Colorado Springs police say 5 people are dead and 18 injured in a Colorado nightclub shooting, it's a gay nightclub that has drag shows

But you definitely have no problems with blaming it on "Dems" tho right? Because why not
LOL, the entire history of Western Civilization is intertwined with so-called Christianity. Unfortunately much of the bad ideology of the Old testament was used in the creation of the New testament and the primitive hatreds and fears, as well as tribal laws ( admonitions ) were utilized in its spread around the world. Corrupting not only our own civilization but that of others.
Op-Ed: Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs follows six brutal years of Republican anti-LGBTQ rhetoric

Pulse seemed unimaginable. The attack on Club Q is anything but. Although we do not yet know the killer’s motive, the target is all too familiar. This latest shooting, in which at least five people in Colorado were killed late Saturday night when a gunman once again opened fire inside an LGBTQ nightclub, follows six years in which far-right leaders have led American politics down a fearful blame spiral fueled by homophobia, xenophobia and racism.

This past election, Republican candidates ran on a platform that characterized queer and transgender people as “groomers.”They targeted the families that support them as criminals. And many of the candidates talking like this won their races. In less than a decade, the right has managed to breathe new life into an old, dangerous narrative — queer and transgender people are threats to children and to the health of the nation. This strategic scapegoating is by design. It galvanizes white, conservative GOP voters by stoking the basest of emotions — fear of erasure.

Lofty American ideals like tolerance, justice and individual freedom are incompatible with the right’s demonizing narrative. There is no longer room for difference when difference is deemed a threat, especially to children. In a school board meeting in suburban Portland last week, parents railed against LGBTQ-related targeting, harassment and intimidation. But these weren’t the parents of queer or transgender youth. Instead, as one parent summed up later, the school district’s adoption of LGBTQ-inclusive materials and anti-bullying policies promoted “discrimination against people who are white, straight, Christian.” The parent asked: “Where is the equity for them?”

Morality-based fear-mongering and the characterization of minorities as dangerous enemies from within are predictable moves from an old playbook. It persists because it works. It fosters a breach from our shared humanity and incites bloodshed. Violent, fearful words breed — and sanction — action
Molesting children of the same sex would qualify them as homosexual
Heterosexuality homosexuality and bisexuality are normal sexual orientations. They occur in an individual before the onset of puberty, some scientists say as early as the age of two, just like gender. Pedophilia occurs after the onset of puberty and is classified as a mental disorder. Interestingly enough, incest is not a mental disorder but most people who practice it have mental disorders. There are lots of twists and turns in how life works. Definitely a hard puzzle to figure out, thank GOD the experts took time to figure it all out. Relying on religion to tell one what is right and what is wrong about sex is foolish at best, and as most of us know very harmful.
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It's ok to admit you just pull shit out your ass based on feels.....for your remark on how red flag laws missed him...allow me to educate you....

"El Paso County appears especially hostile to the law. It joined nearly 2,000 counties nationwide in declaring themselves "Second Amendment Sanctuaries" that protect the constitutional right to bear arms, passing a 2019 resolution that says the red flag law "infringes upon the inalienable rights of law-abiding citizens" by ordering police to "forcibly enter premises and seize a citizen's property with no evidence of a crime."

"In 2021, Aldrich was charged in a false bomb threat situation in the Lorson Ranch neighborhood of Colorado Springs. Aldrich was booked into the El Paso County Jail on charges of felony menacing and first-degree kidnapping, according to the release. No formal charges were ever filed, and the case was sealed, so it’s not clear why, The Gazette reported."

And yes, the El Paso County DA is a Republican..

oh i thought you said the shooter was. there is no proof of that. with that said rhe DA has nothing to do with the red flag laws
You are wrong, it is 100's of square miles being cut down. The forests are not being replanted. Your idea that the can regriw does not mean a thing.

Yes, coal. The Renewable Heavy Industry is blowing the tops off of mountains so that renewables can be manufactured with coal.

The Renewable Heavy Industry is the worst industry for the environment
Forrestry industry has been replanting for over 60 years
Stop lying lib loons
Nope, it woulds classify them as Pedophile. Pedophiles usually don't really care about the gender of their victims..just the age.

Trying to conflate Pedophilia and Homosexuality has long been a favorite gambit of the haters on the Right~
So NAMBLA types are not Gay ???
We're certainly not seeing any significant effort on the part of faggots and trannies to repudiate the pedophiles and groomers, or to disassociate themselves therefrom. This took place at a venue that is explicitly pandering to pedophiles and groomers.
So you have absolutely no idea what is actually going on in the world, brainwashed functional moron hater? You better go out and shoot some people to show how brave you are...
This took place at a venue that is explicitly pandering to pedophiles and groomers.
You fucking moron. How do you know this?

Heterosexual men molest boys.
No one is trying to suggest anything – it is a fact that heterosexual men are molesting little boys.
By definition, a man who is sexually interested in boys is not heterosexual. By definition, anyone who is heterosexual is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex.

You're trying to argue that up is down, that black is white, that darkness is light.


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