Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

The problem there is how do you prevent that? Easy to say, hard to do.

Lock the crazies and the criminals up.

The issue isn't guns. It's that criminals and crazies have managed to populate our streets with criminals and crazies, and have made it a CRIME to protect ourselves from them.

Either lock them up. or let's just start shooting them.
You realize that you would be locking up 47% of the voting block? We would need to wall off Californicaion to put all those lunatics away.

I doubt it. They claimed Adam Lanza was autistic, too. Very unlikely in either case --- I'm betting schizophrenia, the usual mental illness of young men and homicidal maniacs. John Hinckley, who tried to assassinate Reagan, was definitely a schizo. It's the norm for this sort of thing. They seem more or less okay early on (but never QUITE right) and then in high school and college age, kaboom. That guy that shot the Arizona congresswoman, the Batman shooter in the Colorado movie theater. All schizophrenics. All with the crazy eyes. Watch for the crazy eyes. Like Manson always had.
Adam Lanza was known to be a fruit cake, and people were terrified of him long before he killed people.

He should have been locked up before he did.

Can we lock up Quentin Tarantino too? That guy makes particularly violent movies.

Has he threatened school kids?

If so, yes. Lock him the fuck up.
They aren't interested in safety. They're interested in martial law and the overthrow of our republic.
As I have repeatedly demonstrated.

I have explained why we don't trust them, and I am dismissed for it. I propose serious background and mental health testing in exchange for no restrictions, and I am shot down.

They will not even admit that the founders intended to preserve an individual's right to own a gun.

Confiscation MUST be the real objective.
It is.
Confiscation, and the death and/or the subjugation of our children.
They aren't interested in safety. They're interested in martial law and the overthrow of our republic.
As I have repeatedly demonstrated.

I have explained why we don't trust them, and I am dismissed for it. I propose serious background and mental health testing in exchange for no restrictions, and I am shot down.

They will not even admit that the founders intended to preserve an individual's right to own a gun.

Confiscation MUST be the real objective.

Never give a liberal an inch. On anything.
It is being reported that there were MULTIPLE SHOOTERS and as the shootings were taking place someone was with CRUZ, this is why they said there were multiple shooters!

The problem there is how do you prevent that? Easy to say, hard to do.

Lock the crazies and the criminals up.

The issue isn't guns. It's that criminals and crazies have managed to populate our streets with criminals and crazies, and have made it a CRIME to protect ourselves from them.

Either lock them up. or let's just start shooting them.
You realize that you would be locking up 47% of the voting block? We would need to wall off Californicaion to put all those lunatics away.
Fine by me.
Should have been institutionalized the first dozen times he said he wanted to kill someone.

In February last year, the president signed a bill to overturn Obama-era regulations that restricted people with severe mental problems from buying guns. Those restrictions had been put into place after the 2012 massacre of schoolchildren in Newtown, Connecticut, by a young man with a history of mental illness.

More recently, in his 2019 budget, the president proposed deep cuts to funding for background checks on gun purchasers.

Sure hope the orange ass clown has some good answers for that when he gets to Florida.
An ar15 is nothing more than a sporting rifle...

I know good for hunting rabbits
Ar15’s are great for Varmints and such, They would never passed military muster though...
Should have been institutionalized the first dozen times he said he wanted to kill someone.

In February last year, the president signed a bill to overturn Obama-era regulations that restricted people with severe mental problems from buying guns. Those restrictions had been put into place after the 2012 massacre of schoolchildren in Newtown, Connecticut, by a young man with a history of mental illness.

More recently, in his 2019 budget, the president proposed deep cuts to funding for background checks on gun purchasers.

Sure hope the orange ass clown has some good answers for that when he gets to Florida.
And the crazy people are being told to gun down people as a way to justify gun control.

Win/win by the left.

We need to start dealing with these crazies.
It is also being said the PIC with the kid in a FLAG bandana covering his face is : FAKE" ..
Should have been institutionalized the first dozen times he said he wanted to kill someone.

In February last year, the president signed a bill to overturn Obama-era regulations that restricted people with severe mental problems from buying guns. Those restrictions had been put into place after the 2012 massacre of schoolchildren in Newtown, Connecticut, by a young man with a history of mental illness.

More recently, in his 2019 budget, the president proposed deep cuts to funding for background checks on gun purchasers.

Sure hope the orange ass clown has some good answers for that when he gets to Florida.
He did the right thing, because progressives have no idea what’s best for most Americans
Should have been institutionalized the first dozen times he said he wanted to kill someone.

