Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

One truthism not even debatable is no citizen needs a military style gun for hunting or protecting his home.
Congress needs create a law that only permits the police and military to have those type of automatic weapons.

yes, individual gun ownership needs to be "well regulated" according to 'lawful purposes'.

the first clause of the 2nd amendment speaks of regulation that is "necessary to the security of a free state".

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

that is People with a capital P... in our democratic constitutional republic, ours is a government by the People, for the People.
“Do you want every incident on your street to escalate to acts of gun violence?”

As States Expand Gun Rights, the Police Object

"You can’t be the party of law and order and not listen to your police chiefs” Chief Acevedo said.

Endorsements for the
Assault Weapons Ban of 2013

Law Enforcement
  • International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police
  • Major Cities Chiefs Association
  • National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives
  • National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence
  • National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
  • Police Executive Research Forum
  • Police Foundation
  • Women in Federal Law Enforcement
  • Chaska, Minn., Police Chief Scott Knight, former chairman of the Firearms Committee, International Association of Chiefs of Police
  • Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca
  • Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck
  • San Diego Police Chief Bill Lansdowne

    Assault Weapons Ban endorsements - United States Senator for California

So, why did Congress decide to let that assault weapons ban expire?

Well, it was 2004. Democrats had lost control of the House, so they were starting to feel shy about pushing for the assault weapons ban in an election year even though polls showed two-thirds of Americans supported it, The New York Times reported at the time.

Why not do the reforms first, and then see what happens? If it doesn't work, then I guess we can go back to the way things were before. But if it does work, will you cease with the hysterics about gun grabbing and so forth? I think that's a fair deal.
But, we won't go back to the way things were. The gun grabbers are dishonest. They will keep those restrictions in place and demand more.

Before any reform can occur, the left must establish credibility.
the first clause of the 2nd amendment speaks of regulation that is "necessary to the security of a free state".

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

that is People with a capital P... in our democratic constitutional republic, ours is government by the People, for the People.
See what I mean. According to the left, we don't even have a right as individuals.

Fuck that. NO COMPROMISE!!!

If this is the position the left is going to take, I am going the opposite direction.

Thanks for answering. I was hoping for something on guns though.

What happens when another mass shooting happens after you guys get your "sensible" reforms?

Why not do the reforms first, and then see what happens? If it doesn't work, then I guess we can go back to the way things were before. But if it does work, will you cease with the hysterics about gun grabbing and so forth? I think that's a fair deal.

That's just silly. We both know that's not how your hypothetical situation would work out, we'd just end up with even stronger regulations.
But, we won't go back to the way things were. The gun grabbers are dishonest. They will keep those restrictions in place and demand more.

Paranoia is a sign of mental illness. Get yourself checked by a mental health professional.

Before any reform can occur, the left must establish credibility.

So, you might be too young to remember, but we had this almost exact same fight 40 years ago over seat belt laws and speed limit laws. Back then, just like today, Conservatives whined about government overreach and sinister imagined plots that would lead to a banning of automobiles. And that hysteria was unfounded, and the result of those reforms was a 50% reduction in the number of fatalities on the roads.
That's just silly. We both know that's not how your hypothetical situation would work out, we'd just end up with even stronger regulations.

So...paranoia is a sign of mental illness.

Like I said before, most mentally ill people don't even think they're mentally ill. So if they don't think they're mentally ill and they are, how are you supposed to prevent them from getting guns?
So, you might be too young to remember, but we had this almost exact same fight 40 years ago over seat belt laws and speed limit laws. Back then, just like today, Conservatives whined about government overreach and sinister imagined plots that would lead to a banning of automobiles. And that hysteria was unfounded, and the result of those reforms was a 50% reduction in the number of fatalities on the roads.
What does that have to do with the left being unwilling to admit that we have an individual right to own guns?
So...paranoia is a sign of mental illness.

Like I said before, most mentally ill people don't even think they're mentally ill. So if they don't think they're mentally ill and they are, how are you supposed to prevent them from getting guns?
Well, you will get nowhere with me or anyone else if you keep up this bullshit.
the first clause of the 2nd amendment speaks of regulation that is "necessary to the security of a free state".

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

that is People with a capital P... in our democratic constitutional republic, ours is government by the People, for the People.
See what I mean. According to the left, we don't even have a right as individuals.

Fuck that. NO COMPROMISE!!!

