Colorado Springs police say 5 people are dead and 18 injured in a Colorado nightclub shooting, it's a gay nightclub that has drag shows

What are you assholes going to do when he turns out to be a lefty? You morons.
‘Conservatives have repeatedly smeared LGBTQ people and their allies as pedophiles and child predators — baseless claims that have roots in age-old anti-gay tropes and conspiracy theories like QAnon.

From those fringe beginnings, the term has made its way into the mainstream, appearing on Fox News and in talking points of high-ranking conservative lawmakers like Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has called Democrats "the party of pedophiles." Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law, which bans teachers from speaking in class about sexual orientation and gender identity, was nicknamed the "Anti-Grooming Bill" by one of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis's top staffers.’

Conservatives’ demonization and vilification of gay and transgender Americans contributed to this crime and undermines the safety of those gay and transgender.
The shooting in Colorado Springs could have been done for any reason. Not likely it was "hate" toward homos.

More likely it was islamonazi terrorism like the similar attack in Florida. Or perhaps workplace violence, a personal grievance by a patron who was previously barred for life, or perhaps someone upset with someone not following Homoerotic Etiquette? Maybe drug or gambling debts, or the owners not paying their dues to the local mafioso.

Assuming it was Christians engaged in hatred toward homosexuality, is quite an assumption.
The shooting in Colorado Springs could have been done for any reason. Not likely it was "hate" toward homos.

More likely it was islamonazi terrorism like the similar attack in Florida. Or perhaps workplace violence, a personal grievance by a patron who was previously barred for life, or perhaps someone upset with someone not following Homoerotic Etiquette? Maybe drug or gambling debts, or the owners not paying their dues to the local mafioso.

Assuming it was Christians engaged in hatred toward homosexuality, is quite an assumption.
It’s likely another psychotic pothead.
Cannabis is the drug of choice for mass murderers.
What tools do you think would help? And every gun purchase from a legit dealer includes a background check.
Not innocent. Fear stoking bigots. I don’t know this guys motivation but regardless the GOP is fearmongering that gays are trying to groom your kids. It’s gotten the reaction they wanted. Assholes.

No...not leftists in public schools and those who are hosting drag queens for kids....
"Aldrich was subdued by heroic patrons, who were credited with saving lives, Castro said. One disarmed the suspect and beat him with his own gun"


For someone so pressed over gay much so that he had to run up in a gay club with a rifle and a pistol; he still got his ass beat with his own gun.....the epitome of insecure right-wing fragility...
Then maybe you guys should stop being such insufferable groomers.
This is a lie.

No one is being ‘groomed.’

‘Far-right and extremist voices have launched a significant attack against the LGBTQ+ community in 2021-2022, demonizing people via repeated false claims that LGBTQ+ people are “pedophiles” who are “grooming” children in order to abuse them. This false and malicious narrative has been weaponized to label the LGBTQ+ community as “groomers” and has fueled a slew of hostile legislation and policies aimed at erasing the discussion of LGBTQ+ related issues in schools, removing LGBTQ+ books from schools and public libraries and, especially, to ostracize, defame and harass transgender people.’

No surprise that pedophiles groomers, and their allies wish that those who want children to be protected from them would just shut up about it.
I'm an elderly gay man and proud of it. I detest pedophiles. I think the only solution is when they are caught to put them all on and isolated island prison with no possibility of escape send all that kddy porn with them, not as a reward but as a punishment.
And yet little boys are sexually molested almost as often as little girls. This means that almost half of all childfuckers are faggots, A heterosexual man who was also a pedophile would only be interested in molesting little girls, not little boys.

Faggots make up less than 4% of the population, but almost half of all childfuckers. This has to tell you that there is something inherently fucked up about that less than 4%.
This is as ignorant as it is bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

Heterosexual men molest boys; heterosexual men are more likely to commit such crimes.

“Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual.”


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