Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State’s Gun Laws

So where do you stand when a law enforcement officer is put in a situation where a state law violates the constitution? Do you really think that a lawyer turned politican thinks he knows more about how to control violent criminals with guns than the police officers that face them everyday?

First of all, Constitutionality is not the enforcement officer's call to make. Second, these new Colorado laws do not create more danger for police officers. The new laws are designed to reduce gun danger for everyone.

As an retired law enforcement officer I must tell you the constitution was a pretty big study of ours when I went through patrol school. I would hate to think that time was a waste. I refuse to violate the constitution.

The new gun laws are designed for political reasons. There have been many situations in this country where an armed citizen has saved a law enforcement officer so you really don't know if this Colorado law puts police in more danger or not.

Okay, then cite the new laws passed by the Colorado legislature and tell us how they are good or bad. Let me help...

1. Background Checks. Good or Bad? Why?

2. 15-Round Magazines. Good or Bad? Why?
First of all, Constitutionality is not the enforcement officer's call to make. Second, these new Colorado laws do not create more danger for police officers. The new laws are designed to reduce gun danger for everyone.

As an retired law enforcement officer I must tell you the constitution was a pretty big study of ours when I went through patrol school. I would hate to think that time was a waste. I refuse to violate the constitution.

The new gun laws are designed for political reasons. There have been many situations in this country where an armed citizen has saved a law enforcement officer so you really don't know if this Colorado law puts police in more danger or not.

Okay, then cite the new laws passed by the Colorado legislature and tell us how they are good or bad.

Perhaps you should read them as you can find them online as I have. The point is that the sheriffs in Colorado think they are stupid and they are the front line with much more knowledge of the subject than the state legislature. Who do you trust?
If these sheriffs can ignore these laws - can they also ignore other laws that right-wingers strongly support? Of course they can. It's a slippery slope...
A while? The Patriot Act was passed in 2001.

How long would do you think it would take you to build a national organization from scratch?

In the age of the Internet, mass media communication, email lists, and gov't sponsored tax-exempt organizations like the 501(c)(3) ones which can be started merely by filing the proper paper work? Days, perhaps.

Yep and then there are those who kick an idea around a while, bounce it off a few people, research interest to determine viability and develop a loose organization before the jump into incorporation. Which do you think would have the best chance of long term survival? Never mind I really don't care what your ignorant self thinks.
Sheriffs don't make law - they enforce it.

Somewhat like Presidents are supposed to enforce the law even if they think it is unconstitutional like DOMA or should be amended because they think it is unfair like immigration law and his desire to have Congress adopt the proposed dream act?

Presidents are enforcing laws now?? :rofl:
I gotta watch the news more often.

You might want to read the presidential job requirements in the Constitution, to ensure the faithful execution of laws is part of it. It's amazing what a bid of education can do for you.
If these sheriffs can ignore these laws - can they also ignore other laws that right-wingers strongly support? Of course they can. It's a slippery slope...

Yes they can. A prominent example is where sheriffs refuse to enforce federal marijuana laws. However, a more common example is when a cop lets you off with a warning instead of writing a ticket.... they can exercise discretion in enforcing the law. If people do not approve they can vote the sheriff out of office. A sheriff can get in trouble if he actively impedes the enforcement of a law by an agency which has jurisdiction to enforce same. Thus while they have no obligation to cooperate, they can not prevent a federal marijuana bust. It is most assuredly a two way street. If you get a left wing sheriff, he/she may selectively enforce laws that are the darling of the left wing and if you get a right wing sheriff, the exact opposite can occur.

That is where the ballot box comes into play.
We all know cops fudge the law. HOWEVER...

Failure to enforce certain minor violations that seemingly pose no risk to others is one thing - but failure to enforce certain major violations such as background checks is quite another.
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

Are you going to invent a law to charge them with. What proof is there that someone is not enforcing a law?
The legislators who passed these new gun laws were duly elected by the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, if the Governor signs them into law, any sheriff who refuses to enforce the new laws should be arrested and tried accordingly. I'm sure the Colorado Constitution doesn't allow a sheriff to pick and choose which laws to enforce.

Are you going to invent a law to charge them with. What proof is there that someone is not enforcing a law?

Well, a good hint would be when they publicly state they are not enforcing the law.
We all know cops fudge the law. HOWEVER...

Failure to enforce certain minor violations that seemingly pose no risk to others is one thing - but failure to enforce certain major violations such as background checks is quite another.

