Starting a sentence without capitalizing the first letter makes you appear uneducated.

I was a Republican for most of my life until the past decade.

When Republicans stood for actual "Individual Responsibility" and promoted their vision of healthcare with the Individual Mandate, I stood with them.

When Republicans in 2000 understood the best way to expand the party's tent was to work out a comprehensive immigration plan called The Dream Act, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for laws that prevent late-term abortions except in the cases where the mother's life is in danger, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood firmly against nation building, which was entrenched in the party just 15 years ago, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for fast-tracking a president's authority to get domestic drilling and fracking going at a quicker pace, I stood with Republicans.

So tell me again how it is that I am "worse than ISIS" and "in a state of rage" and "ejaculating hate from my blow hole" for supporting longstanding conservative ideals that have been totally thrown by the wayside by fucking internet trolls who say I'm worse than ISIS?

Could it be you have invested too much of your time and worries into politics, period?

Did you think being a republican was going to get you to heaven or turn your family into honorable altruistic citizens?

I am suggesting your motivations are misplaced. (You can correct me.)

I am also suggesting you traded in Bush and his one huge gaffe (invading Iraq) for aligning yourself with phonies and secular scoundrels (the dem party).

(but I do give you credit for attempting a defense in this thread weighed against your party)

this thread has nothing to do about any party. it's about the people who becomes like cult member's to a party.

Nothing to do about any party? The people who becomes like cult member's? Where were you when they were teaching people how to write, at the arcade? Working the carnival?

This thread is most certainly about the people who become like cult members to a party. Only it's the RWNJ's here who do so and no one else. The evidence is that while most people watch and read several different news sources, conservatives get all their information strictly from sources that already conform to their pre-conceived ideas on most every issue.

You can be a pro-life Independent who votes with Democrats, but you can no longer be a pro-choice Republican because you MUST conform to their cult-like thinking.

After it's all been accounted, I pay almost twice as much of what I make in taxes than Mitt Romney does. I ask for no breaks. I'm doing just fine and I think my taxes should be used for defense, to help seniors and veterans, and to help the poor. But I do think he should be paying at least as much as I do, out of a sense of basic fairness. People in his class get to write off their airplanes. Do you get to write off your car? No, you don't. Neither do I. That freebie in the tax code is something we can no longer afford. I'm happy to pay my fair share, but so should everyone else.

A thoughtful person sees this as an issue of fairness; a cult-like mind spits out SOCIALISM!!! because of course that's all they can come up with because a cult-like mind is impervious to rational thought.

See how the far left drones and their religious narratives are the most dangerous on the planet?
I've seen conservatives on this board call for the 'deportation' and then beheading of all democrats. With another insisting that all Obama voters should be summarily executed with a bullet in the head.

And neither were being metaphorical or sarcastic. They were quite literal. I asked.

Its its *liberals* that you're concerned with.
Yeah, they were quite literal I'm sure.

I'll let their words stand for themselves.

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.


And here's the right on Muslims:

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.


Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

American citizens deported or impaled. For being Muslim.

And its liberals you're concerned about?
A thoughtful person sees this as an issue of fairness; a cult-like mind spits out SOCIALISM!!! because of course that's all they can come up with because a cult-like mind is impervious to rational thought.
You conveniently overlook the fact that many have thought about socialism and rejected it. Your belief is that the rejection of your policy is out of pure ignorance. That's the height of arrogance.
I don't know what it is. but this sums it up fairly well. Remember how they (the left/democrat supporters) wailed about how the Tea Party were supposedly so rude. and this was at their own home town, town hall meetings. It had nothing to do with them, but.

Have you ever noticed how crazy the left goes over politics and how incredibly vicious they can be? A new column from David Gelernter of the Weekly Standard seeks to explain this phenomenon.

For many on the left, politics is a form of religion:

What Explains the Vicious Left?

When politics becomes a religion, nonbelievers must be punished.

The asymmetry of modern politics is clear to every conservative; painfully clear to several Yale undergraduates who asked me about it recently. Leftists, they pointed out, are hostile, nasty, and seem to have no concept of a civil conversation. Why? Because they are winning? Losing? Are natural-born bullies? And how can this dangerous mood be changed?

