Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

I can't shame a person that is proud of what they said. I'm merely presenting those positions for all to read.

If they're not shameful, what's the harm? Did I quote them inaccurately? Did I misrepresent their positions? Of course not. In fact, you should be thanking me. As I'm propogating fringe right positions and letting more people see what your ilk have to offer.

Which apparently includes deportation of millions of Americans, stripping millions of Americans of fundamental rights, beheading of the same, and the mass executions of about 70 million American citizens.

Tell me again why its the *left's* viciousness you're concerned with?
Politics can get vicious.........It's a full contact emotional sport. It's just the Liberals emotions are so easy to bruise. demonstrated by 4 pages of panty shitting hysterics when I did so much as *quote* your ilk, accurately and in context.

We say that there is a Security Risk associated with bringing in the refugees and that the vetting needs to be Iron Clad............your side calls us UnAmerican and the like because we choose the Security question first over your Open the arms to all Immigrants policy. There is a Danger of making a mistake on that issue, but I am called a bigot for saying that.

We called 'you' unamerican when you called for a ban on all Muslims entering the country, for all Muslims to be deported, and for there to be NO refugees despite vetting.

The right wing pity party continues it seems.

I say Radical Islam needs to be stopped, yet we have a president who goes out of his way to not say the words.....Took him years to finally say the Fort Hood attack was Terrorism. Again I'm called a bigot for my views even as they ignore my praises for Muslim Countries fighting ISIS.

And on and on and on.

So NOT saying 'Radical Islam' is 'viciousness'?

Dear god your ilk are emotionally delicate.
Strawman............a temporary ban from countries where ISIS might infiltrate from isn't a ban on all at all...............I never said remove all Muslims from this country, but state we need to keep a watchful eye in their direction because some have converted and have recently went on rampages...............but that would be profiling them and you will have a fit over that one.

Radical Islam is on a rampage................killing all over the globe........trying to VETT them is common sense, which is something you lack.
Awwww maybe you need a "safe space", shall I contact the admin and mods to see if they can accommodate you? LMAO

Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like

yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore his postings. I haven't put the on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being. ignoring me doesn't effect me. It effects you.

All I'm doing is quoting your ilk accurately and in context. If you don't want to see the hateful shit your fellow fringe conservatives post, then don't. But its not like the rest of us are similarly bound to ignore calls for mass deporations of American citizens (deport to where has always been an interesting question), mass executions of Americans or the stripping of American's rights by your ilk.
Starting a sentence without capitalizing the first letter makes you appear uneducated.

I was a Republican for most of my life until the past decade.

When Republicans stood for actual "Individual Responsibility" and promoted their vision of healthcare with the Individual Mandate, I stood with them.

When Republicans in 2000 understood the best way to expand the party's tent was to work out a comprehensive immigration plan called The Dream Act, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for laws that prevent late-term abortions except in the cases where the mother's life is in danger, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood firmly against nation building, which was entrenched in the party just 15 years ago, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for fast-tracking a president's authority to get domestic drilling and fracking going at a quicker pace, I stood with Republicans.

So tell me again how it is that I am "worse than ISIS" and "in a state of rage" and "ejaculating hate from my blow hole" for supporting longstanding conservative ideals that have been totally thrown by the wayside by fucking internet trolls who say I'm worse than ISIS?

Could it be you have invested too much of your time and worries into politics, period?

Did you think being a republican was going to get you to heaven or turn your family into honorable altruistic citizens?

I am suggesting your motivations are misplaced. (You can correct me.)

I am also suggesting you traded in Bush and his one huge gaffe (invading Iraq) for aligning yourself with phonies and secular scoundrels (the dem party).

(but I do give you credit for attempting a defense in this thread weighed against your party)

this thread has nothing to do about any party. it's about the people who becomes like cult member's to the party. and because of that they can't ever be wrong or do wrong. and if you are from that OTHER party and have views different from theirs. it's like omg, they want to come slit your throat over it.
Or threaten to throw you off buildings if they ever gain power.....see my signature.
Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

I can't shame a person that is proud of what they said. I'm merely presenting those positions for all to read.

If they're not shameful, what's the harm? Did I quote them inaccurately? Did I misrepresent their positions? Of course not. In fact, you should be thanking me. As I'm propogating fringe right positions and letting more people see what your ilk have to offer.

Which apparently includes deportation of millions of Americans, stripping millions of Americans of fundamental rights, beheading of the same, and the mass executions of about 70 million American citizens.

