Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Oh? So you, knowing you pissed somebody off and were wholly in the wrong, wouldn't be afraid to go down a dark alley in the middle-of-nowhere with them, knowing they're armed and you're not? I say you're full of baloney.

WTF are you talking about? See, this is that personal wish fulfillment and fantasy that is symptomatic of mental illness.

Seek counseling.
Will you visit him if he is institutionalized?

If he wants, sure.
A few thoughts. I'm not for outright bans and collecting. For example the last DOJ prison statistics showed 2400 undocumented immigrants incarcerated for murder or manslaughter in California alone. I'm not with the crowd of throw anyone protecting sanctuary cities in jail and build a wall, even if most are responsible.

That goes both ways though.

I am for MUCH more stringent gun laws, and mental health screenings of gun owners.

I am for finding out socio-economic issues. When Australia put in their gun laws, their crime dropped quite a bit. New Zealand in the same socio-economic zone made no changes at all to their gun laws and crime dropped the SAME EXACT AMOUNT. What else happened there then?

I'm not for the "assault weapon" ban. Almost every major shooting is done indoors and within 25' And that's where a pistol (which contributes to over 80% of gun murders but is mostly used inner city, more minorities and that's not a focus here) is best. Easier to handle, maneuver, reload, conceal, and fire. Just the AR is a "sexier" weapon (thanks hollywood), so it becomes the go to, even if it's not the deadliest choice in these attacks.

Plus FBI data shows falling out of bed is more likely to kill you than an AR. Texting behind the wheel gets a $25 fine in my state and will kill about 5000 more people than shooting at people with an AR. But the AR is scary and when it's used it's front page, and even though it falls well behind pistols and shotguns as a murder weapon, it's looks will earn it a ban, and 20 years later when we are looking at the data, we will wonder AGAIN why it failed to impact murder rates in the US after putting all this money and effort there. I'm more data based than fear-mongering what people on Fox and CNN shout at me based.

Finally, I don't feel great about armed guards at all schools. You make the school a hard target, that student is finding them at the movies, or at the bowling alley, or at the birthday party. Then we get politicians saying "look it worked in schools" and next thing we have a law where anytime you can expect more than 30 people to congregate in one area, you need to hire an armed security guard.

As a temporary solution till we solve the soci-economic issues, sure. But my biggest worry is when has the Gov't ever put something in place temporarily and then let it expire or removed it?

If we can take those wayyyyy out on the right saying "don't change anything" and those wayyyyyy out on the left saying "ban it all" out of the conversation and let people that don't want to focus on the politics of it, but a solution, I think that's the best bet.

Just some thoughts. Probably piss off a lot on both sides, but I'm not really here to take a side because of an R or a D after someones name.

Idk about Manatee or Broward, but where I live, yes, every school has an armed resource officer.
Mental health screening is just code for "leave the crazies on the streets".

Lock them up.

I prefer house them, as most are non-violent, yet some are. They should be locked away.

No more insulin shock therapy and using them for Guinea pigs, though.

The degree of crazy that kid has is dangerous, and everybody knows it is dangerous, and everybody knows that medication won't fix it or make him safe.

They need to be locked up. They aren't happy no matter where they are, and they are not only dangerous, they are vulnerable as well, when they are on the street.
Oh? So you, knowing you pissed somebody off and were wholly in the wrong, wouldn't be afraid to go down a dark alley in the middle-of-nowhere with them, knowing they're armed and you're not? I say you're full of baloney.

WTF are you talking about? See, this is that personal wish fulfillment and fantasy that is symptomatic of mental illness.

Seek counseling.

GFY leftist faggot shill.

Go jump into a 100 foot-wide fire pit.

Walk in front of me while I'm target practicing.

Yeah, it's not wise to tell people what to do.

From my observations, you're a moronic leftist paid shill.
Typical trumpanzee classy comments.