It’s not just a question of civility versus rudeness—which of course is no small thing in itself. The deeper problem is that the left seems to have lost its taste for democracy.

Naturally there are exceptions to the modern trend, benign leftists and nasty rightists. (Trump is a special case: see below.) The trend itself is partly explained by the Obama sneer; presidents have enormous influence.

FDR’s bouncy, feisty smile, Reagan’s geniality, Clinton’s one-of-the-boys grin, W’s good-natured earnestness are part of history; and Obama’s real “legacy” (aside from worldwide crisis) is that bitter sneer. His rudeness to political opponents has made a rotten political climate much worse. But the left’s growing reputation for belligerent intolerance transcends Obama.

Read it all here.

What else can we expect from Democrats who booed God at their last national convention?

all of it here:
COLUMN: The Left Becomes Vicious Because POLITICS IS THEIR RELIGION - Progressives Today

I've seen conservatives on this board call for the 'deportation' and then beheading of all democrats. With another insisting that all Obama voters should be summarily executed with a bullet in the head.

And neither were being metaphorical or sarcastic. They were quite literal. I asked.

Its its *liberals* that you're concerned with.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion in the world!

He's seen, he's the one. he knows all. :rolleyes-41: that's another typical trait of a liberal. they believe they are THE ONE.

No no he's a "centrist" because his profile says so

He's a typical liberal, angry and bitter all the time all over Politics and also pretty much a blow hard just like his post proves. It's a sad life to me.
I've seen conservatives on this board call for the 'deportation' and then beheading of all democrats. With another insisting that all Obama voters should be summarily executed with a bullet in the head.

And neither were being metaphorical or sarcastic. They were quite literal. I asked.

Its its *liberals* that you're concerned with.
Yeah, they were quite literal I'm sure.

I'll let their words stand for themselves.

Yep, it looks like we may need to do something to put a stop to this.

Friends... It's time to take the Ideological Left off the street.

Let's start with the voter registration records... get the registered Democrats.

First, find out who voted for obama... find them... bullet to the back of the head.


And here's the right on Muslims:

On the News the other day, they showed Trump saying that Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come here anymore. But things need to go farther than that. ALL muslims here, regardless of their citizenship status, need to be deported. The filthy scum are ENEMIES!!!! If any muslim tells you any differently, they are LYING!!!! To a muslim, lying to an infidel is a VIRTUE!!!! Mohammed himself said that lying to the infadels is acceptable. In fact, the koran basically says that allah is the greatest deceiver there is. That being the case, there are those out there who would say that if muslims aren't deported, they should all be IMPALED!!! Just like Vlad the Impaler did.


Trump Doesn't Go Far Enough | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

American citizens deported or impaled. For being Muslim.

And its liberals you're concerned about?

Yes the far left drones have proven that their religion is more dangerous than ISIS!
Starting a sentence without capitalizing the first letter makes you appear uneducated.

I was a Republican for most of my life until the past decade.

When Republicans stood for actual "Individual Responsibility" and promoted their vision of healthcare with the Individual Mandate, I stood with them.

When Republicans in 2000 understood the best way to expand the party's tent was to work out a comprehensive immigration plan called The Dream Act, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for laws that prevent late-term abortions except in the cases where the mother's life is in danger, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood firmly against nation building, which was entrenched in the party just 15 years ago, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for fast-tracking a president's authority to get domestic drilling and fracking going at a quicker pace, I stood with Republicans.

So tell me again how it is that I am "worse than ISIS" and "in a state of rage" and "ejaculating hate from my blow hole" for supporting longstanding conservative ideals that have been totally thrown by the wayside by fucking internet trolls who say I'm worse than ISIS?

Could it be you have invested too much of your time and worries into politics, period?

Did you think being a republican was going to get you to heaven or turn your family into honorable altruistic citizens?

I am suggesting your motivations are misplaced. (You can correct me.)

I am also suggesting you traded in Bush and his one huge gaffe (invading Iraq) for aligning yourself with phonies and secular scoundrels (the dem party).

(but I do give you credit for attempting a defense in this thread weighed against your party)

this thread has nothing to do about any party. it's about the people who becomes like cult member's to a party.

Nothing to do about any party? The people who becomes like cult member's? Where were you when they were teaching people how to write, at the arcade? Working the carnival?

