Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Gas, no? I bookmarked it the moment you made it. As its wonderful evidence of the kind of hateful batshit the right wing can produce.

And it serves as a lovely counterpoint to the victim narrative the right loves to play for itself. When they whine and snivel at how 'viscous' the liberals are.

Yet this far left drone ignore it's own and continues to show their hate as they post!
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

If you're going to complain about 'liberal viciousness', sure. If you're going to be at all consistent.

Especially when your ilk are calling for mass executions of American Citizens (70 million or so), impalement and deportation of US citizens by the millions based solely on religion.

Do you need a tissue? Man up Panda Bear

I'm fine, hon. Your posts are among my best evidence of the kind of hateful batshit the fringe right mentality can produce. I'm asking you....please post more. Tell us about all the groups you'd deport. How you want them killed. What rights you want stripped away from your fellow Americans.

I'm inviting you to do so.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

If you're going to complain about 'liberal viciousness', sure. If you're going to be at all consistent.

Especially when your ilk are calling for mass executions of American Citizens (70 million or so), impalement and deportation of US citizens by the millions based solely on religion.

Do you need a tissue? Man up Panda Bear

I'm fine, hon. Your posts are among my best evidence of the kind of hateful batshit the fringe right mentality can produce. I'm asking you....please post more. Tell us about all the groups you'd deport. How you want them killed. What rights you want stripped away from your fellow Americans.

I'm inviting you to do so.

I'm not your "hon" loon and I'm making fun of you. Great fun watching a left loon whine.....LMAO
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

If you're going to complain about 'liberal viciousness', sure. If you're going to be at all consistent.

Especially when your ilk are calling for mass executions of American Citizens (70 million or so), impalement and deportation of US citizens by the millions based solely on religion.

Do you need a tissue? Man up Panda Bear

I'm fine, hon. Your posts are among my best evidence of the kind of hateful batshit the fringe right mentality can produce. I'm asking you....please post more. Tell us about all the groups you'd deport. How you want them killed. What rights you want stripped away from your fellow Americans.

I'm inviting you to do so.

And the far left drones just make it up as they go along showing their hatred for anything not far left!
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?
We must be very quiet as we enter the familiar habitat of the RWNJ (Right Wing Nut Job). The RWNJ can most easily be found on the internet, overtaking day and night most political forums and comments sections. The RWNJ may also be found close to the nearest AM radio wavelength, which emits knee-jerk attacks of ad hominem proportions (like those above), which are soothing to the RWNJ, and they are also found in recliners and on couches, worshipping at the shrine of Fox News--by far the most watched cable news--where they learn important social skills like attacking all others who do not smell like a RWNJ.

As we look deeper within the habitat of the RWNJ, we may observe their most clever skill, which is found deep inside the insecurity of a RWNJ, which then manifests itself as a defense mechanism; the projection of their own faults onto all other creatures who are not RWNJs as a way of being able to avoid having to face that politics really is THEIR only religion.

If politics were the religion of the left, they'd win off-year elections. Turnout would be up and the RWNJ would always lose because as we know, the more creatures who vote, the more it is revealed that the RWNJ is vastly outnumbered.

So how is it the RWNJ dominates online political forums and comments sections? Do they have jobs? And why is it that the RWNJ only ever speaks in the same copy 'n paste talking points? Is the RWNJ capable of independent thought?

Family, work and good times are the religion of liberals and most all other creatures, which is why they are mostly not wasting their time here like the RWNJ does, because for the RWNJ, politics is their religion.
See how they take comfort in a circle jerk thread?
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

If you're going to complain about 'liberal viciousness', sure. If you're going to be at all consistent.

Especially when your ilk are calling for mass executions of American Citizens (70 million or so), impalement and deportation of US citizens by the millions based solely on religion.

Do you need a tissue? Man up Panda Bear

I'm fine, hon. Your posts are among my best evidence of the kind of hateful batshit the fringe right mentality can produce. I'm asking you....please post more. Tell us about all the groups you'd deport. How you want them killed. What rights you want stripped away from your fellow Americans.

I'm inviting you to do so.

I'm not your "hon" loon and I'm making fun of you. Great fun watching a left loon whine.....LMAO

Laughing...and by 'whine; you mean quote you exactly?

Why would you be complaining that I'm quoting you and other conservatives? Wouldn't you be proud of your positions? Wouldn't you want as many people as possible to see them?

Yet when I ask you to refuse. Why?
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?
Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?

Run along stupid, I think you're an idiot and I'm not giving you anymore chances to prove it. You've used up my allocated responses to retards for the day
Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?
Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?

Run along stupid, I think you're an idiot and I'm not giving you anymore chances to prove it. You've used up my allocated responses to retards for the day

Sass....when these threads come up and I'm inclined to demonstrate the hateful batshit that the fringe right wing produces, you're going to be among those who I quote.

There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't like it, say less crazy nonsense.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Well done there lady
Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?

Run along stupid, I think you're an idiot and I'm not giving you anymore chances to prove it. You've used up my allocated responses to retards for the day

Sass....when these threads come up and I'm inclined to demonstrate the hateful batshit that the fringe right wing produces, you're going to be among those who I quote.

There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't like it, say less crazy nonsense.
Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?

Run along stupid, I think you're an idiot and I'm not giving you anymore chances to prove it. You've used up my allocated responses to retards for the day

Sass....when these threads come up and I'm inclined to demonstrate the hateful batshit that the fringe right wing produces, you're going to be among those who I quote.

There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't like it, say less crazy nonsense.

Yes the far left will continue to post their hatred for anyone or anything that is not far left!
Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?

In a thread about 'left viciousness', a right wing pity party about how mean the left guys want to whine about 'drama queens'?

Laughing....irony is so funny.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Well done there lady

I suspect Skylar lies awake at night pained over it given the amount of attention he/she is giving it:banana:
Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

Shaming you? You're not ashamed of the awful things you say. None of your fellow fringe conservatives are. They're *proud* of their calls for mass executions of Americans. They're boastful of how they want to strip Americans of their rights. They're vocal advocates of deporting *millions* of Americans for nothing but their religious beliefs.

How then could I possibly shame you?

In a thread about 'left viciousness', a right wing pity party about how mean the left guys want to whine about 'drama queens'?

Laughing....irony is so funny.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Well done there lady

I suspect Skylar lies awake at night pained over it given the amount of attention he/she is giving it:banana:

I suspect that you really don't like me quoting you accurately and in context.

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But its the *left* you guys are worried about?

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