Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

So, your argument is that I am wrong because you think I am crazy? Is that it?

Based solely on your posts, yeah. You seem mentally disturbed. You are quick to anger. You are defensive when it comes to mental health. You show all the signs of someone who has a mental illness. I just hope that you can control yourself and your condition, though I'm not optimistic.

Keep doing your Rules for Radicals routine. I like it.

Paranoia is a sign of mental illness.
If they did not it is not even worth mentioning, unless that organization has a violent history. It is not against the law to be a white supremacist.

Do you want to mainstream acceptance of white supremacy or something?
Did I say that?

That's what you seem to be arguing. So do you? Why didn't you just say "no" right away?
Why would I have to explain myself to you, and I asked you a question you did not answer. I believe you should have said "no" right away.
See. What happened here is I beat your fucking ass with your own arguments and bullshit, so now you are whipping out the insults because you've got nothing else.

Delusions of grandeur is a sign of mental illness.

I think you fantasize about being a vigilante with a gun only because your real life has been such a disappointment that the only way you can really live with yourself is by making up for it with an act of heroism.

That's pretty fucking pathetic.
So, your argument is that I am wrong because you think I am crazy? Is that it?

Based solely on your posts, yeah. You seem mentally disturbed. You are quick to anger. You are defensive when it comes to mental health. You show all the signs of someone who has a mental illness. I just hope that you can control yourself and your condition, though I'm not optimistic.

Keep doing your Rules for Radicals routine. I like it.

Paranoia is a sign of mental illness.
Yeah. You're pissed. Your ad hominems are a sign of my complete and total victory.

Cry, bitch. You lose.
But, the alternative is better? Being an unarmed meat target? .

Has your paranoia reduced you to the point where you feel like a target every time you leave your house?

Get yourself checked out by a mental health seem paranoid, delusional, and disturbed.
Delusions of grandeur is a sign of mental illness.

I think you fantasize about being a vigilante with a gun only because your real life has been such a disappointment that the only way you can really live with yourself is by making up for it with an act of heroism.

That's pretty fucking pathetic.
Repeating the same shit over and over is a sign of mental illness.

Thinking you are qualified to diagnose someone over the internet is a sign of mental illness.

We can do this dance all fucking day.

Back to the point.

You lose.
So, your argument is that I am wrong because you think I am crazy? Is that it?

Based solely on your posts, yeah. You seem mentally disturbed. You are quick to anger. You are defensive when it comes to mental health. You show all the signs of someone who has a mental illness. I just hope that you can control yourself and your condition, though I'm not optimistic.

Keep doing your Rules for Radicals routine. I like it.

Paranoia is a sign of mental illness.
Yeah. You're pissed. Your ad hominems are a sign of my complete and total victory.

Cry, bitch. You lose.
Exactly how many people have you beat to death with your keyboard?
Has your paranoia reduced you to the point where you feel like a target every time you leave your house?

Get yourself checked out by a mental health seem paranoid, delusional, and disturbed.
Do you really believe you are a therapist or mental health professional?

That's also a sign of mental illness.

Get yourself checked out.
If they did not it is not even worth mentioning, unless that organization has a violent history. It is not against the law to be a white supremacist.

Do you want to mainstream acceptance of white supremacy or something?
Did I say that?

That's what you seem to be arguing. So do you? Why didn't you just say "no" right away?
Why would I have to explain myself to you, and I asked you a question you did not answer. I believe you should have said "no" right away. you do want to mainstream acceptance of white supremacy. Color me shocked.
I don't need a gun to feel safe. long as nobody else has one, right?

No, even with others having them. Because I know they're far more likely to harm themselves or their loved ones than they are to stop a mass shooter or harm me.

Oh? So you, knowing you pissed somebody off and were wholly in the wrong, wouldn't be afraid to go down a dark alley in the middle-of-nowhere with them, knowing they're armed and you're not? I say you're full of baloney.
No, even with others having them. Because I know they're far more likely to harm themselves or their loved ones than they are to stop a mass shooter or harm me.
Okay. Then you should have no problem with all of us arming up. You're safe, right?

Okay. We all agree.
Libs want guns banned AND open borders. lol

I’m gonna guess they, once again, haven’t thought things through. :)
Right on Cue: Liberals Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting
Prominent liberals on Twitter are once again calling for gun control following the tragic shooting at a Florida High School that left as many as 17 dead.

Well we saw this coming , they already started it on here. Leftist gun grabbers are the dumbest sob's with no logic, nor common sense.
They are to dumb to take lessons from other Countries who have stripped their gun rights away....... Oh they're so safe now never a murder, no way to defend themselves why the immigrants are able to rape them really nice and easy because why they have nothing to protect themselves with making them the perfect weakling and weak minded fks.

How many children have been murdered by a gun in a school setting in another Western Democratic Nation? For that matter how many in Cuba, Russia, Mexico or Japan?

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