This thread is most certainly about the people who become like cult members to a party. Only it's the RWNJ's here who do so and no one else. The evidence is that while most people watch and read several different news sources, conservatives get all their information strictly from sources that already conform to their pre-conceived ideas on most every issue.

You can be a pro-life Independent who votes with Democrats, but you can no longer be a pro-choice Republican because you MUST conform to their cult-like thinking.

After it's all been accounted, I pay almost twice as much of what I make in taxes than Mitt Romney does. I ask for no breaks. I'm doing just fine and I think my taxes should be used for defense, to help seniors and veterans, and to help the poor. But I do think he should be paying at least as much as I do, out of a sense of basic fairness. People in his class get to write off their airplanes. Do you get to write off your car? No, you don't. Neither do I. That freebie in the tax code is something we can no longer afford. I'm happy to pay my fair share, but so should everyone else.

A thoughtful person sees this as an issue of fairness; a cult-like mind spits out SOCIALISM!!! because of course that's all they can come up with because a cult-like mind is impervious to rational thought.
In 2010 Mitt Romney paid 3 Million dollars in many times more is that than what you paid?
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy
American citizens deported or impaled. For being Muslim.

And its liberals you're concerned about?
Yes, said so many times. The fact that you are peeing your shorts over a message board post is one of the reasons.

Who 'said so many times'?

Again, I'm citing actual conservatives spewing actual batshit hysterics. And you're concerning yourself with *liberals* being 'vicious'?
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

See the far left can not handle sarcasm on any level!
We must be very quiet as we enter the familiar habitat of the RWNJ (Right Wing Nut Job). The RWNJ can most easily be found on the internet, overtaking day and night most political forums and comments sections. The RWNJ may also be found close to the nearest AM radio wavelength, which emits knee-jerk attacks of ad hominem proportions (like those above), which are soothing to the RWNJ, and they are also found in recliners and on couches, worshipping at the shrine of Fox News--by far the most watched cable news--where they learn important social skills like attacking all others who do not smell like a RWNJ.

As we look deeper within the habitat of the RWNJ, we may observe their most clever skill, which is found deep inside the insecurity of a RWNJ, which then manifests itself as a defense mechanism; the projection of their own faults onto all other creatures who are not RWNJs as a way of being able to avoid having to face that politics really is THEIR only religion.

If politics were the religion of the left, they'd win off-year elections. Turnout would be up and the RWNJ would always lose because as we know, the more creatures who vote, the more it is revealed that the RWNJ is vastly outnumbered.

So how is it the RWNJ dominates online political forums and comments sections? Do they have jobs? And why is it that the RWNJ only ever speaks in the same copy 'n paste talking points? Is the RWNJ capable of independent thought?

Family, work and good times are the religion of liberals and most all other creatures, which is why they are mostly not wasting their time here like the RWNJ does, because for the RWNJ, politics is their religion.

You forgot liberals love taking a crap on a cop car for some odd reason....
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

If you're going to complain about 'liberal viciousness', sure. If you're going to be at all consistent.

Especially when your ilk are calling for mass executions of American Citizens (70 million or so), impalement and deportation of US citizens by the millions based solely on religion.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy

Oh, I'm fine. Your post was a lovely example of the kind of viscous, hateful batshit that the fringe right produces.

I haven't even started to tap all the conservative views on race and calls for 'Race Wars' yet.

Yes you far left drones are filled with hate and viciousness as all your posts on this thread proves..
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

If you're going to complain about 'liberal viciousness', sure. If you're going to be at all consistent.

Especially when your ilk are calling for mass executions of American Citizens (70 million or so), impalement and deportation of US citizens by the millions based solely on religion.

Do you need a tissue? Man up Panda Bear
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Gas, no? I bookmarked it the moment you made it. As its wonderful evidence of the kind of hateful batshit the right wing can produce.

And it serves as a lovely counterpoint to the victim narrative the right loves to play for itself. When they whine and snivel at how 'viscous' the liberals are.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

If you're going to complain about 'liberal viciousness', sure. If you're going to be at all consistent.

Especially when your ilk are calling for mass executions of American Citizens (70 million or so), impalement and deportation of US citizens by the millions based solely on religion.

More far left religious dogma not based on reality!

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