And nothing exudes class like Bodecea, amirite? :auiqs.jpg:

If wallet chains, dyed hair, tattoos, and piercings are classy.
Oh? So you, knowing you pissed somebody off and were wholly in the wrong, wouldn't be afraid to go down a dark alley in the middle-of-nowhere with them, knowing they're armed and you're not? I say you're full of baloney.

WTF are you talking about? See, this is that personal wish fulfillment and fantasy that is symptomatic of mental illness.

Seek counseling.

GFY leftist faggot shill.

Go jump into a 100 foot-wide fire pit.

Walk in front of me while I'm target practicing.

Yeah, it's not wise to tell people what to do.

From my observations, you're a moronic leftist paid shill.

So right here is a perfect example of someone who appears to be mentally disturbed, violent, and quick to anger, who needs an examination, diagnosis, and treatment.
I just said you seemed mentally disturbed and that you should seek counseling. How is that "ad hominem"? You're the one who literally called me names, which is ad hominem. That's why I questioned your understanding of the phrase.

You seem afraid of that...afraid of talking. Which is find truly bizarre because all you do in therapy is talk about you should be excited to do that since everything in your world revolves around you and only you.
Don't make me go back and quote you. You were the one starting the bullshit.

Now you are making up excuses for your passive-aggressive insults. You're fairly transparent.

You're a very angry, paranoid, fearful person. You need help.
I mean...look how defensive you get. Look how resistant to mental health you are. For someone who blames shootings on mental health, you sure don't seem to take it seriously when it comes to your own personal health. So that makes me doubt the sincerity of your insistence that mass shootings are a mental illness issue.
Keep up that passive-aggressive charade.

And stop watching kiddy porn, Satan worshiper.

At this point, all you're doing is showing everyone you're too afraid to have a conversation about mental illness.

That's pretty indicative of something...
But you said you don't need a gun to feel safe. Now you don't feel safe?

A gun isn't what makes me feel safe. And if it's the only thing that makes you feel safe, then the gun is acting as a substitute for something else.

We know your vibrator up your ass makes you feel safe but that's not what this thread is about.

What's the latest stat 600 million guns and it seems like blacks are the only ones getting shot and killed?


Oh? So you, knowing you pissed somebody off and were wholly in the wrong, wouldn't be afraid to go down a dark alley in the middle-of-nowhere with them, knowing they're armed and you're not? I say you're full of baloney.

WTF are you talking about? See, this is that personal wish fulfillment and fantasy that is symptomatic of mental illness.

Seek counseling.

GFY leftist faggot shill.

Go jump into a 100 foot-wide fire pit.

Walk in front of me while I'm target practicing.

Yeah, it's not wise to tell people what to do.

From my observations, you're a moronic leftist paid shill.

So right here is a perfect example of someone who appears to be mentally disturbed, violent, and quick to anger, who needs an examination, diagnosis, and treatment.

Post a pic of your Psychology degree, or STFU.

Here's how this works: You can redact your name, and even the school, but you have to have a piece of paper saying "The Derp 2/15/2018" on top of your diploma.

Either that, or you're fulla crap. :)
Any particular reason why you bolded that part? Are you trying to make a case for clinical narcissism or something.

It would certainly seem like that's one of the many disorders you could have. But I guess we'll never know because you're too much of a wimp to get a mental health evaluation. Too much of a wimp to talk to a therapist. It's pretty obvious why...
At this point, all you're doing is showing everyone you're too afraid to have a conversation about mental illness.

That's pretty indicative of something...
Look out, everyone.

Siggy is about to set forth another passive-aggressive insult disguised as lay psychoanalysis.

Here it comes...
It would certainly seem like that's one of the many disorders you could have. But I guess we'll never know because you're too much of a wimp to get a mental health evaluation. Too much of a wimp to talk to a therapist. It's pretty obvious why...
How do you know that I haven't? You're not concerned. You're pissed.

I'm so in your head.

The underlying theme of your passive-aggressive insults.

I'm just trying to help you, and to help the people who would end up as victims of your mental illness-induced shooting spree.

Remember, you're the one who said mental illness is to blame...yet you're also the one who refuses to get tested for mental illness.

I think we both know why...

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