Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

It's just too obvious.

The libturds won't even bring up the fact that the shooter wrote ALLAHU Akbar in his Instagram

The first thing they bring up is gun control, that's the first thing they go to.

It won't work. :nono:
You Goddamned assholes are as guilty of the deaths of those kids as is the kid that killed them. You have made our schools a shooting gallery by the unrestricted sale of the war weapons. You are filth, and unworthy of the name of Americans. How many slaughters does it take before we outlaw the NRA, and make it illegal to have such guns off your property without the same license as is required for a fully automatic Thompson .45.

Oh look an "American" who doesn't agree with the Constitution
Another commie pig.

Lock them up.
You don't trust us? Look, little cocksuck, it is you that is an accessory to murder. You support having unlimited access to these weapons of war. And the school shooting get more and more frequent. And this is the sad score for our nation.
Fine. Fuck off.

Let's not compromise.

Let's fight about it.

I will go ahead and join the NRA and give them $1000 to beat your asses and get all the guns I want.

Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.

Okay MindWars
if the liberals want more regulations
why not require all citizens to undergo the same oath and training
as police and veterans take in order to bear arms to enforce the laws?
As well as consistent mental health screening required for them,
why not require all citizens to go through this?

that way we can catch and screen out the
Ft. Hood Shooters and anyone else with a dangerous criminal illness or addiction
or abusive disorder.

The best methods I have found for diagnosing the cause and cure of mental
disorder and addictions are the Christian spiritual healing ministries that
provide these therapy and training services for FREE. so there can't be
complaints that it will raise the cost of medical care when in face it would
reduce it drastically. After all these spiritual healing methods have not only
been used to cure schizophrenia, drug addiction, sexual abuse etc.
but also cure and reduce the costs of cancer, diabetes, and other physical
diseases as well. Plus these methods heal relations, so this can stop the
bullying, rape, harassment, and domestic and other violence and crimes
related to relationship abuse.

if liberals are serious, why not require solutions like these?
require screening and treatment for all dangerous diseases
that otherwise threaten the public safety and health of others.

why not hold them to their demand for stronger restrictions?

and require all citizens to take vows and sign agreements
to enforce laws, comply with authority, respect due process,
not incur costs to taxpayers for crimes or abuses, and/or
submit to medical assistance therapy or guardianship
in the case of disability or disorder preventing someone from being able to comply.

how about that? as a requirement before citizens can invoke
constitutional rights including bearing arms as well as rights to citizenship ingeneral.
either obey the laws, and sign agreements in writing,
or agree to pay the costs of all crimes and violations committed
instead of charging these costs to taxpayers, or agree to receive therapy
to treat any disorder or addiction preventing someone from complying with laws.

er... that isn't even rational.

Expecting leftists to act in a reasonable way that has positive outcomes for innocents is not rational. You're right. I've been saying that for years too. Leftists want children to die. It is at the root of every argument they have..the belief that life is cheap, there are too many children anyway, and it's more important to protect their created *victim* classes than it is to protect our own children.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
But gun sellers are celebrating, as this is free advertisement and there will be a run on guns now. Now hurry up and start spreading that this was a hoax.
As usual you are a liar.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.

Mac. The country isn't functioning properly. That's the thing.

And we are far too locked into partisan positions to come together now. I know I'm not planning on compromising with leftists! It's just suicide. They are the ones who created this dysfunctional country, so no ---- we need to harden up our attitudes now. We'd be crazy to talk over ideas with the very people who created the problems. They'll just make it worse and worse and worse.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.

Mac. The country isn't functioning properly. That's the thing.

And we are far too locked into partisan positions to come together now. I know I'm not planning on compromising with leftists! It's just suicide. They are the ones who created this dysfunctional country, so no ---- we need to harden up our attitudes now. We'd be crazy to talk over ideas with the very people who created the problems. They'll just make it worse and worse and worse.


I'm buying guns. I'm going to be packing, and I'm going to have them in my vehicle and in my home.

And I'm telling my kids to do the same.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.
smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk.

I will let you know when I find someone on the left that is smart......

The crazies on both ends are not going to be part of any constructive conversation.

There are, however, decent people on both sides of the aisle who could.

At least I think there may be a few left.

