Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

It's just too obvious.

The libturds won't even bring up the fact that the shooter wrote ALLAHU Akbar in his Instagram

The first thing they bring up is gun control, that's the first thing they go to.

It won't work. :nono:

Liberals brought up gun control when the FBI reported illegals committed 1,200 homicides in Texas? Oh wait, they didn't. Skye is this another example of liberal faux rage?

Absolutely it is!

The Left talking from both sides of their mouths, as usual, total hypocrisy, but then what's new.
But you said you don't need a gun to feel safe. Now you don't feel safe?

A gun isn't what makes me feel safe. And if it's the only thing that makes you feel safe, then the gun is acting as a substitute for something else.

We know your vibrator up your ass makes you feel safe but that's not what this thread is about.

What's the latest stat 600 million guns and it seems like blacks are the only ones getting shot and killed?

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What the fuck would a Russian troll know about American gun violence?

Fuck off, Sergei.
It's just too obvious.

The libturds won't even bring up the fact that the shooter wrote ALLAHU Akbar in his Instagram

The first thing they bring up is gun control, that's the first thing they go to.

It won't work. :nono:

Liberals brought up gun control when the FBI reported illegals committed 1,200 homicides in Texas? Oh wait, they didn't. Skye is this another example of liberal faux rage?

Absolutely it is!

The Left talking from both sides of their mouths, as usual, total hypocrisy, but then what's new.

I've been trying to refrain from cussing, just for you. (And anyone else, because it's just a decent general policy)

Sometimes I have to say it from the heart, though. :rolleyes:
I'm just trying to help you, and to help the people who would end up as victims of your mental illness-induced shooting spree.

Remember, you're the one who said mental illness is to blame...yet you're also the one who refuses to get tested for mental illness.

I think we both know why...
Yeah, that's the ticket. Double down on your passive-aggressive insults.

Let me try.

I'm just trying to help you with your kiddy porn addiction. Seek help. You need it.

How did I do, Siggy?
Oh? So you, knowing you pissed somebody off and were wholly in the wrong, wouldn't be afraid to go down a dark alley in the middle-of-nowhere with them, knowing they're armed and you're not? I say you're full of baloney.

WTF are you talking about? See, this is that personal wish fulfillment and fantasy that is symptomatic of mental illness.

Seek counseling.

GFY leftist faggot shill.

Go jump into a 100 foot-wide fire pit.

Walk in front of me while I'm target practicing.

Yeah, it's not wise to tell people what to do.

From my observations, you're a moronic leftist paid shill.

So right here is a perfect example of someone who appears to be mentally disturbed, violent, and quick to anger, who needs an examination, diagnosis, and treatment.

Post a pic of your Psychology degree, or STFU.

Here's how this works: You can redact your name, and even the school, but you have to have a piece of paper saying "The Derp 2/15/2018" on top of your diploma.

Either that, or you're fulla crap. :)

I never said I was a psychologist.

Why are you so afraid of just seeing a mental health professional?
At this point, all you're doing is showing everyone you're too afraid to have a conversation about mental illness.

That's pretty indicative of something...
Look out, everyone.

Siggy is about to set forth another passive-aggressive insult disguised as lay psychoanalysis.

Here it comes...

I think you're just upset because you don't have a good answer for why you won't go see a mental health professional.

You blame gun violence on mental illness and pretend to be a responsible gun owner. Well, being a responsible gun owner would mean you got checked out for mental illness since mental illness is what you're blaming gun violence on.

You just seem like a wimp and a weakling too afraid of what the doctor might say.
It's just too obvious.

The libturds won't even bring up the fact that the shooter wrote ALLAHU Akbar in his Instagram

The first thing they bring up is gun control, that's the first thing they go to.

It won't work. :nono:

Liberals brought up gun control when the FBI reported illegals committed 1,200 homicides in Texas? Oh wait, they didn't. Skye is this another example of liberal faux rage?

Absolutely it is!

The Left talking from both sides of their mouths, as usual, total hypocrisy, but then what's new.

I've been trying to refrain from cussing, just for you. (And anyone else, because it's just a decent general policy)

Sometimes I have to say it from the heart, though. :rolleyes:

Sometimes cussing has its place, just not all the time, every time, every single time! :dunno:
Why are you so afraid of just seeing a mental health professional?
Why don't you tell us what your therapist said about your passive-aggressive defense mechanism you frequently display?

How is what I'm saying defensive when we're talking about you and your refusal to get screened for mental illness when you blame mental illness for the gun violence?

So you blame mental illness for gun violence, then refuse to get screened for mental illness as a gun owner.

How is that me being defensive?
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black...Only an idiot like you thinks you could ever ban guns in America.

I never said I was in favor of banning guns. IN FACT, what I said was that it was unrealistic.

But you immediately jumping to the straw man of me wanting to ban guns is paranoia. And paranoia is a sign of mental illness.
Well you didn't say you did in any of the dozens of responses to it. So...
Well, lets talk about your mental health on a public forum, shall we? Should we talk about your hemorrhoids too?

You've got this straw man, loaded-question style.

I'm not the one who blamed mental illness for these shootings, you did.

So now that you've found out the extent to which your argument about mental illness and gun violence actually goes, suddenly you get defensive and angry because you won't even subject yourself to an examination to determine if you suffer from the thing you also claim is what's to blame for these mass shootings.

That's why you can't shit out a better response.

You're not in my head, I AM ALL UP IN YOURS, THOUGH.
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black...Only an idiot like you thinks you could ever ban guns in America.

I never said I was in favor of banning guns. IN FACT, what I said was that it was unrealistic.

But you immediately jumping to the straw man of me wanting to ban guns is paranoia. And paranoia is a sign of mental illness.

Say what , that's your solution it always has been, that's what you do you post in simplistic ways to think you can solve a complex problem what the left started in the first place .

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