Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State’s Gun Laws

That's the whole point of the Second Amendment, sadly, the only way to protect the Second Amendmetn is using the Second Amendment.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

Time to stop threatening and time to start doing meaningful things to take our nation back from the elitist despots who seem to have forgotten that they do NOT rule over us, but rather SERVE us.
Fuck that. That makes citizens easy meat for jack-booted government storm troopers, which is exactly the motivation behind gun control.

In your tinfoil hat world, do you honestly believe you could stop those "jack-booted government storm troopers" if they really wanted you?

1. Way more than half (a lot more) would defect and uphold their Oath to defend the Constitution of the United States.

2. They would then be supplemented by millions of volunteer militia.

3. You should read Federalist 28. It might give you trouble sleeping at night.
In your tinfoil hat world, do you honestly believe you could stop those "jack-booted government storm troopers" if they really wanted you?

1. Way more than half (a lot more) would defect and uphold their Oath to defend the Constitution of the United States.

2. They would then be supplemented by millions of volunteer militia.

3. You should read Federalist 28. It might give you trouble sleeping at night.

the argument that you are so over powered by the jack booted thugs

that you could not possibly stand a chance

is representative that the gun control laws

has already gone too far
Time to stop threatening and time to start doing meaningful things to take our nation back from the elitist despots who seem to have forgotten that they do NOT rule over us, but rather SERVE us.

Time for the stupid gun nuts to realize that elected officials serve the general public, not a radical and senseless minority.
Fuck that. That makes citizens easy meat for jack-booted government storm troopers, which is exactly the motivation behind gun control.

In your tinfoil hat world, do you honestly believe you could stop those "jack-booted government storm troopers" if they really wanted you?

I could take plenty of them with me. When the jack-booted thugs get killed by the thousands in the attempt, they hesitate before herding enemies of the state off to the Gulag

The Gov't can do what ever it wants but you can't call it a Tyranny.

When an American citizen does what he's supposed to do, fight back, he gets arrested.

So we're just supposed to go along with Tyranny because it was "popularly elected"?

Yes you are, unless you prefer chaos.
Okay, you chickenshit loudmouths, you've been making threats long enough.

Get the fuck off your fat pimpled asses and crawl out of your trailer parks and have your little revolution.

Otherwise any and every thread you post about seceeding or revolution will be derailed in a most unkind way.

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By Matt Ferner

When debating gun control and the rights granted by the Second Amendment, heated arguments and debates are expected -- but a few people have gone too far by threatening some state lawmakers over the gun control bills currently being considered by the state legislature.

Fox31 was the first to report that Franklin Sain, a 42-year-old Colorado Springs man, was arrested for making threats against Rep. Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora), the sponsor of two of the four controversial gun measures that passed the state House last week.

Sain is accused of harassing Rep. Fields in emails and in a voicemail and is also charged with attempting to influence a public official, The Denver Post reports.

“I am grateful for the prompt work of the Colorado State Patrol in bringing this suspect to justice," Fields said in a statement. "I also thank the Denver Police Department, which was instrumental in the investigation. I will not be deterred by threats.”

Fields is the sponsor of House Bill 1224 which bans high-capacity gun magazines and limits capacity to 15 bullets, House Bill 1229 which requires universal background checks for all private gun sales in the state, including private sales.

Before the bills passed, 9News reported that several Democrats received death threats during the legislation hearing process. Freshman Rep. Joe Salazar (D-Thornton) was one of those lawmakers that received this threat via his phone's voicemail:

Hey Salazar, you f--king fascist, you want to outlaw magazines? Come and f--king take them. Are you will to kill the f--king outlaw magazines, because you will f--king die.

Many of Colorado's police chiefs are also in favor of stricter gun control laws in the state. CBS4 spoke with Tom Deland, head of the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, who said that police chiefs across the state support the universal background check bill and the high-capacity magazine ban bill that would limit firearm magazines to only 15 bullets. “Do we believe that this is going to solve the entire issue?" Tom Deland asked CBS4. "We know that it’s not, but it is one important step." Deland says that his organization supports ideas like these that keep Colorado citizens, and its police, safer.

More: Colorado Lawmakers Get Threatened Over Gun Control Legislation

Man arrested for death threats against Rep. Rhonda Fields over gun legislation | ? Denver News, Weather & Sports from FOX 31 News in Denver, Colorado

Man booked on suspicion of harassing Colorado Rep. Rhonda Fields - The Denver Post

so far all the bills that were in the house has now passed the house and senate ready for Hickenlooper to sign ... its a great day in Colorado ... in my opinion
Do you not understand that CRIMINALS do not care what the background check laws are, or what the magazine capacity laws are?

They buy their guns and mags out of car trunks, back alleys, etc., or they just steal them.

It takes 2-3 seconds to change a magazine. BIG DEAL! Doesn't matter to me if I have one 30-round mag or two 15-round mags.

that's why all public firearms should be either bolt or lever action per round without detachable magazines - no exceptions.

Fuck that. That makes citizens easy meat for jack-booted government storm troopers, which is exactly the motivation behind gun control.

paranoia will distroy ya
In your tinfoil hat world, do you honestly believe you could stop those "jack-booted government storm troopers" if they really wanted you?

