Columbine-obsessed teen says he & his brother stabbed their family, planned to go on shooting spree

I don't remember where I saw it - a news program but cops were interviewing a kid who said he'd been planning it for a long time. They showed his notebook with page after page of really scary stuff. He told the cops he still planned to do it but wanted to kill as many as possible.

Also remember one of the Columbine kid's grandfather saying he had given the kid guns, taught him how to shoot, was still giving guns to his other g-kids and would not have done anything different with the kid who shot up Columbine even though he said he and the family knew he had problems.
^^^ So in other words, that kid's grandfather couldn't have been more proud to be a helper. If so, in my opinion, he should've been charged for aiding his murdering grandson.

God bless you always!!!


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