shows what a colossal hypocrite I am"
By Nicole Flatow

For months, local sheriffs have been objecting to federal efforts to stem gun violence in the wake of the Newtown massacre, claiming they violate “states’ rights.” Now, with a package of gun violence prevention measures awaiting the governor’s signature in a state that has seen some of the most deadly and high-profile mass shootings, several Colorado county sheriffs are threatening not to enforce their own state’s measures to expand criminal background checks and limit ammunition magazines if they are signed into law. The Greeley Tribune reports:

More: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State's Gun Laws

Cooke won't enforce new state gun laws |

Fire the sons of bitches ... as far as I concern ... if they fail to do their job fire them... denver cops, greeley cops, Aurora cops, I don't care ... fire their asses ... as for bolder cops... well, its bolder, what can ya say ... instead of finding them at the local Donut shop, we find bolder cops at the granola bar ... slamming down a bag of granola...

What about Obama? Should we fire his ass also?
OH BOY! Another unbiased piece of crap.

Glad to see there are some Oath Keepers with some backbone.

The Oath Keepers? You mean that supposedly 'non partisan' organization which was formed in March 2009, barely a few short weeks after President Obama was sworn in as president?

Yep, that's the one, except you failed to say that it was inspired primarily by the Patriot Act and took a while to get its organizational legs. The Constitutional Sheriffs Associations is an off shoot that is even newer that the original 2009 founding.

A while? The Patriot Act was passed in 2001.
Our county Commissioners have passed resolutions that read in part, "All gun restriction laws are unenforceable in this county."

I have to admit, it made Me smile to know there are some Americans who believe in individual liberty working in the government machine.
Maybe these maverick sheriffs are indicative of why "current" gun laws aren't being properly enforced - let alone "new" gun laws. Sheriffs enforce laws - they don't make them. Sheriffs don't have the legal right to pick and choose which laws they enforce.

Or, just a thought, you could be honest about what they are saying.

“won’t bother enforcing” the laws because it will be impossible for them to keep track of how the requirements are being met by gun owners.
fire them

Boston Police Strike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Governor Coolidge called the police "deserters" and "traitors," that is what these Sheriffs are if they take enacting or repealing the law into their own hands

I am pretty sure that sheriffs don't work for the state.

Sooo, using your logic, county sheriffs don't have to enforce any state laws. Correct?

Just like California doesn't have to enforce federal laws if they think illegal immigrants shouldn't be deported.

The difference here is that, unless you are willing to ignore the Constitution and allow warrant less searches, the law is unenforceable.
The Oath Keepers? You mean that supposedly 'non partisan' organization which was formed in March 2009, barely a few short weeks after President Obama was sworn in as president?

Yep, that's the one, except you failed to say that it was inspired primarily by the Patriot Act and took a while to get its organizational legs. The Constitutional Sheriffs Associations is an off shoot that is even newer that the original 2009 founding.

A while? The Patriot Act was passed in 2001.

How long would do you think it would take you to build a national organization from scratch?
Losers usually squawk about why something can't be done - rather than how it can be done. Excuses are just that - excuses. Sheriffs don't make law - they enforce it.
Yep, that's the one, except you failed to say that it was inspired primarily by the Patriot Act and took a while to get its organizational legs. The Constitutional Sheriffs Associations is an off shoot that is even newer that the original 2009 founding.

A while? The Patriot Act was passed in 2001.

How long would do you think it would take you to build a national organization from scratch?

In the age of the Internet, mass media communication, email lists, and gov't sponsored tax-exempt organizations like the 501(c)(3) ones which can be started merely by filing the proper paper work? Days, perhaps.

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