In February last year, the president signed a bill to overturn Obama-era regulations that restricted people with severe mental problems from buying guns. Those restrictions had been put into place after the 2012 massacre of schoolchildren in Newtown, Connecticut, by a young man with a history of mental illness.

More recently, in his 2019 budget, the president proposed deep cuts to funding for background checks on gun purchasers.

Sure hope the orange ass clown has some good answers for that when he gets to Florida.
He did the right thing, because progressives have no idea what’s best for most Americans
Progressives don't want what's best for Americans.

They never have. They are the enemies of Americans, human rights, liberty, and America. They always have been.
As I suspected...this kid was the offspring of some welfare funded junkie who was *placed* by the state with parents who subsequently died. I'm sure monitored and supervised closely all his life. 19 years old, suddenly no mother, no income...a substandard individual who had violent tendencies who should have been institutionalized years ago.

Lock these fucking retards up. All Antifa jackhats are like this. I was talking to a lunatic the other day..who was pretending to be a Republican in a closed Republican fb group. I looked him up..he was a lifelong welfare recipient, the child of welfare recipients, who had never worked a meaningful job, and who pretended to be disabled (but isn't).

They're crazy, and they're dangerous. They serve no useful purpose. They aren't any happier on the street than they are locked up..let's lock them up. At least then they only damage each other and the poor fools who sign up to hose them down.
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You can't round up 8 million guns. That's impossible.

Why not? There are many examples of totalitarian regimes that rounded up that many and more. Apparently all it takes is a clever propaganda regime designed to instill blind trust in the benevolence of the state among the populace; just look how many Americans that formula has worked perfectly on so far. :dunno:

"In proportion as you give the state power to do things for you, you give it power to do things to you." -- Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, The State

Simply because Donald Trump projects as a despot does not make the United States of America a "totalitarian" regime. The cost to collect so many guns is tantamount to the alcohol prohibition, or the continuous effort by the Federal Government to prosecute marijuana smokers, and is doomed to failure.

Alcohol and MJ are regulated, and guns should be regulated too. It seems obvious, even when a member of Congress was shot on a ball field, that his colleagues fail to support gun controls and comprehensive background checks, simply because they value their jobs over the lives of innocent American citizens.

If they dare oppose the NRA, they will be challenged in the next election cycle, and the NRA will fund a lackey to do their bidding. It's damn time for members of Congress to stand up to the Special Interests and not give the same bullshit about praying for the victims and not making a horrific crime political.
So, that's not the real objective.
You want total ban.
See why we don't trust the left on this topic?

I'm just saying that blaming it on mental health, while offering no solutions to the problem, doesn't really leave you with a lot to work with rhetorically.

I think it's unreasonable and impossible to ban guns, simply because there are more guns than people in this country. It's a fantasy just as much as it's a fantasy to round up and deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. Neither is realistic.

What I think is that we can take certain steps to prevent dangerous people from getting or using guns. I think you get there by:
  • Imposing background checks on every single gun transaction there is;
  • Mandate that all guns manufactured moving forward to have the fingerprint ID mechanism that prevents a different user(s) from firing;
  • Prohibit anyone with a domestic violence charge from purchasing a gun;
  • Ban anyone on the no-fly list from buying a gun
  • Make the databases that hold criminal information and mental health evaluations/diagnosis universal and managed.
I believe that if we did just those five things, we'd see a dramatic reduction in the number of gun deaths and suicides by guns almost overnight.
Thanks for answering. I was hoping for something on guns though.

What happens when another mass shooting happens after you guys get your "sensible" reforms?

Why not do the reforms first, and then see what happens? If it doesn't work, then I guess we can go back to the way things were before. But if it does work, will you cease with the hysterics about gun grabbing and so forth? I think that's a fair deal.
Not really because you could snap at any time and go on a rampage. You could have a nervous breakdown. You could fall into depression.
So, that's not the real objective.

You want total ban.

See why we don't trust the left on this topic?
You don't trust us? Look, little cocksuck, it is you that is an accessory to murder. You support having unlimited access to these weapons of war. And the school shooting get more and more frequent. And this is the sad score for our nation.


We rank at 5.56, and all the industrial nations are under 2, most are under 1. Thank you, 'Conservative' assholes.
Yet if we got rid of all you miserable fucks, the rest of US would be happy and no one would be killing each other. It is your kind who hates happy, religious people who want to be left alone. That is why you libtards break the law and go out killing our children, because we didn't abort them like your kind does...

It wasn't a "leftard" that went into a church and shot a dozen people. That was one of your MAGA types.

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