Nobody but you and few other looms gives a shit, Panda bear. Sheesh you let things give you the vapors far too easily
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Well done there lady

I suspect Skylar lies awake at night pained over it given the amount of attention he/she is giving it:banana:

I suspect that you really don't like me quoting you accurately and in context.

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But its the *left* you guys are worried about?
Political Sarcasm escapes you now doesn't it?:itsok:
My faith is Christianity. My political ideology is American Liberalism. And I can't believe that the modern American Conservative sees viciousness from the Left while utterly failing to see the same characteristic among themselves. Selective political blindness.

I further wonder how people such as the modern American Conservative embraces religion while ignoring that characteristic among their political counterparts. Selective bigotry?

When someone foolishly conflates religion with politics or more foolishly says something like 'American Liberalism is a religion and that religion is more dangerous and odious than ISIS', I am convinced beyond doubt that there are just as many if not more fools among the Right as any other demographic.
My faith is Christianity. My political ideology is American Liberalism. And I can't believe that the modern American Conservative sees viciousness from the Left while utterly failing to see the same characteristic among themselves. Selective political blindness.

I further wonder how people such as the modern American Conservative embraces religion while ignoring that characteristic among their political counterparts. Selective bigotry?

When someone foolishly conflates religion with politics or more foolishly says something like 'American Liberalism is a religion and that religion is more dangerous and odious than ISIS', I am convinced beyond doubt that there are just as many if not more fools among the Right as any other demographic.
Perhaps you should debate Dante................he is full throttle that Religion is politics but culture need not apply to the same rhetoric. That would be a hoot. He's a leftist by the way.
omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Well done there lady

I suspect Skylar lies awake at night pained over it given the amount of attention he/she is giving it:banana:

I suspect that you really don't like me quoting you accurately and in context.

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But its the *left* you guys are worried about?
Political Sarcasm escapes you now doesn't it?:itsok:

Laughing....uh-huh. That's why when I asked her if she were joking, she said this:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.

Please tell me you're joking.

Not joking, pack your bags

And tell me, was this fringe winger 'joking' when he posted this?

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.


Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or how about this?

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.


But tell us again how 'viscous' the left is?
Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Well done there lady

I suspect Skylar lies awake at night pained over it given the amount of attention he/she is giving it:banana:

I suspect that you really don't like me quoting you accurately and in context.

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But its the *left* you guys are worried about?
Political Sarcasm escapes you now doesn't it?:itsok:

Laughing....uh-huh. That's why when I asked her if she were joking, she said this:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.

Please tell me you're joking.

Not joking, pack your bags

And tell me, was this fringe winger 'joking' when he posted this?

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.


Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or how about this?

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.


But tell us again how 'viscous' the left is?
You are still the drama queen...............many threads get vicious and even shut down..........insults lead to more insults and then people say shit that they really aren't going to do.

Emotions get the better of them. Like the cat fights in the flame zone.

I'm not that worked up by your outrage................but believe it proves my point. That you are emotional about this issue, and EMOTION and not the issue drives your political ideology.
Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?

Starting a sentence without capitalizing the first letter makes you appear uneducated.

I was a Republican for most of my life until the past decade.

When Republicans stood for actual "Individual Responsibility" and promoted their vision of healthcare with the Individual Mandate, I stood with them.

When Republicans in 2000 understood the best way to expand the party's tent was to work out a comprehensive immigration plan called The Dream Act, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for laws that prevent late-term abortions except in the cases where the mother's life is in danger, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood firmly against nation building, which was entrenched in the party just 15 years ago, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for fast-tracking a president's authority to get domestic drilling and fracking going at a quicker pace, I stood with Republicans.

So tell me again how it is that I am "worse than ISIS" and "in a state of rage" and "ejaculating hate from my blow hole" because I still support ALL of those things?
I assume you are responding to me in part since you are quoting some of my words there. When did I neglect to capitalize a letter? And why throw out the accusation I'm uneducated, then respond to the post anyway? I'm not a Republican, I'm a conservative. I didn't say you were worse than ISIS, you got mixed up and saw a general threat.

If you truly stood by those things but now pull hard for socialism you either didn't know what you were doing, had a breakdown or decided socialism would benefit you most at this point in your life.

You know they're a liberal when they go to attacking someone's spelling, grammar, etc and their education. That's what they do when they don't have anything else. and it again proves the article right about them. Instead of sitting down, they just go and dig themselves a deeper hole. they get so ugly and nasty all over some article.
They don't know what they stand for. They just blindly memorize the talking points and pithy bumper stickers the DNC feeds them. They can't debate current events... So naturally spelling is the go to for them.
That's some pretty strong Irony, right there....or projection. That too.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.
Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like
Well done there lady

I suspect Skylar lies awake at night pained over it given the amount of attention he/she is giving it:banana:

I suspect that you really don't like me quoting you accurately and in context.

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But its the *left* you guys are worried about?
Political Sarcasm escapes you now doesn't it?:itsok:

Laughing....uh-huh. That's why when I asked her if she were joking, she said this:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.

Please tell me you're joking.

Not joking, pack your bags

And tell me, was this fringe winger 'joking' when he posted this?

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.


Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or how about this?

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.


But tell us again how 'viscous' the left is?
You are still the drama queen...............many threads get vicious and even shut down..........insults lead to more insults and then people say shit that they really aren't going to do.

Emotions get the better of them. Like the cat fights in the flame zone.

I'm not that worked up by your outrage................but believe it proves my point. That you are emotional about this issue, and EMOTION and not the issue drives your political ideology.

And by 'drama queen', you mean someone who quotes folks accurately and in context?

