Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Why is the FBI lying? they say they couldn't find the shooter but they were given his name and location back in September...they are either totally incompetent or they are lying...
The FBI's sole purpose is to lie, kill, and set people up. That's all they do.
Recent events outside this shooting show all of America just what the FBI is about...
It's breaking news that the FBI knew the Vegas shooter was buying a lot of guns in a very short period of time and what kind of guns he was buying...even the bump stock...but did nothing... never contacted him...what the hell is going on at the FBI?
Why are we just learning this now?
What is going on with the FBI is what has always gone on with the fbi.

They are a criminal organization and their sole purpose is to break the law. That's it. They break the law for their masters, and their masters change...but it's generally high ranking dems.

'Nikolas Cruz' YouTube comment brings FBI to bail bondsman's door
We have a solution to mass shooting.......take away assault guns and semi automatics
That is what Australia did and they haven't had a massacre in 20 years

How come that didn't help Norway and France?
Ultimately, the left wants to confiscate all guns.

When you test them, they always fail. They will never agree to allow a person tested and deemed "safe" to possess an automatic, not because of safety concerns, but because a disarmed populace is easier to control and ignore.
The paranoids are out to get you, Boot.

That's what the left said when all they wanted was gays to get " civil unions"

Now we have guys in dresses using the little girls bathrooms.

You give the left an inch they will always try to take a mile.

Better get your gun and take up a position in front of girls restrooms to end this perfversion completely, Bear!

That's not the point, you just don't like to be exposed for the real motives

Granted, I lost sight of your point somewhere between the 17 shooting deaths in Florida and guys in dresses in girls bathrooms. But you have my sympathy. Attention Deficit Disorder can be a terrible disorder.
Does the right to bear arms give Bill Gates the right to buy a slightly used nuclear warhead from Russia?
Answering a question with a question?

This is why the conversation breaks down.

The conversation with you guys breaks down long before that. It breaks down as soon as you start talking about people wanting to ban guns, and then when you counter your own erroneous interpretation of our argument with your absurd strawman about banning cars, when, in fact, nobody on this board has ever suggested banning guns, but only adopting common sense regulations like banning bump stocks, and ending private sales without background checks, and banning 100 round ammo drums.
This is all really simple.

The left does not want our right to bear arms to be an individual right. In furtherance of that agenda, the left lies, twists, misinterprets history, and manipulates to try and end-around the constitution without having to do a constitutional convention. It's a cheating shortcut.

You all know it is true.

For this reason, we cannot trust the left. We can't give you commies one inch of gun control because it will never be enough until you get a complete ban.

When we question the left's motives, they get out their Rules For Radicals books and start their ridiculing campaign, calling us paranoid and questioning our mental health, or finding other areas of ridicule, just like Alinsky instructed.

So, here is the deal.

Fuck off. You get NOTHING. We are going to repeal all gun laws or pack the SCOTUS with enough "gun nuts" to declare all gun laws unconstitutional.

This is war. You will lose.

And, once again, all one has to do is suggest some common sense laws, and immediately, here you go with you complete hysteria about how we want to ban all guns. If I were to allow you to bait me with that, you would eventually move into the territory of how you have to have your AR-15 in order to fight the black helicopters of the new world order; meanwhile wondering why we question your sanity, while you visualize yourself in the middle of Main Street drawing down on an Abrams tank headed for your house.

You are right. We lose. And so do your children and grandchildren.
Recent events outside this shooting show all of America just what the FBI is about...
It's breaking news that the FBI knew the Vegas shooter was buying a lot of guns in a very short period of time and what kind of guns he was buying...even the bump stock...but did nothing... never contacted him...what the hell is going on at the FBI?
Why are we just learning this now?

The FBI probably did not do anything about the guy in Las Vegas because he had not broken any laws before he fired his first shot, and god forbid any legislature from making it illegal to buy an arsenal of dangerous deadly weapons whose only purpose is mass killing....
This is all really simple.

The left does not want our right to bear arms to be an individual right. In furtherance of that agenda, the left lies, twists, misinterprets history, and manipulates to try and end-around the constitution without having to do a constitutional convention. It's a cheating shortcut.

You all know it is true.