Tell me again why its the *left's* viciousness you're concerned with?
Politics can get vicious.........It's a full contact emotional sport. It's just the Liberals emotions are so easy to bruise. demonstrated by 4 pages of panty shitting hysterics when I did so much as *quote* your ilk, accurately and in context.

We say that there is a Security Risk associated with bringing in the refugees and that the vetting needs to be Iron Clad............your side calls us UnAmerican and the like because we choose the Security question first over your Open the arms to all Immigrants policy. There is a Danger of making a mistake on that issue, but I am called a bigot for saying that.

We called 'you' unamerican when you called for a ban on all Muslims entering the country, for all Muslims to be deported, and for there to be NO refugees despite vetting.

The right wing pity party continues it seems.

I say Radical Islam needs to be stopped, yet we have a president who goes out of his way to not say the words.....Took him years to finally say the Fort Hood attack was Terrorism. Again I'm called a bigot for my views even as they ignore my praises for Muslim Countries fighting ISIS.

And on and on and on.

So NOT saying 'Radical Islam' is 'viciousness'?

Dear god your ilk are emotionally delicate.
Strawman............a temporary ban from countries where ISIS might infiltrate from isn't a ban on all at all.....
Refusing to take refugees in the middle of a refugee crisis isn't a 'strawman'. Its exactly what your ilk have called for. But only if they're Muslim. Those need to go to 'other Muslim countries'. If they're Christian....they can come right on in.

And deportation of millions of Americans because they are Muslim isn't a 'strawman'. Its exactly what your ilk have called for. I've quoted your fellow fringe right conservatives calling for exactly that, right here in this thread. You whined about it for pages, remember?

Such calls are clearly unAmerican. And should be called as much.
Starting a sentence without capitalizing the first letter makes you appear uneducated.

I was a Republican for most of my life until the past decade.

When Republicans stood for actual "Individual Responsibility" and promoted their vision of healthcare with the Individual Mandate, I stood with them.

When Republicans in 2000 understood the best way to expand the party's tent was to work out a comprehensive immigration plan called The Dream Act, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for laws that prevent late-term abortions except in the cases where the mother's life is in danger, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood firmly against nation building, which was entrenched in the party just 15 years ago, I stood with Republicans.

When Republicans stood for fast-tracking a president's authority to get domestic drilling and fracking going at a quicker pace, I stood with Republicans.

So tell me again how it is that I am "worse than ISIS" and "in a state of rage" and "ejaculating hate from my blow hole" for supporting longstanding conservative ideals that have been totally thrown by the wayside by fucking internet trolls who say I'm worse than ISIS?

Could it be you have invested too much of your time and worries into politics, period?

Did you think being a republican was going to get you to heaven or turn your family into honorable altruistic citizens?

I am suggesting your motivations are misplaced. (You can correct me.)

I am also suggesting you traded in Bush and his one huge gaffe (invading Iraq) for aligning yourself with phonies and secular scoundrels (the dem party).

(but I do give you credit for attempting a defense in this thread weighed against your party)

this thread has nothing to do about any party. it's about the people who becomes like cult member's to the party. and because of that they can't ever be wrong or do wrong. and if you are from that OTHER party and have views different from theirs. it's like omg, they want to come slit your throat over it.
Or threaten to throw you off buildings if they ever gain power.....see my signature.

Some folks are just awful people. And some awful people definitely post here.
he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

I can't shame a person that is proud of what they said. I'm merely presenting those positions for all to read.

If they're not shameful, what's the harm? Did I quote them inaccurately? Did I misrepresent their positions? Of course not. In fact, you should be thanking me. As I'm propogating fringe right positions and letting more people see what your ilk have to offer.

Which apparently includes deportation of millions of Americans, stripping millions of Americans of fundamental rights, beheading of the same, and the mass executions of about 70 million American citizens.

Tell me again why its the *left's* viciousness you're concerned with?
Politics can get vicious.........It's a full contact emotional sport. It's just the Liberals emotions are so easy to bruise. demonstrated by 4 pages of panty shitting hysterics when I did so much as *quote* your ilk, accurately and in context.

We say that there is a Security Risk associated with bringing in the refugees and that the vetting needs to be Iron Clad............your side calls us UnAmerican and the like because we choose the Security question first over your Open the arms to all Immigrants policy. There is a Danger of making a mistake on that issue, but I am called a bigot for saying that.

We called 'you' unamerican when you called for a ban on all Muslims entering the country, for all Muslims to be deported, and for there to be NO refugees despite vetting.