I could take plenty of them with me. When the jack-booted thugs get killed by the thousands in the attempt, they hesitate before herding enemies of the state off to the Gulag


you sure give yourself a lot of false courage don't ya ... I could see you now ... bullets flying all around you ... flash grenades landing all around you... nobody would have to see where you are ... they just follow the smell of pissed and fresh shit in your pants aroma ... we'll call it the new red neck perfume ... gun in hand and wet shitty pants
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you do realize that the people who you used in your picture had guns ... that their fearless leader said they had to have guns don't ya... another uneducated repub-lie-tard at their best ...
I could take plenty of them with me. When the jack-booted thugs get killed by the thousands in the attempt, they hesitate before herding enemies of the state off to the Gulag


you sure give yourself a lot of false courage don't ya ... I could see you now ... bullets flying all around you ... flash grenades landing all around you... nobody would have to see where you are ... they just follow the smell of pissed and fresh shit in your pants aroma ... we'll call it the new red neck perfume ... gun in hand and wet shitty pants

Colorado had its chance

to pass a firearms freedom act

however it chose not to

unlike here in South Dakota


ENTITLED, An Act to exempt from federal regulation any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Dakota.
Section 1. Terms used in this Act mean:
(1) "Firearm accessory," any item that is used in conjunction with or mounted upon a firearm but is not essential to the basic function of a firearm, including any telescopic or laser sight, magazine, flash or sound suppressor, folding or aftermarket stock and grip, speed loader, ammunition carrier, or light for target illumination;
(2) "Generic and insignificant part," any firearm part, including a spring, screw, nut, and pin;
(3) "Manufactured," any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition which has been created from basic materials for functional usefulness, including forging, casting, machining, or other processes for working materials.
Section 2. Any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in South Dakota and that remains within the borders of South Dakota is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. It is declared by the Legislature that those items have not traveled in interstate commerce. This section applies to any firearm, firearm accessory, and ammunition that is manufactured in South Dakota from basic materials and that can be manufactured without the inclusion of any significant parts imported from another state. Any generic and insignificant part that has other manufacturing or consumer product application is not a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition, and importation of such parts into South Dakota and incorporation into a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured in South Dakota does not subject the firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition to federal regulation. It is declared by the Legislature that any basic
material, such as unmachined steel and unshaped wood, is not a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition and is not subject to congressional authority to regulate any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition under interstate commerce as if it was actually a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition. The authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce in basic material does not include authority to regulate any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition made in South Dakota from such basic material. Any firearm accessory that is imported into South Dakota from another state and that is subject to federal regulation as being in interstate commerce does not subject a firearm to federal regulation under interstate commerce because it is attached to or used in conjunction with a firearm in South Dakota.
Section 3. The provisions of section 2 of this Act do not apply to:
(1) A firearm that cannot be carried and used by one person;
(2) A firearm that has a bore diameter greater than one and one-half inches and that uses smokeless powder, not black powder, as a propellant;
(3) Ammunition with a projectile that explodes using an explosion of chemical energy after the projectile leaves the firearm; or
(4) A firearm that discharges two or more projectiles with one activation of the trigger or other firing device.
Section 4. A firearm manufactured or sold in South Dakota pursuant to this Act shall have the words, Made in South Dakota, clearly stamped on a central metallic part, such as the receiver or frame.
Section 5. The provisions of this Act apply to any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured and retained in South Dakota after July 1, 2010.
An Act to exempt from federal regulation any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Dakota.

2010 Session - Bill History
ENTITLED, An Act to exempt from federal regulation any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Dakota.

No state can override federal law.

Does it not bother that you're paying your representatives huge salaries to waste time on worthless bills that could end up costing tens of millions in court costs?
ENTITLED, An Act to exempt from federal regulation any firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured and retained in South Dakota.

No state can override federal law.

Does it not bother that you're paying your representatives huge salaries to waste time on worthless bills that could end up costing tens of millions in court costs?

sure they can

we can we did it

other states have overrode the marijuana laws for example

Colorado being one of them
1. Way more than half (a lot more) would defect and uphold their Oath to defend the Constitution of the United States.

2. They would then be supplemented by millions of volunteer militia.

3. You should read Federalist 28. It might give you trouble sleeping at night.

the argument that you are so over powered by the jack booted thugs

that you could not possibly stand a chance

is representative that the gun control laws

has already gone too far

Well said, Lakhota just admitted that we're in a police state (if the military actually chose to comply, which they won't, even the sheriffs won't comply)
“Do we believe that this is going to solve the entire issue?" Tom Deland asked CBS4. "We know that it’s not, but it is one important step." Deland says that his organization supports ideas like these that keep Colorado citizens, and its police, safer.


This should illustrate to any thinking individual that the gun grabbers are not going to be satisfied until they've managed to completely disarm the American citizenry.

What follows that "one important step"? Another important step. Then another. And another. Until the journey to disarmament is complete.

Incrementalism is NOT our friend...

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