Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.
smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk.

I will let you know when I find someone on the left that is smart......

The crazies on both ends are not going to be part of any constructive conversation.

There are, however, decent people on both sides of the aisle who could.

At least I think there may be a few left.

Look, what I propose would not take anyone gun away. But it would make the streets much safer. This is what should be done.

From this date, you must have to have a license such as you are required to have to own a fully automatic Thompson .45 to have a semi-automatic gun, off your property. If you are caught with such a gun without that license, five years in the Federal Penn, and all your guns confiscated and destroyed. And you will never be allowed to own or have a gun in your possession again. If you sell or buy such a gun without that license, same penalty.

license such as you are required to have to own a fully automatic Thompson .45 to have a semi-automatic gun
Every weapon I have purchased except my shotguns and level action rifles have required a FBI background check. Why you liberals think that TAXING(with a license) is going to make you safer? Do you think a criminal will pay a licensing fee for an illegal weapon he acquired? Stop drinking the liberal kool aid, because if you don't, you might end up in a country that will not let you be free..


The problem there is how do you prevent that? Easy to say, hard to do.

Lock the crazies and the criminals up.

The issue isn't guns. It's that criminals and crazies have managed to populate our streets with criminals and crazies, and have made it a CRIME to protect ourselves from them.

Either lock them up. or let's just start shooting them.

I doubt it. They claimed Adam Lanza was autistic, too. Very unlikely in either case --- I'm betting schizophrenia, the usual mental illness of young men and homicidal maniacs. John Hinckley, who tried to assassinate Reagan, was definitely a schizo. It's the norm for this sort of thing. They seem more or less okay early on (but never QUITE right) and then in high school and college age, kaboom. That guy that shot the Arizona congresswoman, the Batman shooter in the Colorado movie theater. All schizophrenics. All with the crazy eyes. Watch for the crazy eyes. Like Manson always had.
Should have been institutionalized the first dozen times he said he wanted to kill someone.

The ACLU would come to his defense in that case.

Lock them up as well. It should be a crime to try to keep criminals and violent crazies on the street.

And in fact, it probably is.

It's not a crime to talk violence because, if it were, Antifa would all be locked up.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.
smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk.

I will let you know when I find someone on the left that is smart......

The crazies on both ends are not going to be part of any constructive conversation.

There are, however, decent people on both sides of the aisle who could.

At least I think there may be a few left.

Look, what I propose would not take anyone gun away. But it would make the streets much safer. This is what should be done.

From this date, you must have to have a license such as you are required to have to own a fully automatic Thompson .45 to have a semi-automatic gun, off your property. If you are caught with such a gun without that license, five years in the Federal Penn, and all your guns confiscated and destroyed. And you will never be allowed to own or have a gun in your possession again. If you sell or buy such a gun without that license, same penalty.

license such as you are required to have to own a fully automatic Thompson .45 to have a semi-automatic gun
Every weapon I have purchased except my shotguns and level action rifles have required a FBI background check. Why you liberals think that TAXING(with a license) is going to make you safer? Do you think a criminal will pay a licensing fee for an illegal weapon he acquired? Stop drinking the liberal kool aid, because if you don't, you might end up in a country that will not let you be free..

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They aren't interested in safety. They're interested in martial law and the overthrow of our republic.

I doubt it. They claimed Adam Lanza was autistic, too. Very unlikely in either case --- I'm betting schizophrenia, the usual mental illness of young men and homicidal maniacs. John Hinckley, who tried to assassinate Reagan, was definitely a schizo. It's the norm for this sort of thing. They seem more or less okay early on (but never QUITE right) and then in high school and college age, kaboom. That guy that shot the Arizona congresswoman, the Batman shooter in the Colorado movie theater. All schizophrenics. All with the crazy eyes. Watch for the crazy eyes. Like Manson always had.
Adam Lanza was known to be a fruit cake, and people were terrified of him long before he killed people.

He should have been locked up before he did.

I doubt it. They claimed Adam Lanza was autistic, too. Very unlikely in either case --- I'm betting schizophrenia, the usual mental illness of young men and homicidal maniacs. John Hinckley, who tried to assassinate Reagan, was definitely a schizo. It's the norm for this sort of thing. They seem more or less okay early on (but never QUITE right) and then in high school and college age, kaboom. That guy that shot the Arizona congresswoman, the Batman shooter in the Colorado movie theater. All schizophrenics. All with the crazy eyes. Watch for the crazy eyes. Like Manson always had.
Adam Lanza was known to be a fruit cake, and people were terrified of him long before he killed people.

He should have been locked up before he did.

Can we lock up Quentin Tarantino too? That guy makes particularly violent movies.
My thread was not and is not about gun control yet you merged wth with this thread?


It happened to me to Gramps....
A few people got that.
Kind of takes away from each of our post on different issues within the same subject (s )
Well there isn't much rational "discussion" to be had so I'll leave you all to it. I've no interest in repeating the same arguments over & over.
First responders were filmed carrying a heavy body bag to the back of a pickup truck, which apparently occurred either during the shooting – which is odd – or right after the shooting when police should be securing the scene for an investigation:


Strange: Responders Throw BODY BAG in Back of Truck Amid Florida Shooting

Pick apart everything that's what digs up clues, information sometimes it something sometimes it's nothing.

The problem there is how do you prevent that? Easy to say, hard to do.

Lock the crazies and the criminals up.

The issue isn't guns. It's that criminals and crazies have managed to populate our streets with criminals and crazies, and have made it a CRIME to protect ourselves from them.

Either lock them up. or let's just start shooting them.

I do agree with you however, we need to look at WHY there are so many crazies in our society today. Personally I think it's leftist, liberal government hand-out programs, coupled with teaching children stupid, silly, confusing things like questioning one's own sex.
The problem there is how do you prevent that? Easy to say, hard to do.

It'll stop on its own. Like the anarchists stopped throwing bombs and shooting heads of state --- that took a good four or five decades, however, and a couple world wars and communism (the anarchists were subsumed by communism. They didn't like that, but they couldn't organize, being opposed to organization, and the communists could.).

There are definite fashions in psychosis. Long ago, men put their hands in their shirts and thought they were the Emperor Napoleon. Now they shoot up schools with AR-15s.

Well, at least they've stopped all saying they are Jesus Christ. That was confusing.
They aren't interested in safety. They're interested in martial law and the overthrow of our republic.
As I have repeatedly demonstrated.

I have explained why we don't trust them, and I am dismissed for it. I propose serious background and mental health testing in exchange for no restrictions, and I am shot down.

They will not even admit that the founders intended to preserve an individual's right to own a gun.

Confiscation MUST be the real objective.

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