The right wing pity party continues it seems.

I say Radical Islam needs to be stopped, yet we have a president who goes out of his way to not say the words.....Took him years to finally say the Fort Hood attack was Terrorism. Again I'm called a bigot for my views even as they ignore my praises for Muslim Countries fighting ISIS.

And on and on and on.

So NOT saying 'Radical Islam' is 'viciousness'?

Dear god your ilk are emotionally delicate.
Strawman............a temporary ban from countries where ISIS might infiltrate from isn't a ban on all at all.....
Refusing to take refugees in the middle of a refugee crisis isn't a 'strawman'. Its exactly what your ilk have called for. But only if they're Muslim. Those need to go to 'other Muslim countries'. If they're Christian....they can come right on in.

And deportation of millions of Americans because they are Muslim isn't a 'strawman'. Its exactly what your ilk have called for. I've quoted your fellow fringe right conservatives calling for exactly that, right here in this thread. You whined about it for pages, remember?

That's clearly unAmerican. And should be called as much.
A better policy would be to eliminate the threat and thus eliminate the need for them to run. In 18 months they are still holding most of Syria..............The policy of removing Assad is the primary policy of Obama, which is why our bombers are coming home with bombs...................

Defeating ISIS or setting refugee camps THERE would be a more reasonable solution................OR JUST KILLING ISIS and be done with it..........

But we'd rather nit pick at a War, ensuring that it goes on and on and on.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

Did I cause you great butt hurt? Good. Now gfy
There's that RW greeting again.
Oh, and here is a conservative poster who is actually part of this thread:

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.


This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Please note her response when I asked if she were joking.

omg, spare us your highness. are we suppose to care about this or what? I don't know what you are trying to prove. but ONE damn post isn't doing anything. go sit down

That post of mine caused gas with many a left loon, one even uses it in their sig. Well done me, well done :)

Gas, no? I bookmarked it the moment you made it. As its wonderful evidence of the kind of hateful batshit the right wing can produce.

And it serves as a lovely counterpoint to the victim narrative the right loves to play for itself. When they whine and snivel at how 'viscous' the liberals are.

Yet this far left drone ignore it's own and continues to show their hate as they post! go on and on saying the same thing again and again. You've got THAT down, my parrot friend. :D
Sweetie......I'm not asking that anything you post be banned. I'm asking that it be advertised. That the hateful, insane batshit that you and other conservative post be well known. And presented as evidence as the product of the fringe right.

Hell, I'm asking you to make more. To tell us all the groups you'd deport. To tell us how you want them to die. To tell us what rights you want stripped from your fellow Americans.

You seem....reluctant to elaborate. Why is that? If these views are as laudable as you seem to think, why hide them?

Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like

yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore his postings. I haven't put the on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being. ignoring me doesn't effect me. It effects you.

All I'm doing is quoting your ilk accurately and in context. If you don't want to see the hateful shit your fellow fringe conservatives post, then don't. But its not like the rest of us are similarly bound to ignore calls for mass deporations of American citizens (deport to where has always been an interesting question), mass executions of Americans or the stripping of American's rights by your ilk.

my ilk. right there I stopped reading your dribble/spew. the only thing you're doing is showing what a uppity snob you are. who want's to read something by someone who believe they are better than everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ignores you
Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like

yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore his postings. I haven't put the on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being. ignoring me doesn't effect me. It effects you.

All I'm doing is quoting your ilk accurately and in context. If you don't want to see the hateful shit your fellow fringe conservatives post, then don't. But its not like the rest of us are similarly bound to ignore calls for mass deporations of American citizens (deport to where has always been an interesting question), mass executions of Americans or the stripping of American's rights by your ilk.

my ilk. right there I stopped reading your dribble/spew. the only thing you're doing is showing what a uppity snob you are. who want's to read something by someone who believe they are better than everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ignores you
Ah...we know what THAT means. :lol:
Get lost with your childish attempts at "shaming" me. Now go bug someone that gives a rat's what you're whining and bawling about. Good grief, why would you think I give a damn what you're spewing? I think you're an idiot.

he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like

yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore his postings. I haven't put the on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being. ignoring me doesn't effect me. It effects you.