Look, what I propose would not take anyone gun away. But it would make the streets much safer. This is what should be done.

From this date, you must have to have a license such as you are required to have to own a fully automatic Thompson .45 to have a semi-automatic gun, off your property. If you are caught with such a gun without that license, five years in the Federal Penn, and all your guns confiscated and destroyed. And you will never be allowed to own or have a gun in your possession again. If you sell or buy such a gun without that license, same penalty.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.

Mac. The country isn't functioning properly. That's the thing.

And we are far too locked into partisan positions to come together now. I know I'm not planning on compromising with leftists! It's just suicide. They are the ones who created this dysfunctional country, so no ---- we need to harden up our attitudes now. We'd be crazy to talk over ideas with the very people who created the problems. They'll just make it worse and worse and worse.
Well, we'll see where this goes then.

Wave election after wave election, back and forth, since neither party is going to satisfy enough people by itself.

One thing waves tend to do is destroy things.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.

Mac. The country isn't functioning properly. That's the thing.

And we are far too locked into partisan positions to come together now. I know I'm not planning on compromising with leftists! It's just suicide. They are the ones who created this dysfunctional country, so no ---- we need to harden up our attitudes now. We'd be crazy to talk over ideas with the very people who created the problems. They'll just make it worse and worse and worse.


I'm buying guns. I'm going to be packing, and I'm going to have them in my vehicle and in my home.

And I'm telling my kids to do the same.
Now that surely is the nation that we want. Where you have to go armed even to church. Assholes like you are the problem.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.

Okay MindWars
if the liberals want more regulations
why not require all citizens to undergo the same oath and training
as police and veterans take in order to bear arms to enforce the laws?
As well as consistent mental health screening required for them,
why not require all citizens to go through this?

that way we can catch and screen out the
Ft. Hood Shooters and anyone else with a dangerous criminal illness or addiction
or abusive disorder.

The best methods I have found for diagnosing the cause and cure of mental
disorder and addictions are the Christian spiritual healing ministries that
provide these therapy and training services for FREE. so there can't be
complaints that it will raise the cost of medical care when in face it would
reduce it drastically. After all these spiritual healing methods have not only
been used to cure schizophrenia, drug addiction, sexual abuse etc.
but also cure and reduce the costs of cancer, diabetes, and other physical
diseases as well. Plus these methods heal relations, so this can stop the
bullying, rape, harassment, and domestic and other violence and crimes
related to relationship abuse.

if liberals are serious, why not require solutions like these?
require screening and treatment for all dangerous diseases
that otherwise threaten the public safety and health of others.

why not hold them to their demand for stronger restrictions?

and require all citizens to take vows and sign agreements
to enforce laws, comply with authority, respect due process,
not incur costs to taxpayers for crimes or abuses, and/or
submit to medical assistance therapy or guardianship
in the case of disability or disorder preventing someone from being able to comply.

how about that? as a requirement before citizens can invoke
constitutional rights including bearing arms as well as rights to citizenship ingeneral.
either obey the laws, and sign agreements in writing,
or agree to pay the costs of all crimes and violations committed
instead of charging these costs to taxpayers, or agree to receive therapy
to treat any disorder or addiction preventing someone from complying with laws.

er... that isn't even rational.

Dear jillian all joking aside,
the effects of spiritual healing in curing Rheumatoid Arthritis
is medically documented and published in a study funded by Templeton Fdn
as conducted in Florida with Dr. Francis MacNutt who is a leading author
on standard textbooks used in seminaries to teach the process of spiritual healing
and how it works with science and medicine to cure more diseases by addressing the root causes.

Schizophrenia has also been treated and cure by these methods.

why are you laughing at a serious permanent solution that can save lives?

Would you like to take a Bullring challenge that Trump, Dr. MacNutt and I are right
that we can implement better cures to mental illness?

I will bet you 10 million dollars the Christian spiritual healing experts are right,
and that if more people knew and accessed this help, we can save more lives
by addressing the root cause.

Do you want to make a bet jillian and I will contact Trump at the WH
and Governors of Texas and Florida to invest in spiritual healing as the cure
for most of these mental and physical diseases which are preventable.
there are still cases that can't be helped, but we should catch all the cases that can be prevented
and stop people from getting killed. why are you laughing when lives have been lost that could have been saved.

you sound very cruel, or either you are ignorant that this is real.
it has been proven by science, so sorry you have no knowledge or understanding
that this solution has been established and practiced.

