Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Talk about the kettle calling the pot black...Only an idiot like you thinks you could ever ban guns in America.

I never said I was in favor of banning guns. IN FACT, what I said was that it was unrealistic.

But you immediately jumping to the straw man of me wanting to ban guns is paranoia. And paranoia is a sign of mental illness.

And you ramble on and on till you get sleepy and take a nap.
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black...Only an idiot like you thinks you could ever ban guns in America.

I never said I was in favor of banning guns. IN FACT, what I said was that it was unrealistic.

But you immediately jumping to the straw man of me wanting to ban guns is paranoia. And paranoia is a sign of mental illness.

Say what , that's your solution it always has been, that's what you do you post in simplistic ways to think you can solve a complex problem what the left started in the first place .

My solution to gun violence is 5 key actions:
  • Universal background checks on all gun transactions, no exceptions
  • All new guns manufactured moving forward must be "smart" guns with the same fingerprint ID recognition my iphone has
  • Prohibiting anyone with a domestic abuse charge or a restraining order against them from owning a gun
  • Prohibiting anyone on the no-fly list from owning a gun
  • Free, open, and universal mental health treatment
Not once have I ever said we should confiscate all the guns. You pretend I say that so you can cast yourself as some kind of victim of oppression when the reality is that unless you are a total garbage person, none of these reforms would affect your ability to get a gun.
An ar15 is nothing more than a sporting rifle...

I know good for hunting rabbits

AR is excellent for defense especially when confronted with a perp holding a gun
That is why you need a 30 round magazine
Well you didn't say you did in any of the dozens of responses to it. So...
Well, lets talk about your mental health on a public forum, shall we? Should we talk about your hemorrhoids too?

You've got this straw man, loaded-question style.

I'm not the one who blamed mental illness for these shootings, you did.

So now that you've found out the extent to which your argument about mental illness and gun violence actually goes, suddenly you get defensive and angry because you won't even subject yourself to an examination to determine if you suffer from the thing you also claim is what's to blame for these mass shootings.

That's why you can't shit out a better response.

You're not in my head, I AM ALL UP IN YOURS, THOUGH.
So, tell me about the medications you are taking.

Are you circumcised?

Can you provide nude photos of your girlfriend.

See the point, or do I need to go on?

We have a solution to mass shooting.......take away assault guns and semi automatics
That is what Australia did and they haven't had a massacre in 20 years

In the absence of that, we can have universal background checks, take away high capacity magazines and hope for the best

The evil NRA will allow neither
We have a solution to mass shooting.......take away assault guns and semi automatics
That is what Australia did and they haven't had a massacre in 20 years

In the absence of that, we can have universal background checks, take away high capacity magazines and hope for the best

The evil NRA will allow neither
I have another solution that is much simpler and doesn't require our government to violate our rights and spend trillions trying to round up more than 10 million guns on the ban list.

Shoot back.
We have a solution to mass shooting.......take away assault guns and semi automatics
That is what Australia did and they haven't had a massacre in 20 years

In the absence of that, we can have universal background checks, take away high capacity magazines and hope for the best

The evil NRA will allow neither

Neither will the evil 2nd amendment.
At this point, all you're doing is showing everyone you're too afraid to have a conversation about mental illness.

That's pretty indicative of something...
Look out, everyone.

Siggy is about to set forth another passive-aggressive insult disguised as lay psychoanalysis.

Here it comes...

I think you're just upset because you don't have a good answer for why you won't go see a mental health professional.

You blame gun violence on mental illness and pretend to be a responsible gun owner. Well, being a responsible gun owner would mean you got checked out for mental illness since mental illness is what you're blaming gun violence on.

You just seem like a wimp and a weakling too afraid of what the doctor might say.

What medications are you currently taking?
Well you didn't say you did in any of the dozens of responses to it. So...
Well, lets talk about your mental health on a public forum, shall we? Should we talk about your hemorrhoids too?

You've got this straw man, loaded-question style.

I'm not the one who blamed mental illness for these shootings, you did.

So now that you've found out the extent to which your argument about mental illness and gun violence actually goes, suddenly you get defensive and angry because you won't even subject yourself to an examination to determine if you suffer from the thing you also claim is what's to blame for these mass shootings.

That's why you can't shit out a better response.

You're not in my head, I AM ALL UP IN YOURS, THOUGH.

Lol. That funny.
Ultimately, the left wants to confiscate all guns.

When you test them, they always fail. They will never agree to allow a person tested and deemed "safe" to possess an automatic, not because of safety concerns, but because a disarmed populace is easier to control and ignore.
The paranoids are out to get you, Boot.
Ultimately, the left wants to confiscate all guns.