If this is the position the left is going to take, I am going the opposite direction.


supreme court has upheld your right to own a firearm to protect yourself, so calm down, drama queen. :uhoh3:

there is NO lawful purpose for the average American to have 'unregulated' access to weapons of war.

yes, individual gun ownership needs to be "well regulated" according to 'lawful purposes'.

the first clause of the 2nd amendment speaks of regulation that is "necessary to the security of a free state".

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

that is People with a capital P... in our democratic constitutional republic, ours is a government by the People, for the People.
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And this tells me that you are dishonest about your intent.

Look man, you were arguing that mental illness is to blame for gun violence. Mental illness has to be diagnosed. Most mentally ill people don't think they're mentally ill, therefore they aren't diagnosed. So if you want to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people, what do you do for the crazy people who don't think they're crazy, and don't get diagnosed? Can you answer that question or not?

And BTW - paranoia is a sign of mental illness.

So you put two and two together and tell me what I'm supposed to infer from your post that has paranoid fear as its theme.

AYou want total ban.

I just said that I thought it was unrealistic and I offered up 5 moderate solutions that could very quickly and easily reduce gun deaths. But because you ahve a mental illness, your paranoia literally makes your brain unable to process what is on your screen. That's why I think you need to get yourself checked out by a mental health professional, becase you show the signs of the mental illness you blame for gun violence.
Well, you will get nowhere with me or anyone else if you keep up this bullshit.

should i report you for misquoting me and cutting out the first part of my post in your reply?

"See what i mean?" derrrrrp :fu:

the first clause of the 2nd amendment speaks of regulation that is "necessary to the security of a free state".

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

that is People with a capital P... in our democratic constitutional republic, ours is government by the People, for the People.
See what I mean. According to the left, we don't even have a right as individuals.

Fuck that. NO COMPROMISE!!!

If this is the position the left is going to take, I am going the opposite direction.

Not sure these threads should have been blended but to continue, the evidence is pretty convincing that mass shootings grew from the seed of identity politics and the tampering with cultural restraints that arose naturally in the course of a society based on individual freedom. That freedom cannot survive under the dictated re-norming crafted at the hand of an intellectualized aristocracy. It keeps resurfacing over time after utter failure everywhere through the course of all time. It is a hard lesson learned but never remembered.

It's a shame that the innocent have to die to preserve the central control coveted by those who have it and aim to keep it. When the people are attacked with weaponized ideological poison like cultural Marxism they lose their moral rudder and real freedom becomes extinct.
That's just silly. We both know that's not how your hypothetical situation would work out, we'd just end up with even stronger regulations.

So...paranoia is a sign of mental illness.

Like I said before, most mentally ill people don't even think they're mentally ill. So if they don't think they're mentally ill and they are, how are you supposed to prevent them from getting guns?

I don't like the idea of people reporting their neighbors to the FBI for acting weird. How will the feds know who's the paranoid delusional one, the one being reported or the one doing the reporting? How much power over our lives do we really want to give to the feds..? That's why I say there's no political solution.
So, you might be too young to remember, but we had this almost exact same fight 40 years ago over seat belt laws and speed limit laws. Back then, just like today, Conservatives whined about government overreach and sinister imagined plots that would lead to a banning of automobiles. And that hysteria was unfounded, and the result of those reforms was a 50% reduction in the number of fatalities on the roads.
What does that have to do with the left being unwilling to admit that we have an individual right to own guns?

That has literally nothing to do with what I'm saying. All you're doing is ducking, dodging, and avoiding the inconvenient contradiction of your rhetoric.

You blame mental illness for gun violence. So OK, then you want to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill...on that we both agree. However, what happens when someone is mentally ill, but doesn't see a psychiatrist that can diagnose the condition? You haven't given that any thought, it seems. If you did, then you'd have to argue that anyone who wants to buy a gun should undergo a psychological examination in order to determine if they have a mental illness, right? Again, you blame mental illness for gun violence, so the only way to stop the mentally ill from committing gun violence, is for everyone who wants to buy a gun has to submit to a psychological examination to determine if they are mentally ill. Again, YOU SAID that mental illness is to if mental illness is to blame, then we need to make sure anyone who is mentally ill isn't getting a gun. The only way to do that is to force every gun buyer and owner into mandatory mental health examinations.

Do you support such a thing? Because that's the only solution if mental illness is the cause.

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