Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Some reasons why gun advocates do not trust the left:

1. The left denies that we have an individual right to bear arms.

2. Some leftists have called for outright bans on all guns.

3. Most leftists cannot demonstrate a basic understanding of firearms and how they function.

4. The only solutions the left will ever propose are only at the expense of gun owners.

5. Solutions proposed by the left are usually more feel-good than effective.

Do you now see why gun advocates are reluctant to have a "REAL" conversation?
Maybe all we need is to pass a law against murder.
My thread was not and is not about gun control yet you merged wth with this thread?


It happened to me to Gramps....
A few people got that.
Kind of takes away from each of our post on different issues within the same subject (s )
This past year we got to see Liberal's America 2.0: an all powerful, weaponized Federal government steamrolling over political opposition.

It's not the America I know

No, not the one I knew, either. We're in the Future now. We've been in the Future since 2016.

Unluckily, it's a dystopia.
This issue is pretty much the same as every other issue: Some crazies on both ends who prove the points of the other end.

Republicans will talk slippery slope, that the Left wants to take their guns, that the Dems will want more and more. And while I don't believe that is the case, there are, in fact, some on the Left who would love to do just that.

Just like with race. There are conservatives who fuck things up for the GOP on the issue because of what they are.

Another example of why the crazies can't be in the conversation. They do not help.

Kinda like in 1965 when "the crazies" said that the immigration bill would change the ethnic makeup of this country.
Family Says Florida School Shooter Autistic, May Have Been on Medication
A guest on Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday was shut down after attempting to shed light on the question.

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Rob Dew@DewsNewz

Even Hannity must bow down to Big Pharma sponsorship #floridashooting
Crazy people with guns + victim disarmament zones = what happened today
Do not blame law abiding gun owners #2ndAmendment #guncontrol

10:14 PM - Feb 14, 2018
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MSM’s ignorance on the issue might be due to the fact that pharmaceutical companies are some of the media’s biggest sponsors, as pointed out years ago by Alex Jones on CNN.
Another example of why the crazies can't be in the conversation. They do not help.

And everyone but you and a couple friends is a crazy?

Uh-huh --- this is why we need free speech so badly.

Well, we crazies ARE in the conversation. And we're staying in.
Another example of why the crazies can't be in the conversation. They do not help.

And everyone but you and a couple friends is a crazy?

Uh-huh --- this is why we need free speech so badly.

Well, we crazies ARE in the conversation. And we're staying in.
I know. I'm not expecting much in the way of improvement.
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.
But gun sellers are celebrating, as this is free advertisement and there will be a run on guns now. Now hurry up and start spreading that this was a hoax.
Buy more guns and ammo...
How do we keep weapons out of the hands of creepy kids?

I dunno, give them a 'creep test' and if they fail prohibit them from legally owning guns? Of course, illegal guns are fairly easy to obtain and a real 'creep' could just as easily steal one.
Another example of why the crazies can't be in the conversation. They do not help.

And everyone but you and a couple friends is a crazy?

Uh-huh --- this is why we need free speech so badly.

Well, we crazies ARE in the conversation. And we're staying in.

Not for long. Crazies don't belong in the conversation. They belong behind locked gates.
Thanks for answering. I was hoping for something on guns though.

What happens when another mass shooting happens after you guys get your "sensible" reforms?
We grieve? Nothing will stop every murderer, and reforms that get to the heart of the problems will not achieve Nirvana overnight.
So I cry like I did last night when I heard 17 were dead.

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