For this reason, we cannot trust the left. We can't give you commies one inch of gun control because it will never be enough until you get a complete ban.

When we question the left's motives, they get out their Rules For Radicals books and start their ridiculing campaign, calling us paranoid and questioning our mental health, or finding other areas of ridicule, just like Alinsky instructed.

So, here is the deal.

Fuck off. You get NOTHING. We are going to repeal all gun laws or pack the SCOTUS with enough "gun nuts" to declare all gun laws unconstitutional.

This is war. You will lose.

And, once again, all one has to do is suggest some common sense laws, and immediately, here you go with you complete hysteria about how we want to ban all guns. If I were to allow you to bait me with that, you would eventually move into the territory of how you have to have your AR-15 in order to fight the black helicopters of the new world order; meanwhile wondering why we question your sanity, while you visualize yourself in the middle of Main Street drawing down on an Abrams tank headed for your house.

You are right. We lose. And so do your children and grandchildren.

Do we ban all cars because 12000 people are killed every year from drunk drivers? The fact is a gun is a valuable tool just like an can feed yourself with one and you can protect yourself with it too...
Which is a good thing giving the worthless FBI we are stuck with...
Sensible gun laws we already have...all we have to do is enforce them...
The FBI probably did not do anything about the guy in Las Vegas because he had not broken any laws before he fired his first shot, and god forbid any legislature from making it illegal to buy an arsenal of dangerous deadly weapons whose only purpose is mass killing....

They didn't even meet with the Vegas shooter...they knew he was amassing an arsenal in a very short period of time and they turned their heads...why?

The FBI had this kids full name in September and did nothing...Why?
To meet with him and ask him what he meant by his internet post may have stopped him from doing this...again Why is the FBI allowing these shootings to happen?
And today the FBI lied when they said they couldn't locate the guy who made the youtube post...they had his name and knew he was from south Florida...something is very rotten in the FBI...
There's nothing wrong with being a gun owner, I own a gun for my personal protection....but I'm black. I think white men should be banned from owning guns.
This is all really simple.

The left does not want our right to bear arms to be an individual right. In furtherance of that agenda, the left lies, twists, misinterprets history, and manipulates to try and end-around the constitution without having to do a constitutional convention. It's a cheating shortcut.

You all know it is true.

For this reason, we cannot trust the left. We can't give you commies one inch of gun control because it will never be enough until you get a complete ban.

When we question the left's motives, they get out their Rules For Radicals books and start their ridiculing campaign, calling us paranoid and questioning our mental health, or finding other areas of ridicule, just like Alinsky instructed.

So, here is the deal.

Fuck off. You get NOTHING. We are going to repeal all gun laws or pack the SCOTUS with enough "gun nuts" to declare all gun laws unconstitutional.

This is war. You will lose.

And, once again, all one has to do is suggest some common sense laws, and immediately, here you go with you complete hysteria about how we want to ban all guns. If I were to allow you to bait me with that, you would eventually move into the territory of how you have to have your AR-15 in order to fight the black helicopters of the new world order; meanwhile wondering why we question your sanity, while you visualize yourself in the middle of Main Street drawing down on an Abrams tank headed for your house.

You are right. We lose. And so do your children and grandchildren.

Do we ban all cars because 12000 people are killed every year from drunk drivers? The fact is a gun is a valuable tool just like an can feed yourself with one and you can protect yourself with it too...
Which is a good thing giving the worthless FBI we are stuck with...
Sensible gun laws we already have...all we have to do is enforce them...

Please don't torture us with your absurd automobile strawman again. Forty years of that nonsense is enough.
Does the right to bear arms give Bill Gates the right to buy a slightly used nuclear warhead from Russia?
Answering a question with a question?

This is why the conversation breaks down.

The conversation with you guys breaks down long before that. It breaks down as soon as you start talking about people wanting to ban guns, and then when you counter your own erroneous interpretation of our argument with your absurd strawman about banning cars, when, in fact, nobody on this board has ever suggested banning guns, but only adopting common sense regulations like banning bump stocks, and ending private sales without background checks, and banning 100 round ammo drums.
It doesn't break down. You are a fool who doesn't listen. We should gun down every commie in the us.
This is all really simple.