All I'm doing is quoting your ilk accurately and in context. If you don't want to see the hateful shit your fellow fringe conservatives post, then don't. But its not like the rest of us are similarly bound to ignore calls for mass deporations of American citizens (deport to where has always been an interesting question), mass executions of Americans or the stripping of American's rights by your ilk.

my ilk. right there I stopped reading your dribble/spew. the only thing you're doing is showing what a uppity snob you are. who want's to read something by someone who believe they are better than everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ignores you

Ilk means a type of people or things similar to those already referred to. So if I'm referring to 'fringe right wing ilk' I'm talking of people who are fringe right wing.

But you're always looking for an excuse to stop reading. Its kind of you baseline position. My concern for conservatives is how often this mentality appears in the way they approach the world. Where they listen to what they agree with and always look for an excuse to stop listening to anything that doesn't ape what they already believe.

Its called 'confirmation bias'. And its an awful way of viewing the world.
he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like

yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore his postings. I haven't put the on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being. ignoring me doesn't effect me. It effects you.

All I'm doing is quoting your ilk accurately and in context. If you don't want to see the hateful shit your fellow fringe conservatives post, then don't. But its not like the rest of us are similarly bound to ignore calls for mass deporations of American citizens (deport to where has always been an interesting question), mass executions of Americans or the stripping of American's rights by your ilk.

my ilk. right there I stopped reading your dribble/spew. the only thing you're doing is showing what a uppity snob you are. who want's to read something by someone who believe they are better than everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ignores you
Ah...we know what THAT means. :lol:

I believe 'uppity' is analgous to 'informed' in most other circles. As how dare someone actually start reading, start listening and start learning when they can just start and end with the same opinion they've always had.

Fringe conservativism has a powerful anti-intellectual vein.
he can't stand it when everyone doesn't bow to his "know it all" and how he thinks it make him, THE ONE. typical liberal/democrat voter. once again they can't help proving that article right. it's hilarious and pathetic all rolled into one.

It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like

yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore his postings. I haven't put the on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being. ignoring me doesn't effect me. It effects you.

All I'm doing is quoting your ilk accurately and in context. If you don't want to see the hateful shit your fellow fringe conservatives post, then don't. But its not like the rest of us are similarly bound to ignore calls for mass deporations of American citizens (deport to where has always been an interesting question), mass executions of Americans or the stripping of American's rights by your ilk.

my ilk. right there I stopped reading your dribble/spew. the only thing you're doing is showing what a uppity snob you are. who want's to read something by someone who believe they are better than everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ignores you

Ilk means a type of people or things similar to those already referred to. So if I'm referring to 'fringe right wing ilk' I'm talking of people who are fringe right wing.

But you're always looking for an excuse to stop reading. Its kind of you baseline position. My concern for conservatives is how often this mentality appears in the way they approach the world. Where they listen to what they agree with and always look for an excuse to stop listening to anything that doesn't ape what they already believe.

Its called 'confirmation bias'. And its an awful way of viewing the world.
Awful way of viewing the world..........Perhaps the same could be said of you?

You and your ilk would take the risk that ISIS has come in with the refugees..........Some from your side say it is an acceptable risk that we must take................I disagree......................Until they can be vetted COMPLETELY and have Minimized the Risk to the greatest extent I'm not for bringing them in.

Perhaps if we had a real CNC the battle would be over............but his main goal is Assad so he prolongs the War and ensures more refugees as a result......

Bringing them here isn't the only solution..............setting up OVER THERE would be a better option.
boy oh boy, this article got some panites all bunched up on a few people. one is ranting and raving on and on and on and on and on. must have hit a nerve? they have a guilty conscious? see's oneself in it. seems so:eusa_angel:
It's a he? He whines like a little girl, we have four so I know what little girls whining sounds like

yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore his postings. I haven't put the on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being. ignoring me doesn't effect me. It effects you.

All I'm doing is quoting your ilk accurately and in context. If you don't want to see the hateful shit your fellow fringe conservatives post, then don't. But its not like the rest of us are similarly bound to ignore calls for mass deporations of American citizens (deport to where has always been an interesting question), mass executions of Americans or the stripping of American's rights by your ilk.

my ilk. right there I stopped reading your dribble/spew. the only thing you're doing is showing what a uppity snob you are. who want's to read something by someone who believe they are better than everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ignores you

Ilk means a type of people or things similar to those already referred to. So if I'm referring to 'fringe right wing ilk' I'm talking of people who are fringe right wing.

But you're always looking for an excuse to stop reading. Its kind of you baseline position. My concern for conservatives is how often this mentality appears in the way they approach the world. Where they listen to what they agree with and always look for an excuse to stop listening to anything that doesn't ape what they already believe.

