Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

My solution?

A) Stop the Marxist indoctrination of children in public schools, make them like used to be in America. Ever since they took God out of schools, the mass shooting stats have risen. Straight-up: Teaching subjective morality does foster this type of behavior.
EX: What if seeing innocent people die gives you a boner?

B) Encourage teachers to CCW

C) Bring back State Mental Hospitals.

For what it's worth, no law stopped a 17-year old from getting a gun he's not allowed to buy in this case.
You can't buy an AR unless you're 18.

My point is to target the mindset that fosters this type of behavior.
should i report you for misquoting me and cutting out the first part of my post in your reply?
I quoted the relevant part.

People with a capital P to you means NOT individuals.

You will not admit that individuals have a right to own guns. You would have sided with the decent in Heller. That's why we don't trust you.

Until you FUCKING ADMIT that we have an individual right to own guns, you are not trustworthy.

Therefore, the best solution is total repeal and everyone arm themselves.
Well, you will get nowhere with me or anyone else if you keep up this bullshit.

What bullshit? It's an honest quesiton I'm asking:

Most mentally ill people don't even think they're mentally ill, thus they're not diagnosed as mentally ill by any doctor and won't show up on a background check. What are you to do about those people who want to get their hands on guns?
Not sure these threads should have been blended but to continue, the evidence is pretty convincing that mass shootings grew from the seed of identity politics and the tampering with cultural restraints that arose naturally in the course of a society based on individual freedom. That freedom cannot survive under the dictated re-norming crafted at the hand of an intellectualized aristocracy. It keeps resurfacing over time after utter failure everywhere through the course of all time. It is a hard lesson learned but never remembered.

It's a shame that the innocent have to die to preserve the central control coveted by those who have it and aim to keep it. When the people are attacked with weaponized ideological poison like cultural Marxism they lose their moral rudder and real freedom becomes extinct.

So mental illness is not to blame?
even though mass shootings comprise a small proportion of gun violence, they disturb America's self-image and provoke its conscience in away that the daily torrent of gun deaths does not.

individual deaths don't have the same impact and don't galvanize people. mass shootings are public spectacles.

the solution is to stay vigilant. WE NEED TO STAY VIGILANT!
So, you might be too young to remember, but we had this almost exact same fight 40 years ago over seat belt laws and speed limit laws. Back then, just like today, Conservatives whined about government overreach and sinister imagined plots that would lead to a banning of automobiles. And that hysteria was unfounded, and the result of those reforms was a 50% reduction in the number of fatalities on the roads.
What does that have to do with the left being unwilling to admit that we have an individual right to own guns?

That has literally nothing to do with what I'm saying. All you're doing is ducking, dodging, and avoiding the inconvenient contradiction of your rhetoric.

You blame mental illness for gun violence. So OK, then you want to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill...on that we both agree. However, what happens when someone is mentally ill, but doesn't see a psychiatrist that can diagnose the condition? You haven't given that any thought, it seems. If you did, then you'd have to argue that anyone who wants to buy a gun should undergo a psychological examination in order to determine if they have a mental illness, right? Again, you blame mental illness for gun violence, so the only way to stop the mentally ill from committing gun violence, is for everyone who wants to buy a gun has to submit to a psychological examination to determine if they are mentally ill. Again, YOU SAID that mental illness is to if mental illness is to blame, then we need to make sure anyone who is mentally ill isn't getting a gun. The only way to do that is to force every gun buyer and owner into mandatory mental health examinations.

Do you support such a thing? Because that's the only solution if mental illness is the cause.
And I said "fine, but those who pass the tests should have no restrictions" to which you said no, we still need to restrict them because they may become mentally ill later, which means that EVERYBODY is suspect.

The real solution is total repeal and everyone, crazy or not, arms themselves.

Shoot back.

That's the only way to really stop this shit.
I don't like the idea of people reporting their neighbors to the FBI for acting weird. How will the feds know who's the paranoid delusional one, the one being reported or the one doing the reporting? How much power over our lives do we really want to give to the feds..? That's why I say there's no political solution.

But you didn't answer the question. You completely avoided it.

Y'all have said "mental illness" is to blame for this violence.

Most mentally ill people aren't diagnosed, so their mental illness won't show up on any background check.

So how are you supposed to prevent them from getting a gun? The only way is to mandate that everyone who wants to buy a gun submit to a mental health evaluation. That's the only way we can be 100% sure, while also having accountability.
even though mass shootings comprise a small proportion of gun violence, they disturb America's self-image and provoke its conscience in away that the daily torrent of gun deaths does not.

individual deaths don't have the same impact and don't galvanize people. mass shootings are public spectacles.

the solution is to stay vigilant. WE NEED TO STAY VIGILANT!
And, shoot back?
But you didn't answer the question. You completely avoided it.

Y'all have said "mental illness" is to blame for this violence.

Most mentally ill people aren't diagnosed, so their mental illness won't show up on any background check.

So how are you supposed to prevent them from getting a gun? The only way is to mandate that everyone who wants to buy a gun submit to a mental health evaluation. That's the only way we can be 100% sure, while also having accountability.
What you are saying is that everyone is mentally ill or could be. That is NOT a 100% sure way because you said earlier that people who are sane now could snap later.

Thus, the only REAL way to be sure we are protected is SHOOTING BACK.

