Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

If they did not it is not even worth mentioning, unless that organization has a violent history. It is not against the law to be a white supremacist.

Do you want to mainstream acceptance of white supremacy or something?
Did I say that?

That's what you seem to be arguing. So do you? Why didn't you just say "no" right away?
Why would I have to explain myself to you, and I asked you a question you did not answer. I believe you should have said "no" right away. you do want to mainstream acceptance of white supremacy. Color me shocked.
You see right there is how rumors start. I said no such thing and here you are saying I did. This forum is full of liars with no compunction about it. You are one of them.
Libs want guns banned AND open borders. lol

I’m gonna guess they, once again, haven’t thought things through. :)
They want guns banned.
They want open borders.
They want revolving prison doors.
They want us to welcome gang members with open arms.
They want crazy people walking the streets and in our schools.

That's what they want. Why are we not rounding them up now?
So, your argument is that I am wrong because you think I am crazy? Is that it?

Based solely on your posts, yeah. You seem mentally disturbed. You are quick to anger. You are defensive when it comes to mental health. You show all the signs of someone who has a mental illness. I just hope that you can control yourself and your condition, though I'm not optimistic.

Keep doing your Rules for Radicals routine. I like it.

Paranoia is a sign of mental illness.
Yeah. You're pissed. Your ad hominems are a sign of my complete and total victory.

Cry, bitch. You lose.

What ad hominem? Do you know what "ad hominem" means?
You see right there is how rumors start. I said no such thing and here you are saying I did. This forum is full of liars with no compunction about it. You are one of them.
Oh, he loves the straw man. That's his bread and butter. When you start kicking his ass, he whips out the ad hominems. See above.
How were at least 15 warning signs missed for Nikolas Cruz?
" 'I'm going to be a professional school shooter'

"Nikolas Cruz left a comment on a YouTube video back in September using his own name that simply read: 'I'm going to be a professional school shooter' "

Was banned from carrying a backpack

Jim Gard, a math teacher, who had Cruz in his class last year, said he believes the school sent out an email warning teachers he shouldn't be allowed on campus with a backpack.

'There were problems with him last year threatening students and I guess he was asked to leave campus'.

9. Expelled for fighting

The deeply troubled 'loner' was expelled last year for 'fighting over his ex-girlfriend' with her new boyfriend.

10. Abusive to his ex-girlfriend

Students claim the gunman was abusive to his girlfriend

11. Stalked another girl

Mr Gard also claimed that he was taken with another student 'to the point of stalking her', while another student who claims to have been friends with Cruz said he had to cut him off because he started 'going after' and 'threatening' a female friend of his.

12. Peeping Tom

Neighbor Christine Rosburgh said she, and all the other neighbors, were terrified of the teen who would bang his head against a cement wall if his legal guardians tried to send him to school.

She also claims she caught him peeking in her window and when she confronted him, he said he was looking for golf balls.

'I said, "This isn't the golf course".

13. Stopped his mental health treatment

Cruz had been getting treatment at a mental health clinic, but stopped about a year ago and dropped off the radar. He was showing signs of depression.

Broward County Mayor Beam Furr said: 'It wasn't like there wasn't concern for him. We try to keep out eyes out on those kids who aren't connected... In this case, we didn't find a way to connect with this kid.'

14. Possible fetal alcohol syndrome

Natalie Brassard, a program director at the non-profit FASCETS, which works with FASD children, said some of Cruz's characteristics 'suggest that he might have been living with an invisible brain-based condition - it could have been FASD or many others.'

Conditions of FASD can range from mild to severe but can include learning disabilities, intellectual disability or low IQ, poor reasoning and judgment and a host of other issues.

15. Orphaned

Cruz's adoptive mother, Lynda Cruz, 68, died of pneumonia in November last year. She was one of the only people that was remotely close to Cruz. His adoptive father Roger Cruz died of a heart attack several years ago. "

He should have been institutionalized.

Florida gunman pictured in first mugshot | Daily Mail Online
Yes you did, and as soon as you stop beating your wife I will answer you.
Got it. You are a Klansman. Just as I suspected.


and when you do answer me, will you please take off the white hood, wipe the blood off your hands, and close all those kiddy porn pages you have open.

Thanks in advance.
Delusions of grandeur is a sign of mental illness.

I think you fantasize about being a vigilante with a gun only because your real life has been such a disappointment that the only way you can really live with yourself is by making up for it with an act of heroism.

That's pretty fucking pathetic.
Repeating the same shit over and over is a sign of mental illness.

Thinking you are qualified to diagnose someone over the internet is a sign of mental illness.

We can do this dance all fucking day.

Back to the point.

You lose.

I never said I was qualified to diagnose you, and in fact encouraged you twice to seek mental health counseling.
Oh? So you, knowing you pissed somebody off and were wholly in the wrong, wouldn't be afraid to go down a dark alley in the middle-of-nowhere with them, knowing they're armed and you're not? I say you're full of baloney.

WTF are you talking about? See, this is that personal wish fulfillment and fantasy that is symptomatic of mental illness.

Seek counseling.
LOL...Cruz the Shooter.


As we reported ... Cruz participated in at least one training exercise with a white supremacist group.

Leader Confirms Affiliation.

Police get ‘copycat threats’ day after Florida school shooting

Authorities in Broward county said they’ve received several “copycat threats” the day after a gunman opened fire and killed 17 at a Florida high school.

Sheriff Scott Israel told reporters Thursday morning the department will take all such threats seriously in light of the deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

NRA Gun Nutters... To Arms,... To Arms! Stand our schools grounds, Cowards.
As we know, you cowards are never around with your AR-15's.

Hey dumbass! What kind of last name is "Cruz", aye?

In my experience, largely Puerto-Rican. Not exactly the type that are accepted by white supremacist groups, k?

Seriously, Cubans call them greaseballs.
All I said was that you should go seek one because you come off as paranoid and delusional, which are two signs of mental illness.
And the only reason you said that is because I demonstrated that your solution is crap. It was done out of spite. It's your defense mechanism. You got pissed.

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