Now you are kidding yourself. You acknowledge they can fail to enforce some laws, but limit them to some etheral standard of "minor violations" as compared to "major violations". Sorry it does not work that way... did you know they can even offer what is known as "plea bargains" and... even worse "immunity from prosecution for turning states witnesss"? I know it is hard to believe, but they sometimes even do this for mafia hit men.
"Well, a good hint would be when they publicly state they are not enforcing the law."

If it really matters to you why don't you enforce the law by making citizen's arrests?
Maybe because you're just a blow hard unwilling to stand behind what you claim to believe?
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We all know cops fudge the law. HOWEVER...

Failure to enforce certain minor violations that seemingly pose no risk to others is one thing - but failure to enforce certain major violations such as background checks is quite another.

Now you are kidding yourself. You acknowledge they can fail to enforce some laws, but limit them to some etheral standard of "minor violations" as compared to "major violations". Sorry it does not work that way... did you know they can even offer what is known as "plea bargains" and... even worse "immunity from prosecution for turning states witnesss"? I know it is hard to believe, but they sometimes even do this for mafia hit men.

This is mostly an adult board - meaning most of us already know the basic crap you're posting. I'm 66 and well aware of county politics.
It never ceases to amaze me that a (claimed) descendant of the plains native peoples (who were fucked royally by the US government's military actions, and who woulda made a big difference if they'd been better armed), is arguing for disarmament of today's citizenry...

eta... and, yeah... I'm talking to you, Lakhota... dumb as a box of rocks...

Lakhota isn't a descendant of anything remotely resembling an indian. But that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
We all know cops fudge the law. HOWEVER...

Failure to enforce certain minor violations that seemingly pose no risk to others is one thing - but failure to enforce certain major violations such as background checks is quite another.

Now you are kidding yourself. You acknowledge they can fail to enforce some laws, but limit them to some etheral standard of "minor violations" as compared to "major violations". Sorry it does not work that way... did you know they can even offer what is known as "plea bargains" and... even worse "immunity from prosecution for turning states witnesss"? I know it is hard to believe, but they sometimes even do this for mafia hit men.

Police officers may be required to make arrests if they witness the commission of a felony. They may not have discretion depending on state law.
It never ceases to amaze me that a (claimed) descendant of the plains native peoples (who were fucked royally by the US government's military actions, and who woulda made a big difference if they'd been better armed), is arguing for disarmament of today's citizenry...

eta... and, yeah... I'm talking to you, Lakhota... dumb as a box of rocks...

Lakhota isn't a descendant of anything remotely resembling an indian. But that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Maybe Lakhota is related to Sen. Warren
We all know cops fudge the law. HOWEVER...

Failure to enforce certain minor violations that seemingly pose no risk to others is one thing - but failure to enforce certain major violations such as background checks is quite another.

Now you are kidding yourself. You acknowledge they can fail to enforce some laws, but limit them to some etheral standard of "minor violations" as compared to "major violations". Sorry it does not work that way... did you know they can even offer what is known as "plea bargains" and... even worse "immunity from prosecution for turning states witnesss"? I know it is hard to believe, but they sometimes even do this for mafia hit men.

Police officers may be required to make arrests if they witness the commission of a felony. They may not have discretion depending on state law.

If there is a state law that requires an arrest then we have another issue entirely. I believe that is what Lahkota is advocating for. That would implicate the eforcement of federal marijuana laws if such legislation is adopted, however..
Oh, and its not just one. There are a few. They are considering a lawsuit to block its implementation.

7NEWS - Weld County Sheriff John Cooke refuses to enforce impending gun control laws - Local Story

The Weld County sheriff also said that he and other Colorado sheriffs are considering filing a lawsuit against the state to try and block the measures, according to the newspaper. He said that it would be impossible to keep track of gun owners and ensure that they are meeting requirements.

El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa has also refused to enforce some gun control measures, saying he will not enforce some new gun control laws being considered in Colorado after he accused Democrats of extortion.

Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith said he won't enforce any federal gun control measures he considers unconstitutional.

I am glad I voted for our guy. Politicians in Laremer county are normally such pussies.
We all know cops fudge the law. HOWEVER...

Failure to enforce certain minor violations that seemingly pose no risk to others is one thing - but failure to enforce certain major violations such as background checks is quite another.

Now you are kidding yourself. You acknowledge they can fail to enforce some laws, but limit them to some etheral standard of "minor violations" as compared to "major violations". Sorry it does not work that way... did you know they can even offer what is known as "plea bargains" and... even worse "immunity from prosecution for turning states witnesss"? I know it is hard to believe, but they sometimes even do this for mafia hit men.

Police officers may be required to make arrests if they witness the commission of a felony. They may not have discretion depending on state law.

Police officers are required by the Constitution of the United States of America to get a warrant before they arrest anyone.

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