Total repeal and everyone arm themselves.
"seeing the massacre of so many innocent will change America" - Senator Joe Manchin, who championed a tepid gun-control bill that would not even come to a vote in the Senate.

"we've never seen this happen" - Marco Rubio...the truth is it's happening every day. stop acting like fools and protect America!
I don't like the idea of people reporting their neighbors to the FBI for acting weird. How will the feds know who's the paranoid delusional one, the one being reported or the one doing the reporting? How much power over our lives do we really want to give to the feds..? That's why I say there's no political solution.

But you didn't answer the question. You completely avoided it.

Y'all have said "mental illness" is to blame for this violence.

Most mentally ill people aren't diagnosed, so their mental illness won't show up on any background check.

So how are you supposed to prevent them from getting a gun? The only way is to mandate that everyone who wants to buy a gun submit to a mental health evaluation. That's the only way we can be 100% sure, while also having accountability.

Ok, what if a rape victim decides to buy a gun but fails the mental health evaluation because of the stress she's under?
But you didn't answer the question. You completely avoided it.

Y'all have said "mental illness" is to blame for this violence.

Most mentally ill people aren't diagnosed, so their mental illness won't show up on any background check.

So how are you supposed to prevent them from getting a gun? The only way is to mandate that everyone who wants to buy a gun submit to a mental health evaluation. That's the only way we can be 100% sure, while also having accountability.
What you are saying is that everyone is mentally ill or could be. That is NOT a 100% sure way because you said earlier that people who are sane now could snap later.

Thus, the only REAL way to be sure we are protected is SHOOTING BACK.

Total repeal and everyone arm themselves.

gawd what a dumbo parrot you are. :uhoh3:

House GOP Blocks Measure to Prevent Mentally Ill People From Getting Firearms

House Republicans voted Thursday to gut an Obama administration gun-control regulation that would have helped prevent some mentally ill people from purchasing firearms. The rule, which the NRA opposed and the House struck down 235–180, would have applied to people who receive Social Security disability or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and are unable to manage their own finances because of a documented mental illness, including schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It would have covered about 75,000 people, reports USA Today.

Under the rule, which was finalized in the last days of the Obama administration and now will no longer be, the Social Security Administration would have reported these particular individuals to the FBI, so their names would have come up in a background check if someone tried to purchase a firearm. The SSA would also notify those potentially affected by the rule, and implement a system so people could appeal their placements on the background-check list, if necessary.

House GOP Blocks Measure to Prevent Mentally Ill People From Getting Firearms
That has literally nothing to do with what I'm saying. All you're doing is ducking, dodging, and avoiding the inconvenient contradiction of your rhetoric.

You blame mental illness for gun violence. So OK, then you want to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill...on that we both agree. However, what happens when someone is mentally ill, but doesn't see a psychiatrist that can diagnose the condition? You haven't given that any thought, it seems. If you did, then you'd have to argue that anyone who wants to buy a gun should undergo a psychological examination in order to determine if they have a mental illness, right? Again, you blame mental illness for gun violence, so the only way to stop the mentally ill from committing gun violence, is for everyone who wants to buy a gun has to submit to a psychological examination to determine if they are mentally ill. Again, YOU SAID that mental illness is to if mental illness is to blame, then we need to make sure anyone who is mentally ill isn't getting a gun. The only way to do that is to force every gun buyer and owner into mandatory mental health examinations.

Do you support such a thing? Because that's the only solution if mental illness is the cause.
That solution is crap. You said so yourself. Sane people can snap later.
Not sure these threads should have been blended but to continue, the evidence is pretty convincing that mass shootings grew from the seed of identity politics and the tampering with cultural restraints that arose naturally in the course of a society based on individual freedom. That freedom cannot survive under the dictated re-norming crafted at the hand of an intellectualized aristocracy. It keeps resurfacing over time after utter failure everywhere through the course of all time. It is a hard lesson learned but never remembered.

It's a shame that the innocent have to die to preserve the central control coveted by those who have it and aim to keep it. When the people are attacked with weaponized ideological poison like cultural Marxism they lose their moral rudder and real freedom becomes extinct.

So mental illness is not to blame?

Psychopaths are not mentally ill. They lack a conscience and the ability to empathize with others. When a culture becomes so damaged that they are no longer held in check by tradition and peer pressure they find themselves in a fertile hunting ground.
House GOP Blocks Measure to Prevent Mentally Ill People From Getting Firearms

House Republicans voted Thursday to gut an Obama administration gun-control regulation that would have helped prevent some mentally ill people from purchasing firearms. The rule, which the NRA opposed and the House struck down 235–180, would have applied to people who receive Social Security disability or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and are unable to manage their own finances because of a documented mental illness, including schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It would have covered about 75,000 people, reports USA Today.

Under the rule, which was finalized in the last days of the Obama administration and now will no longer be, the Social Security Administration would have reported these particular individuals to the FBI, so their names would have come up in a background check if someone tried to purchase a firearm. The SSA would also notify those potentially affected by the rule, and implement a system so people could appeal their placements on the background-check list, if necessary.

House GOP Blocks Measure to Prevent Mentally Ill People From Getting Firearms
Lacks any form of due process.
Just let everybody have the guns they want, and things will certainly iron themselves out from there.

I say, from 11-years old on, children should be able to carry guns. (If given the proper training)

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