When you test them, they always fail. They will never agree to allow a person tested and deemed "safe" to possess an automatic, not because of safety concerns, but because a disarmed populace is easier to control and ignore.
The paranoids are out to get you, Boot.
What meds do you take?
I know you take some. C'mon, fess up.
Ultimately, the left wants to confiscate all guns.

When you test them, they always fail. They will never agree to allow a person tested and deemed "safe" to possess an automatic, not because of safety concerns, but because a disarmed populace is easier to control and ignore.
The paranoids are out to get you, Boot.

That's what the left said when all they wanted was gays to get " civil unions"

Now we have guys in dresses using the little girls bathrooms.

You give the left an inch they will always try to take a mile.

Nope, that's just silly. There are police responding to calls here and there all the time.

But this event yesterday is the only one of its kind that we are interested in.

You are trying to elevate a lot of nothing stuff to that mass murder level so you can steal people's guns and make us all slaves of the state, victims to every criminal that comes along. And you mean to let a whole lot of them in the country illegally, too.

None of this plot of yours is going to work. We've figured it out. We're on our own against the criminals and terrorists and crazies that leftists protect, so we are going to stay armed.

It won't help you. We are coming after you when you sleep....
We have had 18 school shootings in 45 days. If that does not put you in fear for your children and grandchildren, then you are just too damned dumb to care.


We can't have had 18 school shootings this calendar year: we'd have heard. There have only been one or two, right? That could be categorized as mass killings, something other than local police action needed and taken and the situation settled.

That "18 shootings" meme is just leftist propaganda.

Apparently, you have not yet discovered Google:

18 school shootings in 45 days — Florida massacre is one of many tragedies in 2018
My guess is that you define the words "leftist propaganda" as anything you hear that you do not like.
Have there been 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook? A closer look at a tricky statistic
The statistic came from Everytown for Gun Safety, an advocacy group founded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and gun-control advocate Shannon Watts. That comes out to more than one school shooting per week.
This definition allows for incidents that don’t typically call to mind the term "school shooting" -- for example, a case in which a man unaffiliated with Alogna High/Middle School in Iowa killed himself in the school’s parking lot in the middle of the night, or an early-morning armed robbery on a street that goes through the Marquette University campus in Wisconsin. Both count in Everytown’s tally.
Nothing to see here, move along, move along...


Ok, Anda, you win. Some school shootings are good and some school shootings are bad. Right!

Nope, that's just silly. There are police responding to calls here and there all the time.

But this event yesterday is the only one of its kind that we are interested in.

You are trying to elevate a lot of nothing stuff to that mass murder level so you can steal people's guns and make us all slaves of the state, victims to every criminal that comes along. And you mean to let a whole lot of them in the country illegally, too.

None of this plot of yours is going to work. We've figured it out. We're on our own against the criminals and terrorists and crazies that leftists protect, so we are going to stay armed.

It won't help you. We are coming after you when you sleep....
Is the right to bear arms an individual right?
Ultimately, the left wants to confiscate all guns.

When you test them, they always fail. They will never agree to allow a person tested and deemed "safe" to possess an automatic, not because of safety concerns, but because a disarmed populace is easier to control and ignore.
The paranoids are out to get you, Boot.

That's what the left said when all they wanted was gays to get " civil unions"

Now we have guys in dresses using the little girls bathrooms.

You give the left an inch they will always try to take a mile.

Better get your gun and take up a position in front of girls restrooms to end this perfversion completely, Bear!

Nope, that's just silly. There are police responding to calls here and there all the time.

But this event yesterday is the only one of its kind that we are interested in.

You are trying to elevate a lot of nothing stuff to that mass murder level so you can steal people's guns and make us all slaves of the state, victims to every criminal that comes along. And you mean to let a whole lot of them in the country illegally, too.

None of this plot of yours is going to work. We've figured it out. We're on our own against the criminals and terrorists and crazies that leftists protect, so we are going to stay armed.

It won't help you. We are coming after you when you sleep....
Is the right to bear arms an individual right?

Does the right to bear arms give Bill Gates the right to buy a slightly used nuclear warhead from Russia?
Ultimately, the left wants to confiscate all guns.

When you test them, they always fail. They will never agree to allow a person tested and deemed "safe" to possess an automatic, not because of safety concerns, but because a disarmed populace is easier to control and ignore.
The paranoids are out to get you, Boot.

That's what the left said when all they wanted was gays to get " civil unions"

Now we have guys in dresses using the little girls bathrooms.

You give the left an inch they will always try to take a mile.

Better get your gun and take up a position in front of girls restrooms to end this perfversion completely, Bear!

That's not the point, you just don't like to be exposed for the real motives

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