If I were you I'd be weeping not laughing.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.
smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk.

I will let you know when I find someone on the left that is smart......

The crazies on both ends are not going to be part of any constructive conversation.

There are, however, decent people on both sides of the aisle who could.

At least I think there may be a few left.

Look, what I propose would not take anyone gun away. But it would make the streets much safer. This is what should be done.

From this date, you must have to have a license such as you are required to have to own a fully automatic Thompson .45 to have a semi-automatic gun, off your property. If you are caught with such a gun without that license, five years in the Federal Penn, and all your guns confiscated and destroyed. And you will never be allowed to own or have a gun in your possession again. If you sell or buy such a gun without that license, same penalty.

Well hey **** ****, how will that stop someone from shooting up a school?
This past year we got to see Liberal's America 2.0: an all powerful, weaponized Federal government steamrolling over political opposition.

It's not the America I know
This ki
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.

This kind of mass murder only happens in
It's just too obvious.

The libturds won't even bring up the fact that the shooter wrote ALLAHU Akbar in his Instagram

The first thing they bring up is gun control, that's the first thing they go to.

It won't work. :nono:

From his instagram account.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.

Mac. The country isn't functioning properly. That's the thing.

And we are far too locked into partisan positions to come together now. I know I'm not planning on compromising with leftists! It's just suicide. They are the ones who created this dysfunctional country, so no ---- we need to harden up our attitudes now. We'd be crazy to talk over ideas with the very people who created the problems. They'll just make it worse and worse and worse.


I'm buying guns. I'm going to be packing, and I'm going to have them in my vehicle and in my home.

And I'm telling my kids to do the same.
Now that surely is the nation that we want. Where you have to go armed even to church. Assholes like you are the problem.
No, demented fools like you that are too stupid see that criminals dont obey laws are the real problem.
This ki
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.

This kind of mass murder only happens in
It's just too obvious.

The libturds won't even bring up the fact that the shooter wrote ALLAHU Akbar in his Instagram

The first thing they bring up is gun control, that's the first thing they go to.

It won't work. :nono:

From his instagram account.
Looks like another liberal play acting trying to draw the focus to Trump.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Hey, I have an idea.

Maybe we could get some smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk. Maybe start with finding areas of agreement. Then maybe tossing out some ideas and collaborating in a creative way, coming up with stuff no one had thought of. Maybe doing some giving and some taking. Maybe without screaming, finger pointing, and holding our breaths until we turn blue.

You know. Like normal adults used to do when this country functioned properly.

Before we all lost our shit and became narcissistic babies.
smart, calm people from both ends of this issue together to sit down and talk.

I will let you know when I find someone on the left that is smart......

The crazies on both ends are not going to be part of any constructive conversation.

There are, however, decent people on both sides of the aisle who could.

At least I think there may be a few left.

Look, what I propose would not take anyone gun away. But it would make the streets much safer. This is what should be done.

From this date, you must have to have a license such as you are required to have to own a fully automatic Thompson .45 to have a semi-automatic gun, off your property. If you are caught with such a gun without that license, five years in the Federal Penn, and all your guns confiscated and destroyed. And you will never be allowed to own or have a gun in your possession again. If you sell or buy such a gun without that license, same penalty.

This issue is pretty much the same as every other issue: Some crazies on both ends who prove the points of the other end.

Republicans will talk slippery slope, that the Left wants to take their guns, that the Dems will want more and more. And while I don't believe that is the case, there are, in fact, some on the Left who would love to do just that.

Just like with race. There are conservatives who fuck things up for the GOP on the issue because of what they are.

Another example of why the crazies can't be in the conversation. They do not help.
Some reasons why gun advocates do not trust the left:

1. The left denies that we have an individual right to bear arms.

2. Some leftists have called for outright bans on all guns.

3. Most leftists cannot demonstrate a basic understanding of firearms and how they function.

4. The only solutions the left will ever propose are only at the expense of gun owners.

5. Solutions proposed by the left are usually more feel-good than effective.

Do you now see why gun advocates are reluctant to have a "REAL" conversation?

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