You seem to be spending an awful lot of energy opposing my accurate citations of what the fringe right produces. Why?
Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

I can't shame a person that is proud of what they said. I'm merely presenting those positions for all to read.

If they're not shameful, what's the harm? Did I quote them inaccurately? Did I misrepresent their positions? Of course not. In fact, you should be thanking me. As I'm propogating fringe right positions and letting more people see what your ilk have to offer.

Which apparently includes deportation of millions of Americans, stripping millions of Americans of fundamental rights, beheading of the same, and the mass executions of about 70 million American citizens.

Tell me again why its the *left's* viciousness you're concerned with?
Last edited:
I suspect Skylar lies awake at night pained over it given the amount of attention he/she is giving it:banana:

I suspect that you really don't like me quoting you accurately and in context.

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But its the *left* you guys are worried about?
Political Sarcasm escapes you now doesn't it?:itsok:

Laughing....uh-huh. That's why when I asked her if she were joking, she said this:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.

Please tell me you're joking.

Not joking, pack your bags

And tell me, was this fringe winger 'joking' when he posted this?

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.


Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or how about this?

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.


But tell us again how 'viscous' the left is?
You are still the drama queen...............many threads get vicious and even shut down..........insults lead to more insults and then people say shit that they really aren't going to do.

Emotions get the better of them. Like the cat fights in the flame zone.

I'm not that worked up by your outrage................but believe it proves my point. That you are emotional about this issue, and EMOTION and not the issue drives your political ideology.

And by 'drama queen', you mean someone who quotes folks accurately and in context?

You seem to be spending an awful lot of energy opposing my accurate citations of what the fringe right produces. Why?
I pulling your elitist liberal chain. To put it simply.
I suspect that you really don't like me quoting you accurately and in context.

But its the *left* you guys are worried about?
Political Sarcasm escapes you now doesn't it?:itsok:

Laughing....uh-huh. That's why when I asked her if she were joking, she said this:

Please tell me you're joking.

Not joking, pack your bags

And tell me, was this fringe winger 'joking' when he posted this?

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.


Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or how about this?

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.


But tell us again how 'viscous' the left is?
You are still the drama queen...............many threads get vicious and even shut down..........insults lead to more insults and then people say shit that they really aren't going to do.

Emotions get the better of them. Like the cat fights in the flame zone.

I'm not that worked up by your outrage................but believe it proves my point. That you are emotional about this issue, and EMOTION and not the issue drives your political ideology.

And by 'drama queen', you mean someone who quotes folks accurately and in context?

You seem to be spending an awful lot of energy opposing my accurate citations of what the fringe right produces. Why?
I pulling your elitist liberal chain. To put it simply.

Laughing.....then I've fallen into your dastardly plot by quoting the hateful right wing batshit that the fringe right produces?

How clever of you in tricking me into quoting your ilk advocating the mass execution of American citizens, mass deportations of Americans based on religion and the stripping of the rights of American citizens.
Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

I can't shame a person that is proud of what they said. I'm merely presenting those positions for all to read.

If they're not shameful, what's the harm? Did I quote them inaccurately? Did I misrepresent their positions? Of course not. In fact, you should be thanking me. As I'm propogating fringe right positions and letting more people see what your ilk have to offer.

Which apparently includes deportation of millions of Americans, stripping millions of Americans of fundamental rights, beheading of the same, and the mass executions of about 70 million American citizens.

Tell me again why its the *left's* viciousness you're concerned with?
Politics can get vicious.........It's a full contact emotional sport. It's just the Liberals emotions are so easy to bruise.

We say that there is a Security Risk associated with bringing in the refugees and that the vetting needs to be Iron Clad............your side calls us UnAmerican and the like because we choose the Security question first over your Open the arms to all Immigrants policy. There is a Danger of making a mistake on that issue, but I am called a bigot for saying that.

I say Radical Islam needs to be stopped, yet we have a president who goes out of his way to not say the words.....Took him years to finally say the Fort Hood attack was Terrorism. Again I'm called a bigot for my views even as they ignore my praises for Muslim Countries fighting ISIS.

And on and on and on.
Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

I can't shame a person that is proud of what they said. I'm merely presenting those positions for all to read.

If they're not shameful, what's the harm? Did I quote them inaccurately? Did I misrepresent their positions? Of course not. In fact, you should be thanking me. As I'm propogating fringe right positions and letting more people see what your ilk have to offer.

Which apparently includes deportation of millions of Americans, stripping millions of Americans of fundamental rights, beheading of the same, and the mass executions of about 70 million American citizens.

Tell me again why its the *left's* viciousness you're concerned with?
Politics can get vicious.........It's a full contact emotional sport. It's just the Liberals emotions are so easy to bruise. demonstrated by 4 pages of panty shitting hysterics when I did so much as *quote* your ilk, accurately and in context.

We say that there is a Security Risk associated with bringing in the refugees and that the vetting needs to be Iron Clad............your side calls us UnAmerican and the like because we choose the Security question first over your Open the arms to all Immigrants policy. There is a Danger of making a mistake on that issue, but I am called a bigot for saying that.

We called 'you' unamerican when 'you' called for a ban on all Muslims entering the country, for all Muslims to be deported, and for there to be NO refugees despite vetting.

The right wing pity party continues it seems.

I say Radical Islam needs to be stopped, yet we have a president who goes out of his way to not say the words.....Took him years to finally say the Fort Hood attack was Terrorism. Again I'm called a bigot for my views even as they ignore my praises for Muslim Countries fighting ISIS.

And on and on and on.

So NOT saying 'Radical Islam' is 'viciousness'?

Dear god your ilk are emotionally delicate.
Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like

yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore (it's) postings. I haven't put them on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being.

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