Its called 'confirmation bias'. And its an awful way of viewing the world.
Awful way of viewing the world..........Perhaps the same could be said of you?

How so? I don't ignore a source based on its agreement with me. I don't list excuses for why I'm NOT going to be reading something. A source's validity has nothing to do with whether or not it agrees with me.

I've watched fringe conservatives on this board, when faced with evidence that contradicts their beliefs literally *make up* a narrative to ignore the evidence. A narrative they couldn't factually establish, couldn't show the slightest evidence for.

Literally promoting their imagination over say, CDC stats.
You and your ilk would take the risk that ISIS has come in with the refugees.....

Didn't you argue that they should be vetted first just a few posts back? And now you're condemning allowing refugees in the country only after they're vetted?

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail. As you're condemning and adopting the same position.

.....Some from your side say it is an acceptable risk that we must take................I disagree......................Until they can be vetted COMPLETELY and have Minimized the Risk to the greatest extent I'm not for bringing them in.

And what, pray tell, is 'complete vetting'? Remembering of course that the absolute, snuggle security that you're looking for doesn't actually exist in the real world.
Last edited:
boy oh boy, this article go some panites all bunched up on a few people. hit a nerve? guilty conscious? see's oneself in it. seems so:eusa_angel: when I quote your ilk calling for mass executions of millions of Americans, its because I want mass executions of millions of Americans? When I quote fringe right conservatives calling for Americans to have their rights stripped from them and then be deported by the millions, its because *I* want to do it?

Um, no. Try again.
the skylar circus act gets so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. why they keep doing it, who the hell knows. wake me when it's over
Yes the far left religion is the most dangerous on religion on the planet.

It makes ISIS look tame in comparison..

Yes.....100 million murdered people would agree with you.....murdered in the modern period, not in the feudal era or any other time when people were more primitive....
yeah you could be right. I just assumed it was a he from their screen name. I mostly just ignore his postings. I haven't put the on complete Ignore, but close a couple times. lol
they go on and on in the typical liberal fashion, as if, if they post a 1000 words or more people will think they are intelligent. Myself I find them a uppity snob blowhard insufferable boring human being. ignoring me doesn't effect me. It effects you.

All I'm doing is quoting your ilk accurately and in context. If you don't want to see the hateful shit your fellow fringe conservatives post, then don't. But its not like the rest of us are similarly bound to ignore calls for mass deporations of American citizens (deport to where has always been an interesting question), mass executions of Americans or the stripping of American's rights by your ilk.

my ilk. right there I stopped reading your dribble/spew. the only thing you're doing is showing what a uppity snob you are. who want's to read something by someone who believe they are better than everyone else. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ignores you

Ilk means a type of people or things similar to those already referred to. So if I'm referring to 'fringe right wing ilk' I'm talking of people who are fringe right wing.

But you're always looking for an excuse to stop reading. Its kind of you baseline position. My concern for conservatives is how often this mentality appears in the way they approach the world. Where they listen to what they agree with and always look for an excuse to stop listening to anything that doesn't ape what they already believe.

Its called 'confirmation bias'. And its an awful way of viewing the world.
Awful way of viewing the world..........Perhaps the same could be said of you?

How so? I don't ignore a source based on its agreement with me. I don't list excuses for why I'm NOT going to be reading something. A source's validity has nothing to do with whether or not it agrees with me.

You and your ilk would take the risk that ISIS has come in with the refugees.....

Didn't you argue that they should be vetted first just a few posts back? And now you're condemning allowing refugees in the country only after they're vetted?

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail. As you're condemning and adopting the same position.

.....Some from your side say it is an acceptable risk that we must take................I disagree......................Until they can be vetted COMPLETELY and have Minimized the Risk to the greatest extent I'm not for bringing them in.

And what, pray tell, is 'complete vetting'? Remembering of course that the absolute, snuggle security that you're looking for doesn't actually exist in the real world.
We have no reason to trust the vetting as it is done now....................Under that environment allowing them in is a Security issue. There are other options other than taking them in, but your side......your ilk is against those options..........nor will you condemn the policy of Obama that drags it on.

There is no way to currently ACCURATELY VET ANY OF THEM........that by no means is the end of the equation..........others must come up with a better way to finally go that route even if it takes a much longer time to do so................

Chasing own tail.........LOL..............Your closed mind is a continuous loop in your hollow head..........I refuse to accept the risk associated with this which Obama has made WORSE because of his policy.

Why shouldn't we create more security measures, especially over there.

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