The left does not want our right to bear arms to be an individual right. In furtherance of that agenda, the left lies, twists, misinterprets history, and manipulates to try and end-around the constitution without having to do a constitutional convention. It's a cheating shortcut.

You all know it is true.

For this reason, we cannot trust the left. We can't give you commies one inch of gun control because it will never be enough until you get a complete ban.

When we question the left's motives, they get out their Rules For Radicals books and start their ridiculing campaign, calling us paranoid and questioning our mental health, or finding other areas of ridicule, just like Alinsky instructed.

So, here is the deal.

Fuck off. You get NOTHING. We are going to repeal all gun laws or pack the SCOTUS with enough "gun nuts" to declare all gun laws unconstitutional.

This is war. You will lose.

And, once again, all one has to do is suggest some common sense laws, and immediately, here you go with you complete hysteria about how we want to ban all guns. If I were to allow you to bait me with that, you would eventually move into the territory of how you have to have your AR-15 in order to fight the black helicopters of the new world order; meanwhile wondering why we question your sanity, while you visualize yourself in the middle of Main Street drawing down on an Abrams tank headed for your house.

You are right. We lose. And so do your children and grandchildren.

Do we ban all cars because 12000 people are killed every year from drunk drivers? The fact is a gun is a valuable tool just like an can feed yourself with one and you can protect yourself with it too...
Which is a good thing giving the worthless FBI we are stuck with...
Sensible gun laws we already have...all we have to do is enforce them...

Please don't torture us with your absurd automobile strawman again. Forty years of that nonsense is enough.
This is all really simple.

The left does not want our right to bear arms to be an individual right. In furtherance of that agenda, the left lies, twists, misinterprets history, and manipulates to try and end-around the constitution without having to do a constitutional convention. It's a cheating shortcut.

You all know it is true.

For this reason, we cannot trust the left. We can't give you commies one inch of gun control because it will never be enough until you get a complete ban.

When we question the left's motives, they get out their Rules For Radicals books and start their ridiculing campaign, calling us paranoid and questioning our mental health, or finding other areas of ridicule, just like Alinsky instructed.

So, here is the deal.

Fuck off. You get NOTHING. We are going to repeal all gun laws or pack the SCOTUS with enough "gun nuts" to declare all gun laws unconstitutional.

This is war. You will lose.

And, once again, all one has to do is suggest some common sense laws, and immediately, here you go with you complete hysteria about how we want to ban all guns. If I were to allow you to bait me with that, you would eventually move into the territory of how you have to have your AR-15 in order to fight the black helicopters of the new world order; meanwhile wondering why we question your sanity, while you visualize yourself in the middle of Main Street drawing down on an Abrams tank headed for your house.

You are right. We lose. And so do your children and grandchildren.

Do we ban all cars because 12000 people are killed every year from drunk drivers? The fact is a gun is a valuable tool just like an can feed yourself with one and you can protect yourself with it too...
Which is a good thing giving the worthless FBI we are stuck with...
Sensible gun laws we already have...all we have to do is enforce them...

Please don't torture us with your absurd automobile strawman again. Forty years of that nonsense is enough.
Shut up scumbag.
The SCUM bag TRUMP HATERS they are beyond pathetic skanks.


Julian Assange ⏳ on Twitter

Trump haters are the most ignorant hateful pieces of shit on the planet. No wonder they have no higher power other than their sickening selves. Karma should find you assholes and fast.
Ultimately, the left wants to confiscate all guns.

When you test them, they always fail. They will never agree to allow a person tested and deemed "safe" to possess an automatic, not because of safety concerns, but because a disarmed populace is easier to control and ignore.
The paranoids are out to get you, Boot.

That's what the left said when all they wanted was gays to get " civil unions"

Now we have guys in dresses using the little girls bathrooms.

You give the left an inch they will always try to take a mile.

Better get your gun and take up a position in front of girls restrooms to end this perfversion completely, Bear!

That's not the point, you just don't like to be exposed for the real motives

Granted, I lost sight of your point somewhere between the 17 shooting deaths in Florida and guys in dresses in girls bathrooms. But you have my sympathy. Attention Deficit Disorder can be a terrible disorder.

So your entire debating strategy is to play dumb and ignorant ?

Yes you are a libtard all right.

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